[COMPLETED] 438.19 // Blaster Deflection & Reflection

Archived list of completed, student-level classes.

Moderators: Jedi Knights, Jedi Masters

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Eli Tzineda
Jedi Knight
Posts: 444
Joined: Fri May 08, 2020 9:46 am

[COMPLETED] 438.19 // Blaster Deflection & Reflection

Post by Eli Tzineda »

  • Subject Details:
    • Blaster Deflection and Reflection is core practice of the lightsaber arts. It will be your most used skill with the lightsaber as a first form of defence from those wishing to hunt you, your packmates, and those you wish to protect. It is a skill that also trains these ones awareness and connectivity to the Force, by anticipating a movement from an adversary before it arrives; an important habit to master, and gateway to intermediate and advanced training in the lightsaber arts.
  • Time, Date & Location:
    • 438.19 // 1500 GST - Arena
  • Additional Information:
    • This will be a basic class for the Initiate-hatchlings and students who wish to learn or hone fundamentals of Shii-Cho.
    • Bring droid remote given to you on Initiation.
  • Additional Files:
(( PLEASE RSVP if you can make it or shoot me a message on discord. Alternatively, if you cannot make it, let me know ASAP. That way, I can schedule a day/time that suits everyone and maximizes attendance and productivity ))

Hatched: 392.10 // Initiated: 398.02
Transfered: 398.08 // Apprenticed: 405.07 // Knighted: 430.22 // Padawan(s): Zhu'shk

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