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What about people that are left handed?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:37 pm
by Rokran
I've noticed that when useing a Single Saber, not many people do left swings unless it's part of an imporant combo ( example the side to side combo ).

Why not, to make it a little more real for the rp, have an option in the new mod to reverse the saber animations. What I mean is, when someone does a Heavy left swing, show the animation for the right swing, but on the left side? See what I'm saying? I don't know, just a thought. I just figured it might be a little odd that every Jedi is right handed.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:43 pm
by Alkaiser
Animations have been discussed before. But they require quite a bit of fiddling to get to work, fiddling I don't think the modder wants to do. Also, new animations I believe would require a client-side patch, which this mod was trying to avoid.

Granted, if it were possible, I would have Alk be a leftie like me.

I can't say much for saber combat. I try to make it look more realistic, but most people rather promote and use the mechanics of the game to win, rather than RPing.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:03 pm
by Ray Kaori
Animations would be very difficult i'd imagine. I need to learn to mod soon. If i want to be a game maker as i do. It'd be a great start.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:03 pm
by Axem Keigoku
The reason that the animations are Right handed is because 9 humans out of 10 are righthanded.

It is not something that is actually needed and frankly, even lefthanded persons I know actually use a 'righthanded' stance when fighting.

Also, there is 1 stance that is Lefthanded : Blue stance (held on the left side, left hand is the dominant)

¬ Axem

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:59 am
by Dixo Xan
I'm left-handed and whenever I feel the urge to hit someone with a club, sword or a stick I use my left hand. :bash:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:51 pm
by Basus Ororchi
When I kick or punch, I use to use the right hand, and I'm left-handed, but anyways, I would like to have this left-handed thingy.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:33 pm
by Aeon Xarbon
Yeah, I agree, if I had a lightsaber or a sword in my hand it would be in my left hand..not my right. I'd like a mod to switch it to left hand as well..

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:31 pm
by Zyrn
Hmm if there way a way to mirror the animations or something,

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:31 pm
by Xa'o Zalei
((Holy Huge Avatar.))

I like the idea. Adds more depth to RP.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:20 am
by Soh Raun
I don't think I can do that. Most of the animations use the right hand, and as far as I know there is no way to mirror animations (which would take a very long time to do anyway, as there are hundreds of animations).