438.17 l Synthoceps

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Nil Zendu
Jedi Knight
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438.17 l Synthoceps

Post by Nil Zendu »

Name:Nil Zendu
Date(s): 438.17 ABY
Members of the Jedi Order present:Padawan Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet
  • A transport carrying several convicts and guards crash landed on Hefi leaving no survivors. There are no reports at as to the cause at this time.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Zendu was sent to the outer ring to investigate reports of a potential rogue Jedi. There were no descriptions of the target and the locals reported only vague super natural happenings in the area recently.
  • Upon landing on planet Hefi, Padawan Zendu came across a convict transport wreckage. Local authorities had the vicinity closed off to the public. After speaking with the officer in charge, Padawan Zendu was allowed to inspect the site of the crash.
  • Padawan Zendu was attacked by a droid while investigating. After a chase took place through the area, Padawan Zendu was able to disable the droid after it attempted to make an escape via speeder. The droid however self detonated shortly afterwards.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The convicts who littered the crash site had wounds that appeared to have come from a lightsaber. I was able to collect a manifest from one of the corpses that listed all personal who were on board the transport. While I sensed danger in the area, I did not feel the presence of a force sensitive. I was attacked by a mysterious figure wielding a lightsaber after collecting the manifest. The figure was proficient with the lightsaber and even used techniques that gave the impression the figure was an experienced force user. It used "abilities" like cloaking, pushing, pulling, augmented speed, and even lightning. It was also equipped with blasters which it used to great effect at range.
  • After some time fighting, the figure dropped it's robes and revealed itself to be a droid. A model I'm not familiar with. The afore mentioned "abilities" were clearly armaments the droid was equipped with, however it was still peculiar how this droid was using them. It was truly as if I was combating an actual Jedi.
  • I caught up to the droid who was preparing to make his escape by speeder. I managed to slash an engine before it took off. Despite it crashing nearby, it still arose from the wreckage and continued it's assault. I was barely able to get the upper hand but soon I was able disable it by slicing across it's torso. This did not stop it from initiating a self destruct sequence. Fearing that all evidence would be lost in the explosion, I quickly severed the head unit of the droid, secured it, and brought it back to the temple for analysis. I also managed to collect the weapon the droid was using. The lightsaber like weapon was actually a lightfoil. Still the average person wouldn't have been able to distinguish the difference. And it's still unusual for a droid to be wielding one when a vibro blade could have done the same trick.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Master Mirkal and Master Bralor were able to collect some information from the head of the droid. What stood out was how advanced the retinal scanners were. More troublesome than that is the droid had a capacity to "learn" from watching a subject through holodiscs or other means. While fighting it, it felt strangely familiar. I can't emphasize enough that it felt as if I was fighting another Jedi and not a combat droid executing standard attack patterns.
  • While in combat with the droid, it gave the occasional insult. One in particular stood out. It said "You will be replaced soon enough." Could be nothing more than mind games but it did stay with me.
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • It's alarming that this droid disguised itself, used a Jedi like weapon, used Jedi like abilities, and caused such awful destruction. The order doesn't have a great reputation in parts of the outer rim to begin with. The fact that locals confused this droid to be a rogue Jedi is enough for us to take this matter seriously and find out who is behind it.
  • The manifest has all the names of who were aboard the transport. We could match the names on that manifest to the list of victims and see if there is anyone missing. The droid may have been trying to aid in the escape of a convict. Another possibility is that it was the assassination of someone aboard who was about to testify in court. The manifest may reveal the name of such a person.
  • Further inspection of the droid's head is required. We must extract every detail we can from it. The obvious worry is that there are more of them out there. If they manage to "learn" from a truly powerful subject, we could all be in trouble.
  • The lightfoil is not a common weapon you'll see on the black market I imagine. Find any manufacturers or sellers, and it may lead us to who is responsible.
  • Look into who or what would have an interest in replacing the Jedi.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
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