436.18 | Cartel Assasination Attempt

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436.18 | Cartel Assasination Attempt

Post by Zhu'shk »

436.18 | Cartel Assasination Attempt
Name: Zhu'shk
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 436.18
Location: G.R.I.D. Medium Transport, Outer Rim
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Donan Healof, Jedi Knight
  • TyriaJab, Padawan Learner
  • Zhu'shk, Padawan Learner
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <None>
  • At this current time, information of the assassination attempt has not been publicly shared.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Learners Zhu'shk and TyriaJab were called to action by Jedi Knight Donan Healof on further information obtained by Former Mayor Anzati Acorn about the origin of the disease affecting plants and Humans he had started.
  • G.R.I.D. Agent, Hawk-Bat or, Sum Oldman, needed the help of the Jedi to ensure the safety of Anzati Acorn, who possesses incriminating evidence against a Hutt Cartel Captain, due to a mistake on their part, his arrest could save the lives of many. The safety of Anzati Acorn must be maintained until arrival to a secure confidential location.
  • On 436.18, the Jedi were shuttled to the transport. For the first twelve hours, Jedi Knight Donan Healof kept watch of Anzati Acorn. He noted a feeling of danger, but was unable to find the source, he relayed this information to the students as they began their own shift of twelve hours.
  • Guarding the door were multiple humans, aswell as a Tactical assistance droid, TA-58, in charge of protection at that point in time.
  • Concerned with Jedi Knight Donan Healof's impression of danger, the students, after checking on Anzati Acorn, separated to meditate on and feel for this danger. Padawan Learner TyriaJab stayed with Anzati Acorn in the saferoom to watch him. Padawan Learner Zhu'shk moved into the hallway and meditated to seek the danger.
  • Both students shared a more sudden greater sense of danger. Padawan Learner Zhu'shk gleaned information from the Force, as if communicated to, that the Will was to go back to, and stay inside the Safe Room with Anzati Acorn. Padawan Learner Zhu'shk immedietly performed as such.
  • After communicating to each other the strange feelings they had, while inside the safe room, the power to the transport was lost before backup generators kicked in. Further, the sound of flames and intense gunfire resounded on the outside of the safe room, and the doors leading to it locked automatically.
  • The two padawans made Acorn Anzati take cover, attempted communication to Jedi Knight Donan Healof and moved to the door to anticipate a breach. Communications into the room began, the sound of the vocabulator of TA-58 were heard, demanding they abandon Anzati Acorn or die. They did not reply.
  • After a few minutes, the door was forced open and TA-58 stood alone, fire and a few casualties nearby. They all stayed still and staring for a few moments, before the students rushed the droid and battle ensured.
  • In the process, Padawan Learner Zhu'shk was injured but not debilitated.
  • After a few minutes of combat, and the droid stood nearly intact, though its shields depleted. Jedi Knight Donan Healof finally arrived and blindsided the droid with his lightsaber, incapacitating it.
  • The droid was able to shoot at Jedi Knight Donan Healof from the ground, a combination of Jedi Knight Donan Healof's shields, and Padawan Learner TyriaJab's deflection abilities kept the Jedi Knight from major injury. The droid was then destroyed.
  • Having returned to the Safe Room to ensure Anzati Acorn was safe, eventually the ship commander arrived to confirm the prisoner's safety.
  • He noted he 'knew something was off with the droid check up guy lately'. And that HQ is 'already taking care of him'.
  • The rest of the trip was peaceful. The return trip was also successful. Anzati Acorn is safe and his information can be used.
  • In a conversation with Anzati Acorn, it was learned his father had died recently before the trip, noted to be of old age, but Anzati Acorn theorizes it to have been the work of the Hutt Cartel.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed:435.25 | The Plagued Village 435.25 // Alleged Scandal Involving Mayor Anzati Unveils New Turn
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion...

Droids cannot be trusted.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • The Commander should be investigated, if he felt something was off with any aspect of this operation, it should have been acted upon earlier. He may have caused casualties, or at the least, damage to property and individuals.
  • The 'droid check up guy' should be investigated, not simply 'fired'. His connection to the Hutt Cartel is serious and a major security breach.
  • Do not let droids in charge of important stations, place individuals you can trust. If there had been a simple guard in place of this droid, this could have been avoided. And even if he were a traitor too, he would have been easily dealt with.
  • Ensure Anzati Acorn gives all his information. Then find the Hutt Cartel Captain responsible. Extradite forcibly, arrest. Ensure equal amounts of safety measures to keep him from escaping. Do not let a droid guard him.
  • Investigate Progenitor Acorn's death for any evidence of the Hutt Cartel.
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