Wyld Space ARC FINALE - Into Darkness Phase 2

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Aren Kelpor
Jedi Knight
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Wyld Space ARC FINALE - Into Darkness Phase 2

Post by Aren Kelpor »

Wyld Space ARC FINALE - Into Darkness Phase 2
Name: Aren Kelpor
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 424.03
Location: Wyld Homeworld
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Daegon Evara, Jedi Knight Nicole Vantane, Jedi Padawan Aren Kelpor, Jedi Padawan - Eluna Mioni

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Galaxy
  • A Jedi Strike Team infiltrated the Wyld Emperors Ziggurat and captured him, bringing an end to the conflict.
  • One of the Jedi assigned to the Strike Team was killed.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The Jedi Strike team met up with a squad of rangers and moved through the tunnels into the city proper
  • The strike team encountered heavy resistance the entire way to the Ziggurat.
  • While in the tunnels, a group of engineers called the “Unclean” were being held in a secure room. The strike team and the rangers liberated them and escorted them to safety.
  • During the initial push into the city, the Strike team located locations of additional “Unclean” and forwarded their locations to the Marine Battalions.
  • Jedi Knight Evera gave his life to defeat the emperor, who was ultimately captured.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • During the push into the Ziggurat, the strike team encountered resistance from numerous Wyld Users.
  • The Emperor challenged the strike team, and systematically disabled the Strike Team, before killing Jedi Knight Evera. Jedi Knight Evera gave the last of himself to give the remaining members of the strike team the strength they needed to ultimately restrain and capture the Emperor.
  • His two guards surrendered peacefully just after that.
Related Events
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Confirmed: Image
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..the Jedi Strike team did admirably. With the support of the rangers, they encountered stiff resistance through the tunnels and into the city itself. Once they made their way into the city proper, they were beset upon by numerous Wyld Empire troopers. The entire path to the Ziggurat was a slow advance. Once the strike team arrived at the Ziggurat additional Wyld User’s attacked the strike team, further slowing the advance until they made it to the emperor's throne room. The Emperor challenged the strike team to a four-on-one duel, where ultimately Master Evera gave his life. Padawan’s Kelpor and Mioni were able to hold the Emperor, While Jedi Knight Vantane disarmed and restrained him. The surviving members of the strike team were seriously injured, and required significant time to recover.
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Birthday: 388.09
Initiated: 399.04
Apprenticed: 400.20
Mentor: Wen-Ordo
Knighted: 428.26
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