Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

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Aranna Vaan
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Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



It has been two glorious years of unabated expansion for the State and people of the true, independent Gordian Reach. Since the party of our people has secured a massive majority across all branches of the governments across the Ardan Cross we’ve seen a reduction of piracy, crime, homelessness, displacement, and unemployment to effectively zero across every metric! This is all due to our new government’s commitment to bettering the lives for all of our citizens with new programs for the disenfranchised to offer them the opportunity to work to better our communities, their own futures, and to free themselves as a burden to all those around them.

Why, then, if we have all of these great achievements in such a short time do so many of the powers of the Galaxy ridicule us, scoff at us, and deride us in their corners of power? Simply put, it’s because we’re upsetting the status quo of the Galaxy. We are showing that through unity of purpose and common vision we’re able to accomplish so much more! We've seen this as our valiant Ministries of Peace and Truth have stamped down rampant dissent from sabotaging our burgeoning society. For two years the Gordian Gazette has helped fight against the institutionalized propaganda machine that is the mainstream news outlets of the Republic that have had hundreds of years of publications to indoctrinate their public…

Now, for the first time, we are striking out into the wider Galaxy to spread the true messages and reality of the Gordian Reach. Our leaders are improving lives, maintaining the rule of law, and expanding our influence out to other nearby sectors who are already hearing the message and forming their own Roiler-inspired political platforms to join the wave of our cause. We will continue to inspire those who are in the neutral sectors to our Galactic North East. We hope that the people of the Galaxy listen to us, and not the bought-out, biased, inauthentic, and politically motivated publications of the entrenched establishment.

Thank you to our dedicated local readership who made this all possible.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



Upon this day, 438.10, the glorious, efficient, and untiring shipyards of our Great State have produced their 15th carrier-class capital ship. Designed by our glorious Governor and chief coordinator towards our eventual formal consolidation Vahn Goring, the Roil-Class Command Carrier will be the centerpiece of our growing armadas.


In addition to the 15 Roil-Class Command Carriers, our State has produced 13 top-of-the-line Feena-Class Battleships, 45 Heavy Cruisers, 55 Light Cruisers, 1,250 Destroyers, 2,000 Corvettes, over 200,000 attack fighters, over 175,000 heavy bombers, and countless logistical vessels of every size! This is only the beginning, as Vahn Goring has already expressed his concern over the zealousness of our nefarious neighbor, the Oligarchical “Republic” that has a long history of finding dubiously founded justifications to go to war with neighbors they deem “belligerent” or “unaligned” with the morals and beliefs that they espouse yet regularly shirk.

The phony, hypocritical, and duplicitous Republic continues to accuse our great State of militarism. Of arming ourselves in preparation for war against our neighbors and even the Republic itself! The Third Estate has never, not once, committed any acts of aggression versus our neighbors, nor any sovereign system… Unlike the Republic, forcing its will upon its own citizens through violent suppressive actions such as during the horrible events of the Commonwealth War, Ord Biniir, Vohai, and so many other examples. Rather, we build these mighty ships out of a desire to maintain our sovereign territorial integrity in the eventuality that the Republic invents a border incident to justify their unprovoked attack against our glorious Government.

All of this simply because we’ve shown the Galaxy what order, justice, enforced laws, and a commitment to bettering the lives of the downtrodden can do to a society, government, and people! All of these glorious defense ships have been constructed due to the innovative work programs created by Governor Vahn Goring and Chief Ambassador Ralskun Direeb that have reduced our unemployment across our sector to zero percent! We also have no homelessness problem, unlike the Republic, which continues to struggle with the simple task of providing a place for everyone to live! Our crime rate, too, has dropped to nearly zero percent across all of our systems due to our work-to-freedom programs that have been instituted across our space!

Know this all sentients of the Galaxy! If you want to live in a safe, secure, and prosperous place come here, to the Third Estate! You will be provided housing, work experience, and a future in our glorious society!

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Mon May 20, 2024 12:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



Many in the hypocritical and hollow Republic have accused our Great Nation of acts of overt discrimination versus our non-human citizens. To that I want to specifically address and rebuke these heinous lies and propaganda designed to slur our good name here in the True Gordian Reach. You see, here we have a perfect example of the wonderful diversity in species and unity in thought of our Glorious Society.


