416.21 | Wyld Space Campaign: Act 2 - The Diplomatic Theater

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Donan Healof
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416.21 | Wyld Space Campaign: Act 2 - The Diplomatic Theater

Post by Donan Healof »

Wyld Space Campaign: Act 2 - The Diplomatic Theater
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 416.21
Location: Hutt cartel casino
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Aren Kelpor
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: None
  • Ambassador of the Republic Dora M'bassa has came to Rannon to join the briefing about the soon to happen negotiations that would take place in a Casino. The negotiations would include the Republic, the Hutt cartel and a few Jedi who accompanied the Republic as to be the neutral side to try and help both sides to find a compromise and most importantly keep the peace between the Hutts' and the Republic as well to keep the Wyld empire off any logistics that would the Hutts' supply them with.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The briefing happened in the artisan wing, where Councilor Vaan accompanied by ambassador M'bassa awaited for us.
  • We listened to the wishes of the Republic which was a demilitarised zone in Bothan space, stopping the illegal use of Ryll and arms trade with the Wyld.
  • Upon leaving we left our lightsabers as a sign of peace and good will.
  • As we arrived and were greeted at the entrance - the security double checked us for any weapons which is understandable.
  • There was more to the plan as the Republic knew the information the Hutts' had and one of us would need to retrieve it while the one left would continue the negotiation, hopefully not raising too much suspicion.
  • I felt that the officer that checked us at the beginning was very tired which seemed not too important at the start but later became a big factor.
  • We started the negotiations with a game of Sabaac - as the dealer dealt cards the Hutt representative said that the one to win first will be able to make his demands first.
  • Fortunately the Republic ambassador was the one to win the first match witch later was clear to be the last one on that table as negotiations started.
  • The ambassador asked to speak with us the Jedi and discuss what we should do - which I used to sneak off and wandering around the big casino either by luck or led by the Force - I've found the commanding center.
  • After waiting long enough I've felt as the aura of the one guard guarding the door dimmed and he stopped moving, upon further investigation it was clear the tired officer from the beginning fell asleep and I used that to enter the command center.
  • After some time I realised that the consoles would be too hard to break in by myself and I did not have a slicing spike that advanced, and that I would need a access key which the sleeping commander had.
  • As I tried to carefully remove the key from the man it fell and woke him up for a second but I've hit both of his sleep arteries fast enough for him to fall back into slumber.
  • With the information acquired I left to rejoin the ambassador and Padawan Aren Kelpor.

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Summary and Actions
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Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

Sneaking off to acquire information could have messed up the negotiation and result in a decrease of trust and maybe even war acts between Hutts and the Republic but fortunately by mere luck or by the Force we managed and came out victorious - I would dare to say.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • [LSAT] Stealth mission simulations should be ran again.
  • I've copied the information to my data pad as well - it could be investigated to see what information the Republic wanted.
  • More unarmed non deadly combat classes for the students so they could defend and put others unconscious without using a weapon that's on stun mode.
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