417.02 | Rehabilitation on Tarabba Prime

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Kiara O'ren
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417.02 | Rehabilitation on Tarabba Prime

Post by Kiara O'ren »

Rehabilitation on Tarabba Prime
Name: Kiara O'ren
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 417.02
Location: RJA Detention Facility, Tarabba Prime
Members of the Jedi Order present: Kiara O'ren, Lucen-Zo
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet, Sector
  • The public of the planet and sector is likely aware that some form of incident happened at the detention facility.
  • It is unknown what information the RJA plans to release as far as the particulars.
  • In order to prevent panic and no-confidence in RJA security, they may elect to downplay the events to the public.

On 417.02, at approximately 1600 GST, I arrived by shuttle at the RJA detention facility, located on Tarabba Prime. With me was Initiate Lucen-Zo and, albeit initially unknown, Prince Ongaar. This trip was originally designed to educate Jedi visitors on the operations of the facility so as to grant greater insight onto the usual outcomes of incidents where Jedi surrender those their take into custody to the rightful authorities. During the trip, the facility came under attack by an unknown group that seemed intent on releasing a particular detained prisoner.

Upon landing, Lucen-Zo and I were greeted by the facility's Warden, the highest ranking command official for the facility. The Warden identified himself as Rako Syvar, a Major with the RJA and mutli-decade veteran with the facility.

The initial tour was uneventful, apart from Ongaar suddenly revealing himself to have stowed away on board the shuttle. Ongaar insisted it was unintentional. The Warden similarly insisted that Ongaar's presence was not a problem and allowed him to join the tour. The Warden reported an impressive track record with the rehabilitation rates of the facility.

It appeared that we were touring a wing of the facility that tended to house inmates that were either trustees of the facility, were close to release, or had exhibited behavior that indicated them as lower-risk to the facility administration. My visual inspection of the facility seemed to indicate that it was heavily fortified. The structures were made out of reinforced durasteel, even Doonium in places, and were defended by a full compliment of armed officers, emplaced repeating blasters, a dish-projected canopy shield, and a pair of warships in low orbit.

The defenses seemed the antithesis of the policy of the facility's interior, wherein it seemed the low risk inmates were allowed to wander free of supervision. We were introduced to an elderly human who was identified as Barroll Caskins, a long term inmate that was sentenced for fleeing the scene of an crash with a transit bus while piloting a stolen airspeeder. He seemed to be left to his own devices in the yard of the facility and was allowed to freely approach the Warden, Lucen-Zo, and I without harassment. Caskins referenced another inmate, named "Kark" Korvenus. Caskins seemed incredibly worried about what Korvenus was up to. However, when I questioned Caskins about his worry, he seemed to retract it to a squabble over tokens. The Warden explained that tokens are exchanged for rations and other consumable goods at the detention facility's commissary. It seemed to me that Caskins' worry outweighed such a seemingly petty dispute. However, I dismissed it at the time under the unfortunate assumption that the mundane life in the detention facility exacerbated the importance of the tokens.

A short while later, Lucen-Zo and I, and now the newly appearing Ongaar, were introduced to the other inmate in question, Karkeneau Korvenus. As mentioned earlier, it appeared that inmates were allowed to remain in unsupervised areas. Korvenus was found to be in a storage room of tech parts and appeared to be instructing two other inmates in best programming practices. I instructed Lucen-Zo to have a look around the room in attempt to determine if any of the crates of parts, which the inmates seemingly had unfettered access to, could potentially be dangerous. After he appeared to search the room, Lucen-Zo returned and seemingly did not find anything ostensibly dangerous.

The Warden continued to explain that Korvenus was a former slicer who spent most of his time in the facility instructing other inmates in terminal programming and networking so that they could seek related jobs once released from the facility. I took the opportunity to question Korvenus about Caskins' worries, but Korvenus was dismissive of them. Korvenus seemed remarkably neutral throughout the interaction, and I got no read of deception from him given what occurred a short while later.

After departing the storage room, the Warden lead us to the mess hall area. He introduced us to a former inmate of the facility, Captain Wingman, who now appeared to be an agent of the facility. Wingman told us the story of his arrest and that he now works with the RJA on counter-piracy efforts.

During the interaction, I felt a disturbance in the Force. It seemed strong enough that even Lucen-Zo and Ongaar seemed initially upset by the shift in invisible atmosphere. As if on cue, the inmate Caskins stumbled into the mess hall and appeared to be nursing an injury to his stomach. Before he could say anything, he collapsed onto the floor. Sounds of blaster fire erupted from the prison yard and an overhead alarm sounded as Captain Wingman and I moved to Caskins in order to provide aid. Caskins appeared to already had been deceased.

I ordered Lucen-Zo to focus on protecting Prince Ongaar and drew my Lightsaber. I left it deactivated at this time as it was still unclear what exactly was occurring and no obvious assailants were visible. An exchange of blaster fire could still be heard coming from the prison yard and the emplaced repeating blaster that was mounted to the roof of the mess hall building, the structure we were occupying, was being discharged. Captain Wingman rushed out of the nearby door into the yard. I yelled for him to stop and come back inside, but he did not appear to hear me or listen to my commands. Several blaster bolts began to impact the ground around him and he appeared to look toward the north and discharge his blaster.