As you can see in one of the many bazaars located in our Glorious Capital Planet Feena, this city being the planetary capital as well, Olgab, there are many different species that live in harmony and cooperation. While they all differ in their species and blood color, they are all unified in their love for our Glorious Government and our wonderful leaders such as Governor Goreing and Chief of State Direeb, as well as our newest Minister of Purity and Thought Soleb, but more on him later.

The images of horrific living conditions that Republic-backed and state-sponsored propaganda machines have been disseminating to the galactic public have been pulled completely out of context and backed with overt lies about the truth of those scenes of hardship and poverty in our systems. Let’s take this image from Pygorix where denizens there have created shanty-towns to scrape by…


As you can see not all is well for these beings of whom, yes, the vast majority are non-human species. But, you must remember that poverty is a choice. These lazy, ignorant, uncaring beings don’t want to have a good life. If they did, they would! Of the nearly zero percent crime rate that our sector has, nearly 70 percent of violent crime is perpetrated by non-humans. Of the remaining 30 it is perpetrated by 25 percent near-human, so only 5 percent of crime in our sector is perpetrated by human criminals. Those numbers look even more dramatic when you consider crimes of thought by denizens of Pygorix. Over 90 percent of those convicted of felony-level crimes of thought are non-humans. To prove our point, here is a non-human Citizen of our glorious empire who shares our common vision for the pinnacle of compassionate governance:


It hurts my soul to see beings similar to me, other non-humans, making choices in their lives that harm themselves and our Glorious State. I beg them daily to forsake those toxic ideals that sicken their minds. The Third Estate loves all of its citizens, no matter their species. We all must work for the common good of our Great Nation.

Speaking of crimes of thought, our glorious Governor Vahn Goreing has just appointed a new Minister of Purity and Thought. One Aebiwentt Soleb of mysterious origin! While his history is classified top-secret, in his appointment celebration dinner Governor Goreing endorsed him with a full heart!

To the great people of the Third Estate. I want you to know that under the careful and watchful eye of Minister Soleb we will truthfully weed out those last radical, terroristic dissenters from our streets, our homes, and our government!

Already there have been public allegations that many of the government officials in the Feena Legislature have committed felony crimes against thought in their misguided campaign to stall and sabotage the consolidation of our sector into a unified vision of government. These deviants may have a lot to answer for as the new Minister has assured the concerned public he will do everything he must to ensure the security and safety of all of our planetary systems from threats both foreign and domestic.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



Celebratory news today across Feena! A glorious example of our cutting edge educational theories and newly instituted educational overhaul have produced a musical galactic sensation!

Srellia M’vac performed for half-a-million beings in the halls of the prestigious Galaxies Opera House, a completely sold out theater.

Miss M'vac started her secondary educational career the year that Governor Van Goreing implemented a dramatic reorientation of the education system for the youth of the True and Great Gordian Reach! The education systems of the past were fragmented, had no direction, and teachers were able to teach whatever they felt was best and not what was objectively best for the Glory of the State. Now, under the masterful and forward-thinking direction of the highly educated and esteemed Governor Goreing, the Reach’s education system is perfectly aligned across all of our planetary systems.

Now we only hire the brightest and most educated educational professionals who use Truth and Facts in order to teach our youth, rather than pushing radical and Anti-State propaganda that would set our poor and impressionable youth on the track towards Crimes of Thought. This new, rigorous, challenging, and ultimately successful pedagogy implemented in our radically successful schools has produced a musical prodigy that, last night, performed for half-a-million beings in the halls of the prestigious Galaxies Opera House.

Born on Capella, M’vac was ostracized in primary school because she did not fit in with her peers. Because the schools fostered negative thoughts, dangerous ideas of ideological diversity, and integrated species classrooms, she was in a minority of good humans that held correct and pure ideological thoughts on politics and life. Once she reached secondary school and our Glorious State implemented policies to streamline aligned thought while simultaneously organizing our student bodies based on need and success, she found comfort in her classmates with pure thoughts and high achievement!

Because these skills were fostered, she achieved a standing ovation for her first performance while the next three subsequent performances are already sold out! Miss M’vac had a few moments for a couple brief words:


::She looks around back and forth, clearly nervous:: Our… Glorious State gave me everything I needed to live my dreams. Now I’m here where only the best in the galaxy get to perform. ::She clears her throat, her eyes misty with tears:: I’m so privileged… and can only think of my family at this time.

