[Completed] The Hangar, Garage and Speeders

Archived list of completed, student-level classes.

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Rhys Cardin
Lost One
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[Completed] The Hangar, Garage and Speeders

Post by Rhys Cardin »

  • Subject Requested:
The Hangar, Garage and Speeders
  • Public/Private Lesson:
  • Availability:
((Free for most of the day Sunday-Monday, by 1500GST Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. 1715-1900 on Wednesday/Thursday. Sometimes earlier on these days but safest times))
  • Reason For Request:
I don't know how to write this. There is a lot I want to learn about these places. I love speeders and podracing. I want to help out there because it looks like a lot of my friends and Masters have different jobs in the Temple and I don't.

I don't think I'm old enough to ride a speeder but would like to help keep them clean and working when the droids and others work on them. Maybe only need one bit of this right now but looks like there is a lot!

Master Mioni called the Hangar department the "Aces". I'd like to be that! Or a Speeder Jedi.
  • Additional Information:
Birth Year: 429 | Race: Morellian | Homeworld: Coruscant
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Donan Healof
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Re: [Open] The Hangar, Garage and Speeders

Post by Donan Healof »

Dear Rhys,

How have I missed this request?! Shame on me... Well, of course, I would love to teach you about it. What do you think?

- Knight Donan Healof.
Rhys Cardin
Lost One
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Re: [Open] The Hangar, Garage and Speeders

Post by Rhys Cardin »

Hi Master Donan!

I would love a class on this stuff!

- Rhys
Birth Year: 429 | Race: Morellian | Homeworld: Coruscant
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Donan Healof
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Re: [Declared] The Hangar, Garage and Speeders

Post by Donan Healof »

Great! Then we shall decide on a date as soon as possible!
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Donan Healof
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Re: [Completed] The Hangar, Garage and Speeders

Post by Donan Healof »

Completed on 440.11 ABY in the Garage.