420.31 | Aiding Knight Vantane

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Donan Healof
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420.31 | Aiding Knight Vantane

Post by Donan Healof »

Aiding Knight Vantane
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 420.31
Location: Excarga
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Jedi Knight Daegon Evera
  • Padawan Eluna Mioni
  • Padawan AyyaGella
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Planet>
  • During her mission Jedi Knight Nicole Vantane was captured by the Wyld special forces on the planet of Excarga. Jedi Knight Daegon Evera followed her path and some investigation later got hold of her position informing all the Padawans that were currently at the temple the need of being assisted.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Time was not our friend, so we had to move out quickly. Accompanied by TF-AR we've left the atmosphere of Rannon.
  • As we arrived at given co-ordinates it did feel as if we were expected and most likely a trap was laid out for us.
  • The Wyld were using droids mostly - I guess it was to keep the factor of surprise since they're much harder to detect.
  • There were different locations of interest so we had to spilt up.
  • I and Ayya went one way, Eluna and Knight Evera went another.
  • They used technology that masks one to look like another - as there was an Wyld fighter that was made to look like Nicole, yet the immediate tell was the aura difference. If I was to guess I would say it was some sort of hologrid technology rip off - similar to what we use in our temple but working more like a suit with reflectors of the image.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • There was several Wyld force users and I believe both teams faced them.
  • Ayya and I managed to eventually defeat the one we faced - which was no easy task. His zealous devotion for their cause has raised him from the ground faster than I'd swing my blade.
  • I did try to save his life and take him in alive but I did not manage to, he was to dangerous to be kept alive eventually after my two tries to save him.
  • Knight Vantane managed to stop his vibroblade with her bare hands with the use of Tutaminis and then pushed him away with the Force - this was when I struck the final blow piercing his lungs and going straight for the heart as I did not want him to feel much pain.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • None
  • None

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

All in all Eluna, Ayya and Knight Evera did great in their tasks, I did not worry for a second that Eluna and Evera will fail in what they're doing and they were quick to run to us after we defeated the Wyld user.

It's not for me to say but maybe something can be done to stop this sort of scenario from happening any time soon.
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Re: 420.31 | Aiding Knight Vantane

Post by Ayyagella »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Ayyagella
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 421.01 ABY
Location: Excarga
Members of the Jedi Order present: Padawan Donan, Padawan Eluna, Knight Daegon Evera
Level of Exposure: None
Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Knight Nicole Vantane was captured while on mission against the Wyld, A broadcast was given to the temple to call all available to help in her rescue. This included the Padawan mentioned above.
  • Master Daegon Evera Was tracking it and sent out the signal Leading to the rescue of knight Nicole Vantane. Minor injuries where sustained by most, with the worst being the droid T3 having its head cut off by padawan ayyagella. Due to 'mixing up the droid during a fight with a wyld.
Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Mostly droids where used which was strange from there usual forces being troops.
  • A wyld held Nicole Vibroblade to throat leaving little time for sparing of lives, All considered The Wyld was needed to be killed at the end.
  • Padawan Donan, with the help of a half incapacitated master Vantane managed to best and subdue the wyld in question.

Jedi Council Clearance
Related Events

Confirmed: any wyld related missions
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..
Those who are involved did well with there tasks in a stressful and time sensitive mission with little to no information to go off of.
My recommendations are as follows...
  • Leave and do missions in groups of two or more. solo missions can lead to issues and Possible more dangerous situations without the ability to call for help.
  • Keep those who are able and willing on notice in case another rescue mission is needed for any other in the Order.
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