You can tell she's overwhelmed here with the emotion of her success. We have spoken to her family and they could not be more proud!

Our advanced curricular opportunities for human students who are shown to succeed in far greater numbers than their non-human counterparts are extensive. That said, we haven’t forgotten about our poor and less intelligent citizens! We provide ample opportunities for those loyal, pure-thoughted, non-human children to learn the skills they succeed at most in life. industrial technologies, trade skills, and everything else they’ll need to know in order to be productive members of society in the highest producing factories in the galaxy!

If you want tickets to Srellia M’vac’s performances, please look for her north-sectors tour that she will be performing on early next cycle.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



Exciting news today as our Glorious State has hit a new milestone! In recent cycles our sector has seen a historic increase in immigration to our beautiful worlds, predominantly Feena. In the days before our historic ascendance our humble sector was seen as a backwater, a through-lane, a minor hyperlane to get to the ‘important places’ in the galaxy. Today we surpassed the highest numbers of new immigrants in the last century of our sector’s history! Since our glorious expansion and reformation we’ve attracted supporters and volunteers from all across the galaxy!

This cycle alone we’ve seen nearly 15,000 new immigrants, almost all of whom came to volunteer for our armed forces! Predominantly upright citizens from noble worlds such as Naboo, Bakura, Bespin, and Haruun Kal. Tellingly, we’ve also had nearly 3,000 immigrants over the last several cycles from Tibrin, a suggestion that even the new chancellor’s own people don’t have any faith in the government he’s trying to lead. We spoke with Vaelyn Zhress from Naboo, a former lieutenant in the Royal Space Force, who volunteered as a flight instructor for our Illustrious Navy. He had this to say as to why he left the repugnant Republic:


Many of our people remember the brutal imperialist regime that the current galactic government is built upon. Any dissent or value in our local, planetary pride is immediately shut down, immediately crushed under the heel. The Republic talks big about equality, inclusion, diversity… But they’re hollow and hypocritical. Any amateur student of history can look back and see the plethora of examples where the Republic lent no tolerance for any independence movement. The up-and-coming Third Estate is the vision that many of us have quietly had for over a century now, a vision many of our families gave their lives for that has been swept under the historical rug.

Our ideological ideas are persecuted by those across the galaxy who hold all of the power and hoard it for themselves. Now people of like-mindedness to our vision of a truly unified and ordered galaxy have a safe-haven to call home. We send out the call to all who feel oppressed, all who know the truth: come to us and we will give you a purpose and path to move forward.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



To our noble, loyal, and honorable citizenry and to all those sympathetic to our Glorious Purpose in the Universe.

The age of obstruction has come to an end. The vile and deceitful opposition to our Wondrous Ascension into the Galactic Stage has been snuffed out. Those conniving politicians who for cycles innumerable have stood in opposition to our ideals, our steady march towards progress, to us claiming our rightful place at the head of the Galaxy have been rounded up by the noble and honorable members of our Ministry of Purity and Thought. These villains and monsters who would go to such lengths as murdering our dignified and just officials in the legislative complex have been thwarted!

Over the last several days, a cabal of usurpers have consorted a conspiracy to overthrow our eminent Third Estate and nip it in the bud before it can bloom. However, because of the firm diligence of Minster Soleb and his lieutenants, they were found out and rounded up before any lasting damage could be done! While this act initially caused confusion and panic in some areas, our wise and illustrious guardian and protector Vahn Goreing made this announcement to calm and reassure his people in this time of tumultuous transition:

People of the Galaxy...

Our government has survived a violent coup attempt by political radicals who do not respect nor follow the rule of law across our systems. Indeed, as I speak, our valiant crisis response teams are continuing to attempt to evacuate survivors from our legislative complex, where a biological attack occurred. We have arrested all of the people involved in this widespread conspiracy. With the consent of the surviving and acting legislators in our system, I have declared martial law and suspended the constitutions of the Back Reach until such a time that elections may be safely performed.

Rest assured. Our Third Estate will come out of this crisis more unified and stronger than ever.

With this final, swift, stroke we can truly unify our disparate systems into a consolidated government, strong, pure, and looking forward to a thousand years of rule in the Galaxy!

