435.25 | The Plagued Village

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435.25 | The Plagued Village

Post by Zhu'shk »

435.25 | The Plagued Village
Name: Zhu'shk
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 435.25
Location: One of the farms near Kenzie. Rannon. Outer Rim.
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Donan Healof, Jedi Knight
  • Mako Kogane, Jedi Initiate
  • Tyria'Jab, Padawan Learner
  • Zhu'shk, Padawan Learner
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Planet>
  • Allegedly, Mayor Anzati Acorn of Rannon is implicated in a scandal involving his potential role in the origin of a viral outbreak in Kenzie.
  • Some sources suggest it originated from a deal between himself and the Hutt Cartel, through the black market.
  • He has been seen escorted away by a GRID operative, from the farm of former Commander, and decorated veteran, Kharo Rain, who spoke out publicly against him to the media.
  • The virus itself remains mysterious to the public, but they are urged to practice good hygiene.
  • The author of the more popular article on the subject credits the Jedi for their alleged help in uncovering the truth of the scandal.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Master Donan Healof briefed the three students on a situation on a Farm near kenzie, local war hero and current day farmer, Kharo Rain, held a big amount of foodstuffs and products hostage, threatening to burn it down, possibly to terrible consequences. Believing it all to be, allegedly, poisoned.
  • It is posited that his time in the Wyld War, though successful and in avoidance of bloodshed, still left him mentally unwell, and it is not impossible that it may all be a delusion. Master Healof however warned the students to take the possibility that it is true into account aswell. However, to keep in mind that Kharo is armed, and armored, possibly dangerous, but combat is to be avoided at all cost. Their mission was to deescalate the situation, aswell as check for the veracity of former commander Kharo's claims.
  • Information was also given about others on the scene, the mayor of Kenzie, Anzati Acorn, already wealthy businessman, introducing himself into the agricultural business. Aswell as a captain of the R.S.F. Stag Eversome, noted to have served under Kharo Rain during the war. Biographies on all three individuals are sent to the students' datapads, now deleted.
  • Master Healof was not to participate on the scene itself, instead taking on the task of keeping media away, trusting the students to handle the situation.
  • The students equipped themselves with sample-taking equipment before the trip is made towards the farm.
  • Tensions are high on the farm. Kharo Rain attempts to tell off all at the scene to leave, especially Anzati Acorn, who likewise, yells to incite the R.S.F. officers to violence against the former commander. Verbal insults and violence are the only which happened.
  • The students first talked to Stag Eversome, being briefed on the situation, and on the commander more specifically. Then attempted to tell off Anzati Acorn, who was continuing to call for violence against the farmer.
  • Eventually the students decided to speak to Kharo Rain himself, aswell as investigate his claims of the poisoned foodstuffs. Having seemingly a soft spot for Jedi, whom he served with during the war, he was easily convinced to come down from the roof, and speak in doors, inside his greenhouse.
  • He explained that he felt deep down that the plants weren't as usual, weren't right, even though it did not look like it. Also explaining that this same sense for things occured before, such as during the war. It was unspoken but suspected to be hints of Commander Kharo's potential Force sensitivity.
  • The students oblige the farmer, and inspect the plants, and though nothing is found at first, eventually, a sort of residue, most unusual, is detected upon the plants. On them, on the roots. Samples are taken and kept, and the former commander is proven not to be delusional.
  • Speaking about what action to take next, Captain Stag was informed from higher up that he was to be relieved of his participation in this case. Later this was revealed to mean that a GRID operative replaced him.
  • The students determined that with the negative relation between Kharo and Anzati, Anzati's potential connection to Kharo through their experiences in war, aswell as his desire to enter the agricultural field on a business standpoint, that it was most necessary for Anzati to be checked and investigated there and then for his possible involvement with the poisoning, that is, check for this residue on him.
  • With the arrival of the GRID operative, it was learned that multiple fields were affected by this 'poison' which is rather a disease spreading through plants, which is contagious to humans through ingestion of the infected plants. It was also discovered that Anzati had potential ties to a black market, though the GRID operative was deceiving, and was easily discovered so. This information was revealed true later. The students were given authority to investigate Anzati by the GRID operative.
  • Residue was discovered by Anzati's shoes and pants. Further, through investigation and interrogation, Anzati confessed to have bought this 'disease' through the Hutts, them claiming it would help his crops, but he believed that it would be foolish of him to test it on his own crops first, so he tested on one of his competitors in the business, Kharo Rain, or perhaps multiple, and claimed he only learned after that it was viral and contagious to humans.
  • Having given enough information to be arrested, the GRID operative took him in, and Anzati refused to give further information.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed: 435.25 // Alleged Scandal Involving Mayor Anzati Unveils New Turn
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

No one was killed, no one was injured, the source of a great danger was found, and a possible lead into the Hutts is present. I believe this was successful.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Former commander Kharo, as well as all farmers affected should be compensated, Kharo himself specifically, should receive psychological treatment, his experiences in and because of the war have affected him greatly, he is sane but he is pained. This situation was but 'the last straw' as humans like to say, his illness perhaps make him more impulsive, rash, but he has good intentions, and and no real desire for violence. He should be given peace, and aid. His mental wellbeing is most important to the efficiency and output of his farm, his experience is invaluable to the agriculture of Rannon, and his gift with the Force helps him, and has helped us.
  • As Master Healof suggested, Master Vilume and Master Lhot should be contacted for help in the subject of this disease, affecting plant and sentient. We have the samples, we only need give them for analysis. It may be important if this plague is more dangerous than first thought. As far as is known, the disease spreads from plant to plant, and to humans when digested. The symptoms are high temperature and weakness currently, who is to say when they develop. Also finding who are affected besides humans could be important, aswell as why others are not affected but humans are.
  • Very importantly, this should be considered a lead into the Hutt cartel, if this is a common occurance, purposeful or not, this is a biological attack, perpetrated by Anzati, but also indirectly by the Hutts, they should be brought to justice, and any other attacks, stopped before more can be hurt. The motive may be to profit by selling agricultural products at higher prices to these affected sectors.
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