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Team NPCs

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:16 pm
by Gabe Alkorda
While reading my Clone Wars TPBs, I began to drool over the idea of JEDI having major battles as well. However, we are limited to our current roster size right now.

This led me to think... what if we could spawn npcs that would fight for a designated team/player/group? If this is possible, it would make things *SO* much better, as we could spawn groups of troopers to follow us into battle, making it much more realistic to an actual battle than something more of an "ambush".

So, is it possible?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:09 pm
by Jamus Kevari
I remember from the old 'Jedi Academy Mod' from JK2 you could spawn 'platoons' on npc's that would either be friends or foes. I don't know if it'd be possible to integrate, but it seems like a great idea for those situations.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:36 pm
by Soh Raun
This is indeed a great idea :)

I looked at the code to see if it will be possible or not.. and it seems it can be done, with some work of course.

For information, the original NPC system works with 3 possible teams: Player, Enemy, Neutral. Each NPC has a playerTeam (people it won't attack), and an enemyTeam (people it attacks). Currently, it doesn't seem possible to setup an NPC that will defend/attack only a specific group of players (but if it is, I would like to know how).

So, handling groups of one or more players will need some work, to get NPCs to recognize who is a friend and who is a foe, but I think I can do it :). I'll work on it when I have time.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:52 pm
by Gabe Alkorda
great, soh! thanks a lot!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:13 pm
by Basus Ororchi
ok, got this cool idea.

you know this is RPG, and therefore everything should follow a reality path. NPCs should do that. what I mean is, you should make NPCs make some part of the game, for example a NPC bartender helper (a bartender we already have, AFAIK) that just moves from table to table doing basically nothing. Or a NPC droid in any room with controls, and he just steps over there and apparently does something, but really does nothing. Take as an example Jan Ors in jk2, on the first level, she just stood in front of some controls and pressed some buttons, but really did nothing.

I mean, make NPCs move in some special way, and not just stay there and do nothing or attack an enemy.