Now, my friends and fellow citizens, the real work begins.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



The Third Estate stands alone.

While the demagogues of the Republic and their lackeys cower behind closed doors guarded by their zealous, intolerant, and belligerent Jedi lapdogs, conniving and conspiring to undermine and destroy our sovereignty and independence, we look to the future and our place at the front of it. The people of the Gordian Reach have been yearning to break free of the bonds of those Empires that have oppressed our people for time immemorial. Even today the Republic uses sham elections and intimidation to force the people of the ‘Reach Proper’ as they call it to cow to their unilateral and oppressive rule. One day we will have a unified reach once our brothers and sisters on the other side of The Roil break free of the silken shackles that have been fastened around their bodies and minds.

To ensure our continued growth, comfort, and national security we need living space. We need buffers between us and the militant governments that have surrounded us. To that end, we extend a hand to every independent system that neighbors us. We have a grand fleet, one that can go toe-to-toe with any of the imperialist nations that have ravenously gobbled up the free sectors of the Galaxy. We can protect you from pirates, from militaristic and hostile neighboring governments, and we can provide for you a safe and secure society that’s in rapid ascension to take its rightful place at the head of the Galaxy.

Already we are engaging in conversations with the forsaken planets, isolated by the Galaxy because they’re seen as savage, backwards, and archaic because they have been tied to the histories of their oppressors of the Sith Empires of millennia ago. The ‘Sith Worlds’ have been ignored, swept under the rug, purposefully forgotten about because of the unfair association of their planets with the ancient conquerors of bygone ages. To these planets, on the borders of an Empire that descends directly from those ancient evils, we have extended a hand of friendship and protection. While these talks are ongoing, we’ve been received with parades, festivals, and our dignitaries have been received on these worlds in a way akin to royalty. These people who have suffered economic depressions, civil and social unrest, and rampant instability for tens of generations seem eager and ready to join our society that provides economic opportunities, peace, and stability for all those who believe in our common and unified vision for the future of the Galaxy.

Newly appointed Eckczar Vahn Goreing himself has scheduled a meeting with the planetary leaders across over two dozen of the systems in the Esstran Sector to discuss full annexation of their territory and integration into our beautiful civilization. In a speech he promised them a bright future if they submitted themselves to our compassionate rule:

Our peoples share many experiences in our pasts. Histories of oppression, of exploitation… But also histories of resilience, pride, and determination. Our peoples share these bonds, these common roots, and a knowledge that people who present themselves as friends with false smiles, offering hands of sympathy do so believing that we are naive to their true natures.

The false-faced senators of the galactic republic are nothing more than selfish, lying children. They present a façade of competence but, in reality, only work for their own selfish ends. They throw their people under the wheel of oppression and destruction while they live in lavish high-rises and eat decadent meals from the credits they make off the backs of the hard-working, down-trodden, and forgotten of the republic. The democratic elite of the Republic have never known a hard day’s work in their life.

Our government is different. Our government has strong leadership across all of our Ministries. We provide for our people! Healthcare, employment, a future where all can comfortably live and achieve their dreams. Every member of our government knows the pain of late nights, knows the pride that there is in hard work, hard labor, and every member of our government knows the feeling of pride, joy, and fulfillment after a long day and a job well done. We know the people of the Esstran Sector understand these feelings too.

We gladly welcome every system that wishes to join our righteous cause. We cordially invite every citizen across all of the Stygian Caldera, and across the whole Esstran Sector, to grasp their destiny and join our ascension to create a brilliant future for our peoples!

Already King Kanrod of Drezzi has expressed his readiness to join our Nation, citing his sympathy to our cause and that shared common heritage of fighting against Empires that were hungry to subjugate our worlds.

King Kanrod of Drezzi

We see in the Third Estate a mirror of ourselves. We see a shared past of being nameless systems who were swept up in the great conquests of Emperors of old. The Sith, The Galactic Republic, The Galactic Empire… Now many of our people still feel as if we’re simply waiting for the next of a long line of imperialists to sweep us away next.

We say no more!

Heartily we feel that partnership with our brothers and sisters of the true Gordian Reach will bring an abundance of prosperity to our world that we haven’t seen in millennia.

Our cause, our mission, our vision is spreading. Come to us and take your place at the head of a new Galactic Order.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



Our Enemies Quake Before Us!

