418.11 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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418.11 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »


We would like to announce that Jedi Master Teynara Jeralyr has been granted a seat on the Council. We would like to congratulate her on the position as a Councilor here in our branch.

She will now post a personal message below. If anyone has any questions or concerns you are free to contact us and we shall do our best to provide you with answers.

- The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: 418.11 // New Councilor

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Greetings, all.

It's fair to say that being asked to join the Council came as something of a surprise, and I'll be honest in saying that I'd considered saying "Thank you, but no", purely because I have never been certain that it is something I could do with the same efficacy as some of those who have served in the past, and equally because I hardly want to let anybody down now.

That said, we're often called to do things that we feel might be beyond our skillsets, or that we may not feel that we can achieve to the degree that we'd like - but failure to answer a call is a failure to accomplish anything at all, and when it boils right down to it, a Jedi's duty is to serve, and to do so to the best of our ability. We're not given guarantees, and we're never really certain until after the fact - but we serve nonetheless! That being so...here I am.

Should anyone need anything, know that my door is always open, but this time, try to take that as meaning that I'm available to you, not simply that I'm no longer in my office!


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