Hello there !

Discussions which are Out of Character.
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Hello there !

Post by Hyperion »

Hi everyone, sorry for the lame joke. I'm usually roleplaying through forumRP but was considering trying something different. I read your rules and stuff but didn't find the answers or missed them.

- Is it allowed to create your own species and homeworld (I've looked the creation guide and it wasn't really clear to me if we can or not)

- How do characters interact with each others on the forum outside of the journal and how is it synced with the game ?

- Is there any files required outside of the official landing files ?
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: Hello there !

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Greetings, I'll be happy to answer some of your questions:

Here is a link to getting started with making your character and all of the requirements of joining JEDI: [Rules & Protocol] Joining JEDI

1) No. All players must create a character based on canon species already in existence in Star Wars. There is a 'blacklist' of species that are off limits. You can find them in the 'banned species' list on the above link.

2) The forum is not the primary place wherein roleplay happens. 99% of roleplay happens on the server. The 1% that happens on the forums here are for Journal Entries, Lesson Scheduling, Mission Planning, and private 'in game' emails/comport messages between characters. The forum is supplemental to the game, not a major component outside of logistics and scheduling.

3) Generally speaking if you've downloaded all of the files in 'Landing Requirements' you should have everything you need up to any very recent updates to skins and the like. If you find that there are any 'Kyles' on the server or missing meshes send a knight, master, or councilor a private message and we will help you fix the problem.

Please submit an application to the Jedi Secretary Droid account as soon as possible if you wish to be considered to join the community full time. We'll look forward to reviewing it after it's submission. Rules for how to create and submit a character are also found under the Joining JEDI thread at the top of this response.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Hello there !

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Hello, Hyperion. Welcome to JEDI.

Traditionally, we don't allow new players to create their own species and homeworld, precisely because that allows you to give your character any qualities, strengths or abilities that you may wish - all of which could prove to be unbalancing to the nature of the RP and gameplay. As it stands, there are hundreds (if not thousands!) of sentient species in Star Wars Lore: if none of those appeal to you, it would be surprising indeed!

I'd also note that Jedi Academy's a fairly aging game, and has a somewhat limited number of different model options. Although we've done our best to build upon that, and have some rather wonderful model creation within our own community, the chances of you finding something suitable for your own custom-made race seems unlikely!

As far as character interaction goes, 99.9% of it is all done ICly on the JEDI servers themselves: character journals serve mostly as a record of what our characters do, see and feel, with some interaction being made between teachers and students using journals, but typically only as discussed on the server beforehand. We try not to encourage forum-based RP, because that's frankly not what our community is here for!

Now, as far as required files, no, the ones in the Landing Requirements section will suffice: they'll enable you to access the JEDI servers without throwing up any major errors. That said, downloading skins and models is usually a good idea (you can do that reasonably quickly from here), and there are plenty of other files in our Assets section of the Comport that you might find it beneficial to have.

Hopefully you'll enjoy your time here :) Let us know if you have any other questions!


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Re: Hello there !

Post by Hyperion »

Thank you both for your answers :wink:
I wasn't planning to create an overpowered character of course. I'll search online for a species that could fit with my idea.

Is it ok to spectate while you are playing or is it private until your application is reviewed ?
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Kiara O'ren
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Re: Hello there !

Post by Kiara O'ren »

Welcome Hyperion! Good to have you here.

You are actually encouraged to join in and roleplay on the server when you can. Especially after you settle on that species conundrum of yours and send your application in.

Application review is one part of the process but a larger part is evaluating your ability to roleplay in the environment JEDI has established.

Welcome again,
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
|- Initiation: 382.27 ABY -|- Apprenticed: 386.01 ABY -|- Knighted: 397.25 -|- Padawans: Eli Tzineda, Donan Healof, Tarsi Morga -|
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: Hello there !

Post by Aranna Vaan »

You may login and spectate roleplay on the server while your application processes, yes. Just keep in mind our community guidelines and behavior expectations and refrain from posting anything in chat.

Thank you for your interest and I hope our answers have facilitated further interest and helped you on your way towards applying to join us.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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