Look, my fellow Reachers, how the hostile hoards of voracious monsters on our borders writhe in fear, flailing and screaming as we continue our steady march towards immortality in history! The Fel Empire, not realizing that it’s in fact the Galactic Republic who has a craven, disordered, and violent history that they should be worried about, has panicked and lashed out at us with thinly veiled threats of violence and war!

To Jarek Fel: What has the Gordian Reach done to draw your ire? Have they taunted you? Have they spoken condescendingly at you? Have they insulted you or your people? Have they ever passed a law or executive order to be hostile to you in any way?


In fact, when you look at the history of our people, Emperor Fel, you will clearly see that we terrify the decrepit creatures that ooze and slosh through the halls of the senate to such an extent that they have been nothing but hostile and aggressive towards us! The only crime we have committed, Emperor, is that of wanting to forge our own destiny for ourselves. To create for our people our own nation that will protect us, nurture us, and bring us to our eminent place in the galaxy.

The Third Estate has not killed a Republican. We have not arrested a Republican without a warrant, nor imprisoned a Republican without due process. We have not trespassed with our ships across the borders of the Republic, nor have we stated any intent to do so. Our government was duly elected, just as the Republic demands to be so. We have done nothing to draw the ire of the Republic but commit the crime of existing at all.

Oh gracious Emperor, please look to the Esstran worlds as a guide. See how these ancient kings, emperors in their own right, have come to us in peace and friendship. See how their people rejoice as we give them peace of mind from the wall of Republic oppression they see every time the galactic core pulls over their night skies. You know, great Emperor, how swiftly the minds of the Senate can change. The moment you or your Empire “Step Out of Line” they will come for you and then you will know who your friends are.

Meanwhile, the worms who crawl through the muck of the Senate are now considering active punishments against us! Economic embargo! What have we done to draw this hostility? Nothing! The Republic only cares for itself. The hungry swamp-rats eat until their bellies are full and then eat until they burst. They tariff, embargo, and sanction as they please without regard to whom it hurts! To our north the esteemed Corporate Sector worlds have long been a place where credits flow freely and opportunity abounds! Yet still the Republic seeks to harm them for the sole reason of lining their pockets with yet more credits!

The Galaxy awakens to the true nature of the Republic, and we will enjoy seeing the prevailing winds shift.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Your Only Source to Avoid Fiction: The Gordian Gazette

Post by Aranna Vaan »



More nefarious nerdowells silenced!

For too long our Prestigious Third Estate has been plagued with the detritus and refuse of spiritually perverse and divergent insects. These creatures would slink and skulk around the dark corners of our streets, through the putrid alleyways, and prey on our citizens with their inane philosophies. They rotted away at the intellectual core of our ascendant society. They would spread lies about the equality of all species despite the reality that not all beings are created equal. Some are created to serve and others to be served, that’s the reality that has been proven by history time and again.

No longer!

The “Grand Abbot,” as he is called by the weak minded fools who followed him, of the self-proclaimed “Temple of Light” has been arrested and brought to justice. He, along with the corrupt High Abbots of Pygorix who have hoarded the wealth of their worlds for time immemorial, will serve their sentence in one of our maximum security prisons, fully equipped to deal with felons like this scum who have dedicated their lives to poisoning the minds of our citizenry.

The Face of Evil

These shameful creatures have attempted to spread destructive indoctrination through our citizenry. Their pervasive ideologies cripple our sense of national unity. They targeted our youth as they spread their lies, trying to take our youngest and most prosperous generation from us! To protect our children and our future, EckCzar Vahn Goreing has used this success to model future campaigns against criminals like those who infect the minds of our youth. In our allied systems that have recently joined us on our crusade for achieving a zenith of our power that will last for a thousand years, EckCzar Goreing has begun mandating that those leaders use the strategies implemented by Minister Soleb to track down their own insidious, seditious, and traitorous organizations and hold them accountable for their crimes against the minds of our powerful citizenry. Already across dozens of systems the hunt for these malicious traitors has begun. They will not be able to hide for long.

Rest easy citizens of the greatest state in the galaxy: your protectors are looking out for you.

Bringing you your source to avoid Fiction, this is Minister of Truth on Feena: Jaltyr Gavvels, we’ll see you next week.


Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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