Reaching for Glory Campaign Record

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Aranna Vaan
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Reaching for Glory Campaign Record

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Reaching for Glory Campaign Record

Map of the Gordian Reach

The Gordian Reach is a sector of space most well known for the famous system Yavin IV and its storied past of mythic Sith experimentation, headquarters of the Rebel Alliance during the height of the Empire, start of the New Jedi Order, and so on. The sector as a whole has been split up for centuries by different factions through time.

The natural border, even through today, is along a long nebula called “The Roil”, that splits the Gordian Reach into two sections, the “Reach Proper” as well as an area called the “Back Reach” which is on the eastern side of the Roil. The "Reach Proper" consists completely of systems enrolled in the Galactic Republic while the "Back Reach" consists completely of independent, sovereign, systems outside of Republic Space. Despite the political borders that have been imposed on the sector, many citizens in both the Reach proper and the Back Reach consider themselves as having a common heritage in their region.

Recent cycles have seen a rise of this sector-wide spirit both in the Back Reach as well as Republic controlled sectors in the Reach Proper. Galvanizing this movement is an ultranationalist group calling themselves “The Roilers”, named after the nebula within the region. They’ve been leading protests, often turning them violent, with the message that the whole Gordian Reach should be an independent state to provide peace and stability to a sector that has been divided up by Empires, Republics, and foreign influence for over a thousand years.

The Roilers Insignia

Starting in 432.29, the region started suffering a series of terror attacks with no group formally claiming responsibility for them. The Republic and Jedi Order found direct evidence that tied “The Roilers” to these attacks, however, making the knowledge public without a ‘smoking gun’ could prove dangerous as Reach nationalists could easily spin the accusations as ‘anti-independence propaganda’. The attacks utilized sabotaged DE units from Industrial Automation to further blurry who was responsible for the chaos, pinning it possibly on faulty equipment failures from the droid manufacturing giant.

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Jedi Knight Ayyagella and Jedi Padawan Nil Zendu responded to the first attack at 432.29 on the regional capital of Torque, rendering first aid to injured civilians as well as identifying that a signal from within The Roil nebula had triggered the self-destructing droids.

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Using the coordinates for that signal as a guide, Masters Pent Desh and Aren Kelpor led an expedition along with Knights Kiara O’ren and Donan Healof into “The Roil”, making snap calculations to avoid intense dangers in order to plot a course to get to the central headquarters of the organization.

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Upon completion of the hyperspace course, Jedi Knight Eli Tzenda and Nil Zendu infiltrated the space station to obtain encrypted files that had mission-critical information for the future operations of The Roilers. Once the files were acquired, the Republic Second Fleet sent in a battle group to destroy the station, giving the Jedi cover in order to escape in enemy fighters they liberated.

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The encrypted files were given to a Jedi decryption team on Rannon who worked tirelessly for days to decipher the meaning of the messages. Eventually, through a process, the Jedi were able to decrypt the messages which told about upcoming plans to attack the major space station and trade hub Jovan Station, as well as proving a direct link between The Roilers & Empire, as well as agents inside both the Republic and Industrial Automation.

Unfortunately, the decryption team did not translate the plans to attack Jovan Station in time, and the first phase of “Operation Smokescreen”, as The Roilers called it, was executed before Jedi or Republic forces could intervene. Relevant information below:

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Using information that was obtained from breaking through the encrypted messages, it became known that there was an accomplice in the droid manufacturer Industrial Automation who was providing sabotaged DE units to the organization to facilitate their terror attacks, as well as there's an Imperial Agent within the Republic senate who is feeding the Roilers sensitive information to aid their secessionist cause.

Through an internal investigation, Industrial Automation found the saboteur of the DE units and took them into custody.

JEDI infiltrators moved to moonlight as this saboteur. Because he operated under a pseudonym with the Roilers they did not know his true identity. JEDI infiltrators Padawan Nil Zendu and Knight Helayna Bralor met with Roiler agents at a drop-off point with a new batch of 'sabotaged' DE units. The two split up, Master Bralor going on recon to investigate the area while Padawan Zendu proved his mechanics abilities by sabotaging one droid in front of the Roiler contact in order to gain their trust and be shown the local base where the droids would be sent out from.

