418.12 | Breach of Contract

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Donan Healof
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418.12 | Breach of Contract

Post by Donan Healof »

Breach of Contract | 418.12
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 418.12
Location: The Suarbi sector
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Eluna Mioni
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Sector
  • Jedi were asked to help negotiate the future of a spice mining company in the Suarbi system.
  • Upon arrival we were met by Odae Zirren, Eerdaa Sheaafrec and Dellar 'Del' Shann.
  • During the tour it was clear that this was not the saftest environment and would be seen as red flags by any work inspection organisation.
  • There was a plot behind the CEO by his right hand together with few other workers stealing the Kaltherite gas and selling some of it in the black market to fill their pockets - which will not go unnoticed among the funders and share holders.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • As the tour around the mining facility went on, I felt through the force that anxiety, stress would fill the heart of Eerdaa when Jedi were near.
  • I and Padawan Mioni seperated. While she stayed with 'Del' I went to see the droid that one of the workers said was broken.
  • As I appeared the trio seemed more nervous and would discuss things out of my hearing range.
  • This was all very suspicious so I decided to keep my eye on Eerdaa.
  • Padawan Mioni and I shared our thoughts through the commlink and I joined her so we could both go on an investigate my suspicions that were fueled by Odea Zirren.
  • Odea Zirren wasn't wrong there was something wrong about this all. As Eerdaa and few other workers were stealing from the facility to fill their own pockets despite the already grim economical situation of it.
  • I've noticed that there was only one reading of the fuel canisters per reading on the droid - which made me suspect that either some data got corrupted or was deleted.
  • I saw Eerdaa messing with some control panels near the gas tanks. As he left me alone, I was watching him by extending my senses. I saw him run and I immediatly followed. Unfortunetly, he knew the place better which gave him the extra minute to get into his shuttle and run away before I could stop him.
  • The image of his partner in crime must've looked devestating. As well I am sure that padawan Mioni managed to pull the right strings as I later saw partner of Eerdaa trying to escape on a mining robot.
  • Fortunetly he couldn't hold on for too long and fell of safely onto the ground. We brought him to Del - so he could hear this information from the mouth of his own workers.
  • This encouraged Del to close down the operations before inevitably the funders pull out their funding and it closes eitherwise.

Related Events
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  • None
  • None.

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

Padawan Mioni is a great investigator as she asked the right questions and managed to pull the right strings to push the right person to reveal all cards and I was happy to be able and accompany such an experienced padawan while also gaining experience in investigating as well as negotiating.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • The brought in person should be interrogated as soon as possible to maybe get a lead on Eerdaa.
  • There's been uknown amounts of the gas sold through black market - which still has uknown effects or uses and quite possibly be used dangerously.
  • The sold substance should be found and confiscated.
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Re: 418.12 | Breach of Contract

Post by Eluna »

Breach of Contract | 418.12
Name: Eluna Mioni
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 418.12
Location: Suarbi sector
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Learner Donan Healof
  • Padawan Learner Eluna Mioni

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Sector
  • We were tasked to help negotiate the future of a spice mining company in the Suarbi system in regards to the wyld threat approaching.
  • Dellar Shann, head of the research and facility was the first to introduce himself followed by Eerdaa Sheaafrec, head foreman of this mining facility and Odae Zirren representative of Rencorp.
  • We inspected the facility and splitted at some point. I stayed with Dellar to negotiate the shut down of the facility while Donan went to inspect a droid failure.
  • We discovered that the head foreman was smuggling the Kaltherite gas behind the Rencorp's back.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • None
  • None.

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

Padawan Healof proved to have a good instinct or attention to the Force as, while I was negociating, he sensed the plot happening. Though Eerdaa Sheaafrec managed to escape, I think if I have rejoined padawan Healof sooner we could have arrested him.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Arrest Eerdaa Sheaafrec.
  • Make sure that the informations about the facility doesn't spread to the ears of the empire.
  • Make sure that Dellar Shann's researches doesn't end in the wrong ends.
  • Make the facility inoperable to the Wyld empire.

◄▌Name : Eluna Mioni Birthdate : 392.28▐►
◄▌Homeplanet : Thustra Initiated : 400.10 Mentor : Saesee Yaren▐►

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