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A New Idea

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:17 pm
by Aeon Xarbon
I know I haven't been here too long, but I would like to voice my idea. I'm unsure to if anyone else has thought of this but, I was clearing my mind in a meditation room. A non-member used Mind Trick on me and was running around. This can go along with the not jerking your head back and forth when someone walks past you as well. When you mind trick someone you make an illusion that you are invisible and cannot be heard. So, perhaps the jerking of the head could be applied to Mind Trick, and when a person is under the illusion, they shouldn't hear the person that put them under the illusion. They shouldn't jerk their head when the person walks by them and it could be applied like this:

Level 1 Mind Trick: invisibility for a period of time

Level 2 Mind Trick: invisibility and no head jerking from walking by someone but can still be heard.

Level 3 Mind Trick: invisibility, no head turning, and complete silence when they walk around.

Another idea I had would be if the Mind Trick was stronger than level 3, to help create the illusion when you have to open a door, the door should never open, and you simply walk through it. So that way if you are using a Mind Trick on someone they don't hear you walking, they don't see you, and they do not hear or see the door open. They are still under the trick and would have no idea if the person left, was ever in, and or entered the room. I hope that this is possible.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:09 pm
by Halt Arratay
They are already doing the no auto head turning, so that will be fixed. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:58 pm
by Kishon Sanria
I am not completely sure, but I do not think the ability of mind trick relates dirctly with an ability to pass through doors.

Perhaps, however I am mistaken.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:21 pm
by Lynee'alin
Imagine person A staying in a room, and person B wanting to enter the room without person A seeing that the opened and so realising that someone just came in.

So, person B uses, lets say, Mindtrick on level 5 or 4. He "opens" the door and enters the room, but for person A, the door still remains closed because of the major mind-influence (mindtrick 5) of person B. Although the door opened and person B entered the room (like it is now if you enter a room normally), the door still looks like it is closed for person A, who is mind-tricked.

I think that is how Aeon means it.

And its a very good idea, though I'm not sure if it can be included so easily or at all.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:01 pm
by Soh Raun
Walking through the doors is way too complicated... and opening a door (or leaving it closed) only for 1 person is not possible.

The "no head turning" part seems feasible, but for the silence I'm not sure... I'll check that later, when I'll be coding the new powers.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:13 pm
by Aeon Xarbon
Thank you Lynee, for clearing that up a little better than I could. I was thinking that maybe since admin can turn into ghosts, and you can walk through backgrounds and stuff to get to hard to reach places, can't that be applied to the force as well? Just a thought. ((like how mind trick 5 would be techincally like admin's \amghost, just applied with mind trick 5, I don't know if I'm explaining this too well. Mind Trick 5 would, in a way, be very similar to \amghost, since in amghost you don't hear or see someone.))

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:17 pm
by Jamus Kevari
Perhaps you could combine noclip and amghost for that effect.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:14 am
by Axem Keigoku
Nocliping a non-pass protected feature would be somewhat dangerous...

Probably not for JEDI, but those that uses the mod apart from us, as it will be released to the public.

There is a reason though : noclip removes ALL blocking brush from a player, he is no longer in game, can't attack, can't interfeer, can't do squat.

That is something Mind trick (which will be named Force Camouflage in game) is not ment to do.

Here is what the power is ment to do from the current project :
  • 1- BaseJka. Gives a Mid-cloak effect. Somewhat a 'see-through' but still visible when moving.

    2- BaseJka

    3- BaseJka

    4- No sound on cast. Extended duration.Charged: Can do 2 Attacks without breaking Camouflage

    5- Caster becomes silent (run, jump, roll, saber hum,etc).Charged: Can do 2 Attacks without breaking Camouflage

Note: this might not be the Mod's power, as I have writen this as 'objective' though I have no knowledge of if it is doable or not.