I elected to remain inside and did not move to defend Captain Wingman. I decided that moving into the center courtyard of the facility was too exposed to ambush style attacks and I could not risk Lucen-Zo and Ongaar's safety in order to defend the Captain.

The mess hall building we occupied was build roughly in the shape of an L and encircled the yard of the facility. Lucen-Zo, Ongaar, and I backtracked through this structure, as I intended for us to return toward the landing platform area and our ship, which was on the direct opposite corner of the yard from us. Backtracking through the structure provided us with cover from the unknown assailants.

I had Lucen-Zo peek through a viewport on this structure, but he could not get a good look at what was occurring in the yard and still could not identify the attackers, so we proceeded to backtrack through the facility. On the south side of the facility, we saw a larger viewport that provided an overview of the yard and the canopy-shield generator building on the north side of the facility. I saw that the canopy-shield appeared to still be active. There were unknown figures on the roof of the storage facility. They did not appear to be wearing Republic uniforms. Before I could get a closer look, they commandeered one of the rooftop repeating blasters and fired a volley of bolts in my direction. I was able to leap to my left out of the viewport frame in time but the transparisteel pane melted and shattered.

Lucen-Zo and Ongaar managed to stay down below the view port frame and crawl across toward me so that we could continue backtracking through the facility. We reached the door on the northwest corner of the building. The Warden lead us through this door earlier. The door lead to a small, alley-like gap between the Mess Hall structure and the Storage structure.

I entered the alley-like passageway first and immediately noticed that there appeared to be an unknown male laying face down on the ground with multiple blaster wounds. He appeared to be wearing miscellaneous gear and no readily apparent uniform or other identifying markings. Captain Wingman was laying nearby, propped against the exterior wall of the Storage building. He also appeared to have been hit directly by blaster fire. It appeared that his heavy armor prevented him from being fatally injured and he insisted that he was fine.

Past Wingman, I could see that a large turbolift platform raised a single figure to the Tarabban surface. It appeared to be a human female, light skin, possibly in her middle-30s. Individuals equipped with similar gear to the unknown male in the alley approached this female. I could overhear them greeting her as "my queen" in elation. I heard her respond, "Don't worship me until we're out of this hell hole." At this point, I witnessed Korvenus approach her. Korvenus was armed with a blaster rifle. Based on Korvenus' actions and the fact that the canopy-shield appeared to be still operational. I could only infer that Korvenus had somehow employed his skills as a slicer to allow the attackers access to the facility. It appeared that their goal was to break this female out of the facility for as soon as they began to escort her from the yard, hostilities seemed to cease. I remained in the alley way to gather this information and did not risk confronting the armed group as they were many in number, my allies were injured or otherwise combat ineffective, and I did not want to risk the well-being of the students who were with me. I felt that engaging at this time would likely lead to loss of life.

The attackers departed the yard toward the north. I lost sight of them at this point. I ordered Lucen-Zo to see if he could sneak back to the ship and send a distress signal, as my commlink would not operate for long range, outbound transmissions while under the canopy of the shield. I remained in the alley way to protect Ongaar and attempt to render aid to Captain Wingman and the unidentified male.

A short while later, a shuttle bearing reinforcements from the RJA along with Warden Syvar arrived at the facility and began to secure the area, douse fires, and render aid to injured officers and staff. The exact number of casualties was not shared to me by the RJA. After being debriefed by an investigating officer, we were released and permitted to depart the facility in our shuttle.

A few days later, I was contacted via hypercomm by Warden Syvar. Syvar formally requested Jedi assistance in tracking down and re-apprehending the woman who was broken out of the facility. Syvar identified her as Naveera Sirak. Syvar said that Sirak is a leader of the Skel Dog gang, which had previously operated out of Radra IV. I am not familiar with the gang but it is possible that Jedi based on Radra IV are.

Syvar stated that Captain Wingman managed to plant a tracking device on the hull of the ship that Sirak and her accomplices used to escape. The tracking device showed the ship travelling down the Rimma Trade Route toward Sullust. Unfortunately, tracking information terminates at Sullust. It is unknown if this is due to a malfunction or if Sirak and her accomplices discovered and removed the tracker or purposefully scuttled the ship to avoid further efforts at being tracked.

Related Events
Potential: N/A
Confirmed: N/A
Summary and Actions

Based on the above, I believe it would be prudent to respond to Syvar's request for aid and dispatch a Jedi to contact him for more information about the termination of tracking information. If the tracking information lead to planetside Sullust, then it may be possible to dispatch a Jedi to the planet to determine if there are any investigative leads to determine where Sirak and her accomplices went next or if they went into hiding on Sullust.

Prior to our visit to Tarabba, the Warden reportedly briefed the inmates that Jedi would be visiting. This means that Korvenus likely could inform Sirak that Jedi were present during the raid. However, our decision not to engage during the combat may make them reasonably assume that the Jedi will not be further involved. This could give us the element of surprise advantage should the Council decide to follow-up on this event.
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
|- Initiation: 382.27 ABY -|- Apprenticed: 386.01 ABY -|- Knighted: 397.25 -|- Padawans: Eli Tzineda, Donan Healof, Tarsi Morga -|
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