436.03 | The Enemy Rears His Head

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436.03 | The Enemy Rears His Head

Post by Zhu'shk »

436.03 | The Enemy Rears His Head
Name: Zhu'shk
Rank: Padawan Learner
Location:Jungles near the temple.
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Eluna Mioni, Padawan Learner
  • Myrrkrhkwhrr, Jedi Knight
  • Zhu'shk, Padawan Learner
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <None>
Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Eluna and Padawan Zhu'shk were called to the security wing by Master Myrrkr, briefed on potential activity of poachers around the area a trap was found a year prior. Motion was noticed, but no heat signatures.
  • The mission was a search for the poacher, liberating any animal we found, caged or trapped. It was performed in two teams, Master Myrrkr searching one part of the forest, and the two padawans searching another, Padawan Mioni leading their team.
  • On arrival, a quadruped, seemingly mammal, was found, with a cut on one of its legs, and a tag clamped onto it, the tag flashed rhythmically in red. Padawan Mioni inspected the animal more closely, and the tag itself.
  • After further searching, a cage was found, with an insectoid vermin within, on the side of the cage is a symbol, a feline creature's print, a Nexu's print.
  • Having received a warning from the Force, Padawan Zhu'shk hid in foliage and investigated strange noises heard nearby. Eventually noticing a battle droid, who grabbed a similar insectoid creature as the first, before eviscerating said creature, and throwing it to Padawan Zhu'shk's nearby position, who remained unseen.
  • Padawan Zhu'shk contacted Padawan Mioni through secured communications. And as the droid moved towards the first found cage, it is attacked by surprise by Padawan Mioni. Despite her augmented speed through the Force, it dodged seemingly with ease. Combat ensued.
  • The droid was slowly dismembered limb from limb, until it slashed padawan Eluna on the arm with a vibroknife, the vibroknife was poisoned, padawan Eluna was slowly being more affected by the poison, until after finally dispatching the threat, she collapsed.
  • The droid only had its head and torso intact. The droid's head was also a depiction of the symbol of a Nexu's print. Its last words were: "Nexu will come in Night". The nature of the phrase was not determined.
  • Padawan Zhu'shk contacted Master Myrrkr, first aid was provided to Padawan Mioni, the insectoid in the cage was freed through partially destroying the cage.
  • The cage, the essential parts of the droids and Padawan Mioni were brought to the temple.
  • Master Myrrkr revealed that he also fought a battle droid on his side of the forest, but it could not be recovered.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The battle droid was incredibly skilled. Its legs allowed it to jump quickly and high, avoiding Padawan Mioni's surprise attack. It had a wrist blaster, an integrated net launcher, a Vibroblade and an integrated Vibroknife, poisoned. Further, it was strong enough to stagger Padawan Mioni on direct parries.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed: The poacher's trap found in the forest, a year prior, during Master Myrrkr's class on Nature.
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

Some sort of gang or organized crime group is behind the poaching, 'Nexu' is their symbol, name, identity. The recovered droid, and the forest, are key to finding leads on them. The tag on the quadruped could be a lead to their 'next score' as a human would call.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Investigate the droid's memory.
  • Keep some sort of surveillance and security in the Forest, perhaps to bait them and get a lead on them, or perhaps simply protecting nature in some way.
  • Individuals found should not be apprehended immedietly, one should attempt to see how deep the organization goes, find the head, and cut it, then the body dies. Figuratively speaking.
  • Seek to find that quadruped mammal once more, I am unsure what information Eluna gleaned from the tag, but I believe it ran, and could not be recovered, it should be, and what its purpose is.
  • Check Haranae for 'street information' on the 'products'. If they poach on Rannon for Rannon, that is a place to check, if it is for out of world, then at the least Haranae could be an outpost. Perhaps other cities too, I do not know them as well as Haranae. Or at all.
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