While on the mission, Jedi infiltrators saw that Roiler muscle was extrajudicially evicting local alien residents by force, loading them onto freighters. Master Bralor successfully liberated a large group of refugees. Unfortunately, this also caused her to be separated from Padawan Zendu who had been discovered while slicing the droid and was led into a trap. Attacked by an 0-0-0 assassin Droid, Padawan Zendu was severely wounded and the Roilers managed to escape with the sabotaged droids.

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Meanwhile, Jedi diplomats were deployed to Coruscant to track down the Imperial spy working on behalf of the Roilers that was embedded in the Senate. Internal Senate investigations narrowed down the thread of intelligence to a select group of individuals, many of whom were attending a socialite party in a diplomatic suite on Coruscant's upper levels. Jedi Knight Aren Kelpor was assigned along with Padawan TyriaJab to attend the event undercover, identify the Imperial Spy, and arrest them.

The Spy nearly made an escape, being cornered by Knight Kelpor who grilled him for incriminating evidence while Padawan TyriaJab secured the entrance. The Spy detonated a sabotaged protocol droid to knock Knight Kelpor to the ground, darting out to get to an escape vehicle. However, the Jedi were able to intercept the spy nonetheless and subdue him, bringing him into custody.

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Despite uncovering these mysteries, the political momentum of the Roiler party in the Back Reach carried them to a number of major victories in the Independent Systems of the "Back Reach." This wave of victories in governments outside of the Republic's borders increased anxiety across the Republic that in the upcoming Republic elections internally the "Independent Reach Party" candidate Ralskun Direeb may, in fact, win and hand over the whole Gordian Reach to the Roilers after introducing a secession document to the Senate on Coruscant...

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In response to this, the Republic Senate requested for Jedi peacekeepers to attend election day across all of the Republic systems in the Gordian Reach. Suspecting that the Roilers would use some sort of terror attack to derail the elections, invalidating them or causing people to not turn out and vote, the Jedi Order from all branches sent Knights and Padawans to every polling place across the sector. Jedi from Rannon AyyaGella and Nil Zendu returned to Torque to oversee elections on the regional capital.

While there, a Roiler defector approached the pair saying that there were bombs placed at two of the largest polling places in the whole planet and sector. The pair had to work together to decipher an improvised bomb manual while disarming the toxin bombs located at both polling booths, which they did successfully.

The plot foiled and the elections going off without any problems, the election results came in days later with a solid victory for the incumbent senator from the Diplomat Party, spelling the end of the Independent Reach Party's bid for power and upholding the Republic's territorial integrity.

Relevant Documentation


While the Jedi managed to save the Republic Systems in the Gordian Reach from falling to the Ultranationalist group, the independent systems where the Roilers had taken legislative majorities still faced an uncertain future. Immediately, Feena Governor Vahn Goreing took center stage as the pan-sector leader of his political movement. The legislative terms for many of these planets were 4 cycles and many in the Back Reach held their breath, hoping that at the end of those 4 long cycles they would have the opportunity to politically oust the Roilers in a new election cycle.

But, governors and executives across the Back Reach wasted no time enacting executive orders while legislative majorities passed suppressive laws that solidified their power more and more every cycle that passed. Nonetheless, about halfway through these terms the future of the Back Reach remained in the air as the Roilers found many guardrails in these local governments blocking them from swiftly taking power.

437.18 // Roilers Wrestle with Inability to Consolidate in the Gordian Reach

Tragically, despite a valiant effort from countless unnamed local legislators across the Back Reach to prevent a total consolidation of these systems into a unified authoritarian state, the Roilers excecated nothing less than a civil coup. In a wave of mass arrests due to the addition of a mysterious 'Minister Soleb' of the Ministry of Purity and Thought, duly elected legislators across the whole back half of the sector were rounded up over the course of a few short rotations, arrested, and imprisoned in undisclosed locations. Shortly after, on 439.31, Vahn Goreing, addressing the people of the Galaxy, announced that moving forward the Back Reach would be consolidated into a formal government dubbed the "Third Estate."

[439.31] // The Back Reach formally folds into the Third Estate

Only time will tell what the fate of the Back Reach, and the Galaxy at large, will be as this new Authoritarian regime continues to grow in its power...

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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