429.18 l White Bantha Finale

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Nil Zendu
Jedi Knight
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429.18 l White Bantha Finale

Post by Nil Zendu »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Nil Zendu
Location:Rannon (Calidi Badlands Compound)
Members of the Jedi Order present:

Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider
Padawan Eluna Mioni
Padawan Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet
  • Members of the Jedi Order made contact with RSF troops to raid and secure the main base of a criminal organization known as the White Bantha.
  • Large amounts of Spice were found in shipping containers at the facility.
  • The White Bantha leader Salazar Hahk was apprehended at a nearby location.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider dropped off Padawans Eluna Mioni and Nil near the White Bantha base. Due to a sand storm, visibility was limited and drop was made closer than originally planned. Both Padawans made contact with Lieutenant Ire and the RSF troops. The RSF proceeded with breaching the walls of the compound with detonation charges. The Padawans lead the charge through the opening but met no resistance and found the compound was left empty. The only thing left were large shipping containers holding spice for possible distribution. Shortly after they were ambushed by White Bantha guards. After a brief fire fight, the RSF troops were able to secure the compound.
  • Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider contacted Padawans Eluna Mioni and Nil Zendu through comms and informed them of another location requiring Jedi presence. Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider exfiltrated both Padawans to a nearby facility. After dropping them off he provided air support as the Padawans met with representative of the White Bantha. The representative informed them that Salazar Hahk was ready to surrender. She lead them through the facility and to a room with high ranking members of their organization which included Salazar Hahk himself. The offer of surrender was a ruse. Both Padawns Eluna Mioni and Nil Zendu fell through a trap door. They were able to escape through a nearby shaft.
  • Shortly after they encountered Salazar Hahk's elite guards. After neutralizing them, the Padawans were successful in detaining Salazar Hahk with the help of Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider who rendezvoused with the Padawans a short while after the two engaged Salazar Hahk.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The White Bantha used stealth technology to catch the RSF troops and Padawans off guard. The Padawans were unable to sense their presence and as a result, both Padawns Eluna Mioni and Nil Zendu sustained minor injuries. The RSF also sustained casualties after the ambush. Upon defeating one of the White Bantha guards, Nil Zendu witnessed the guard take his own life by swallowing an unknown substance.
  • A datapad was recovered by Padawan Eluna Minoi after the fire fight. It contained a stock manifest.
  • When attempting to have Salazar Hahk surrender, Padawns Eluna Mioni and Nil Zendu became trapped in a force field that inhibited the use of their force abilities. Afterwards, a trap door opened and they landed into a ranchor pit. The beast was aggressive and attacked on sight. Padawan Eluna Mioni elected to distract instead of engage the ranchor while Padawan Nil Zendu found an escape.
  • The White Bantha guards who were with Salazar Hahk were highly trained in the close quarters combat. They were equipped with high grade vibroblades. Salazar Hahk himself was equipped similarly. Padawns Eluna Mioni and Nil Zendu were forced to defend themselves and fatally wounded the guards. The Padawans were able to hold their own against Salazar Hahk until Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider arrived to provide support. Salazar Hahk Survived the encounter.
  • Salazar Hahk was detained and transported to a holding cell in the security wing of the Rannon Praxeum awaiting interrogation.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • When Salazar Hahk first met Padawans Eluna Mioni and Nil Zendu, he appeared frail and weak. After his guards were neutralized, he injected himself with a drug that made him move faster, hit harder, and appear to have the reflexes of a force user. After he was detained, the mask covering his face was removed and his flesh appeared to be melting off his face.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: 428.26 | Shadow Looms over the Diplomatic Garden
Confirmed: 428.10 // Rannon: Blood fills the streets of Haranae

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • The stock manifest that was discovered at the compound could be important. Although the White Bantha seemingly have only been dealing in Spice, if whatever Salazar Hahk injected himself finds itself on the streets of Haranae or worse yet in the hands of other criminal organizations off world, it could pose a danger to the Jedi and the rest of the galaxy. The White Bantha's ties to other criminal organizations and connections to shipping points make this an urgent matter.
  • Interrogate Salazar Hahk to find what he has been planning. A possible drug test to see what is in his system may be necessary as well.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
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