435.25 l Winner Take All

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Nil Zendu
Jedi Knight
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435.25 l Winner Take All

Post by Nil Zendu »

Winner Take All
Name:Nil Zendu
Date(s): 435.25 ABY
Members of the Jedi Order present: Knight Ayyagella, Padawan Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Sector
  • The highly anticipated election was underway as the polls on sector capital Torque were finally open for the public. Despite security concerns, the day ended with no interruptions in voting apart from a small incident where two buildings holding voting booths needed to be evacuated for a short period of time.
  • Candidate Ralskun Direeb gave a speech to his supporters while voters were at the polls. Direeb was able to get his controversial views across without incident.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Jedi Knight Ayyagella and Padawan Zendu were deployed to Torque in order to provide security detail over the polls due to concerns of a Roiler interference through intimidation or possible terrorist attack.
  • Candidate Ralskun Direeb was also there giving a speech in supporters. While his political views could be seen as dangerous, he was none the less allowed to speak freely and if need be protected should violence occur.
  • When the polls opened, a bomb threat was called in and both polling stations needed to be evacuated calmly while the threat was dealt with.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Upon arrival, both Knight Ayyagella and I met Lieutenant Xak. He was confident in the security of the voting booths. He claimed that there was a security sweep done before and after voting started. We still took a small amount of time to check for any visible signs of tampering before the polls were opened.
  • While Lieutenant Xak led Knight Ayyagella and myself around our patrolling area, we came across civilians wearing Roiler arm bands. While moving past them we were able to sense through the force a forboding danger looming. Lieutenant Xak was on a first name basis with the individuals. He spoke of how they were just citizens here to vote and not cause any trouble.
  • After inspection of the second site, Lieutenant Xak led us to where we would be operating from. It was a large control room that was filled with security forces monitoring incoming/outgoing comm frequencies, surveillance of the immediate area, and reporting anything they find suspicious. It was decided that I would patrol the streets between the two voting sites while Knight Ayyagella stay at the control room and monitor the situation from there.
  • While I looked over the first site, it was communicated to me by Knight Ayyagella that she had received information that two bombs armed with a deadly toxin had been hidden in both voting sites. If they went off, they would most likely kill hundreds in the area.
  • Security in the area managed to calmly evacuate the building while Knight Ayyagella and I defused the bombs. We managed to do so by working together. I had to relay details of the bombs to her while she used a manual obtained earlier to guide me through defusal.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • I was later told the information obtained by Master Gella came from a Roiler who defected to our side. In exchange for the information, the Roiler requested he be placed in witness protection.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed: 435.17 // Roilers Sweep Local Elections as Senate Race Looms


Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • While most of the security on sight were professional and vital to the success of the mission. It bothers me knowing that a complete sweep of the area was done and still someone managed to plant not just one but two bombs. Unfortunate to say, but reason points to it being an inside job. As previously stated, Lieutenant Xak knew the men wearing the Roiler arm bands. We sensed danger near by as we passed them. While this is not enough to prove Lieutenant Xak knew of the attack, it does prove that not much separates our allies from our enemies. Future operations involving cooperation with local authorities should be met with a degree of skepticism. At best they may not have all the details. At worst they are involved.
  • The defector still sits in holding with Torque authorities. We may be able to question him in order to collect more information on future Roiler plots. It will be difficult now that his request for witness protection was granted, but perhaps appealing to his morals will do the trick.
  • We have secured a good amount of toxin that would have been catastrophic if released in a dense population. I'm not convinced however that we've secured everything that was raided from Jovan station. With this attack thwarted, they may decide to get more aggressive out of frustration. We should study the toxin and see if it leaves any traces through the air. Hopefully leading us right to the Roilers.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
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