433.23 | Roiling up the Nebula

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Eli Tzineda
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433.23 | Roiling up the Nebula

Post by Eli Tzineda »

Roiling up the Nebula
Name: Eli Tzineda
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 433.23
Location: The Roil Nebula
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Eli Tzineda, Padawan Learner Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: None, Confidential, Stealth Military Operation
  • N/A

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Successfully infiltrated the XQ space station undetected as requested by the Council and GRID.
  • Upon infiltrating the nest, Padawan-hatchling Zendu and this one conducted stealth hunt, slicing two of the three terminals in order to acquire the details of Roiler activity.
  • In the meantime, this one instructed Padawan Zendu to remain calm, observant, and patient. He was occasionally rattled by difficulty of slice, or hasty in desire to complete mission quickly when time was still in our pack.
  • This one was unable to slice one terminal and instead used the data-spike handed to us by Councilor Vaan. This action alerted the station to a malfunction in the system, but not to these ones presence, enabling us to complete the objectives and secure the information prey successfully.
  • Padawan Zendu sliced two of the three terminals whilst being equally vigilant of patrols and heeding this ones commands when ordered to take cover until it was safe to continue slicing hunt(s).
  • The Republic Navy revealed itself to the Roiler pack, along with our packmate GRID agent, in order to create a distraction for our successful escape - something this one did not see as necessary - however, it is easy to say after the fact.
  • With this ones watch complete, and Padawan Zendu successfully overcoming his concerns and impatience in order to complete slicing attempts, this one posed a question to the Padawan-hatchling; the GRID agent was pinned down and in need of rescue, however, these ones could escape and leave that one behind. What would he do? Padawan Zendu chose to attempt rescue of our packmate - something that pleased this one.
  • The GRID agent, information prey, and these ones, escaped successfully and unharmed (in stolen K-Wing and B-Wing), joining the fleet in our retreat from the Roil Nebula.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • The rescue of the GRID agent was almost a complete success. This one instructed Padawan Zendu on multiple occasions to not take lives or send anyone to the boneyard. There was only one fatality of a possible many.
  • The student demonstrated restraint as these ones incapacitated numerous members of the Roiler-pack in order search for the GRID agent. This satisfied this one.
  • The captured GRID agent was flanked by two commando-type targets. Both Padawan Zendu and this one engaged our own prey individually. This ones target took it's own life and became forever harmless, thus avoiding capture.
  • Unfortunately, Padawan Zendu chose to end his prey, and this one is yet to determine whether that was a necessary end to the hunt or not.
  • Initial impression of the information prey acquired through slicing suggests the Roiler-pack has connections to the Imperial remnant.
Related Events
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

  • Have a capable droid-device expert examine and decode the information downloaded by Padawan Zendu and this one to determine the Roilers tracks and ties to any and all other factions or organizations.
  • Liason with GRID and Republic Navy for debriefing in understanding the next course of action as a result of first point.
  • Check flight logs of both B-Wing and K-Wing for further information prey that could aid these ones in future hunts.

    On Padawan Zendu:
  • Determine reasoning for decision making in ending the commando's life. This one questions whether it was necessary due to the skill level Padawan Zendu already demonstrated by taking out multiple waves of mercenaries without the use of lethal force. It is safe to assume, the commando was not a shenbit, but this one did not sense an unusual amount of danger from either his or Padawan Zendu's foe.
  • Perhaps it would be wise to debrief Padawan Zendu on that ones hunt - especially on point above, but also on any and all information he may have seen when downloading the sliced data. If there is Imperial involvement, this one believes it wouldn't be beneficial for the Praxeum residents to engage in a round of 'wookiee-whispers' based on what this one and Padawan Zendu found.

Hatched: 392.10 // Initiated: 398.02
Transfered: 398.08 // Apprenticed: 405.07 // Knighted: 430.22 // Padawan(s): Zhu'shk

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Nil Zendu
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Re: 433.23 | Roiling up the Nebula

Post by Nil Zendu »

Roiling up the Nebula
Name:Nil Zendu
Date(s): 433.23 ABY
Location:The Roil Nebula
Members of the Jedi Order present: Knight Tzineda, Padawan Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: None, Confidential, Stealth Military Operation
  • N/A

    Knight Security Clearance
    Information available to Knights+
    • Master Tzineda and I successfully infiltrated the XQ space station via modified escape pods. The objective was to collect data linking the Roilers to the Independent Reach Party and nominee Ralskun Direeb followed by disabling the shield generator to allow for a bombardment of the station. GRID agent Snap assisted in the operation by providing intel on enemy movement and activity in the area.
    • Master Tzineda's enhanced senses were vital in remaining undetected in the station. We avoided combat while locating security terminals throughout the station. Slicing the terminals was necessary in order to collect secured data and after much stress, I was able to slice the terminals with the encouragement of Master Tzineda. Master Tzineda also used his superior agility to reach the shield generator. Using one of the spikes Master Vaan provided us, he was able to bring down the shields with little issue.
    • GRID agent Snap sliced one of the terminals on his side of the station allowing us to collect the necessary data needed to complete the objective. Somehow, the guards were alerted to his presence and he needed immediate assistance. With the republic fleet beginning it's bombardment, we had no time to lose and rushed to his aid. We were able to nonlethally neutralize the guards and rescue the agent without sustaining any injuries. Master Tzineda and myself commandeered a B-Wing and a K-Wing to make our escape from the station's destruction.

    Jedi Council Clearance
    Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
    • While collecting the secured data for the mission, what looked like the imperial signia flashed over my datapad screen. Some of the guards at the station who detained agent Snap wore imperial armor. There was even a hangar filled with TIE fighters. I've only seen images like those while studying in the archives but their design was unmistakable. The Imperial remnant has a connection with the Roilers.
    • Master Tzineda instructed me refrain from killing any of the guards. I complied however the last trooper refused to surrender. To protect myself and the agent, the trooper met a permanent end.
    Related Events
    Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
    Confirmed: 432.18 //433.15 | Echoes in the Night
    Summary and Actions
    An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
    Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

    In my opinion..
    With Master Tzineda's non lethal approach, a few of those imperials might have escaped the station before it was destroyed. They're still out there and know the jedi are on to them. They may rush their plans causing them to get sloppy. We may be able to take advantage of this.

    It is of concern however how well equipped they were. Jet packs, motion detector mines, TIE fighters, cloaking devices, a wide arrange of fire power. They're being funded by someone or an organization with deep pockets. Perhaps the data we were able to obtain could reveal more.

    My recommendations are as follows...
    • Analyze the data we were able to obtain. It's our best lead. If there is any information on how these imperials were able to obtain such equipment, all we have to do is follow the credits.
    • Perhaps the B-Wing and K-Wing we commandeered can provide us some clues. Communication logs, check for reports of any missing/stolen B-Wings or K-Wings, etc.
    • Nominee Ralskun Direeb is not off the hook. While we can't determine at this moment that he is directly involved, we shouldn't rule it out. We should observe him and see if there are any changes in his daily routine.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
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