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Improving Telekinesis

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:10 am
by Yrael Grekkis
I got to thinking as I was writing something for my Journal, and this entire post can be completely ignored if it's already been asked or implemented into the system already, but... What about a level structure of our Telekinesis Force Powers? Or even adding and separating two of them? I'll explain.

So, from what I've been reading on Wookieepedia, Telekinesis has several different levels and sub-levels. The top, of coarse, being Force Push, Force Pull, "and" Force Throw. This is where the first suggestion comes into play. Force Throw; Can this Force Power be applied? or added in some way? It could be possible to separate Force Pull and Light saber throw, or add into the system a Level you must accomplish in order to achieve a certain rank of Force Push to achieve Force Throw, and are capable of throwing a person, an object, or your own saber.

Now, with that said, a suggestion for some sub-levels of Force Powers involving Telekinetic abilities. Such as Force Whirlwind. Throwing objects around instead of Holding them and twirling them around with your mouse. Force Wave, a burst of energy knocking a person backwards. Force Repulse, throwing multiple objects around you from a small radius.

But, this is just a suggestion and will 85% likely be turned down or edited to fit the realism of a Jedi. :) Thoughts? Opinions?

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:34 am
by Aslyn Denethorn
We already HAVE four telekinetic abilities: Push, Pull, Hold/Grip and Jump. What more could you possibly want?

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:41 am
by Yrael Grekkis
Eh, an RP based system of leveled Telekinesis abilities ;) Just a suggestion, figured I'd share my brain farts rather than let them gas out. hehe

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:56 am
by Kenta
The thing about "throwing objects" is that there are no objects to throw, we'd need to create and model debris, script that to be movable, and frankly It probably isn't going to happen, Force wave is already Force Push in the game mechanics. Personally I wish Whirlwind was possible, it's such a neat (and at times Hilarious) ability in KOTOR, but that has a low chance with engine and system JA uses. How I wish Elder Scrolls Oblivion engine could be used.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:29 am
by Aslyn Denethorn
Well, aside from the fact that it would contradict our existing system massively, being able to move an object by pushing it requires different skills than picking it up and holding it, or doing that and THEN pushing it away. So, despite them all classifying as telekinetic abilities, the way you learn and use each one is different, and as such, being good at Force Push doesn't mean you'd be good at Force Jump, for example.

As for adding newer abilities, it's beyond the scope of the mod to do anything more than change the existing ones - we have a set number of abilities, so to add one requires we delete another. And, naturally, we have to work within the game mechanics, so we work with what is available. The game wasn't programmed to do what you're asking, so we can't simply add or remove an option here to make it so. To do otherwise would require a change in game mechanics, which is massively technical and not particularly realistic anyway.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:12 am
by Aayla Vigil
That's why we have the ::action:: system, so we can accomplish actions that the game mechanics don't allow us to perform.

::extends her hand in the cup's direction, floats it in air, then with a rapid movement of her hand throws it towards Aslyn::

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:46 am
by Gabe Alkorda
The last thing that I want to see is RPMod turned into RPGMod, in that it takes away all the creativity required here at JEDI and replaces it with simple game mechanics.

Also... the less KOTOR influence, the better. This is fact.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:49 am
by Yrael Grekkis
:P 'Kay.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:05 am
by Sahio Xekma
Gabe Alkorda wrote:Also... the less KOTOR influence, the better. This is fact.
Aren't the classes based on the KOTOR model? The D20 game rule book only has 2 Jedi Classes : Consular and Guardian. KOTOR added the third Sentinel.

Besides, why wouldn't you want some influence from one of the most rewarded game in history?
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Though I like your idea, Yrael, I think it is sadly not possible within the planning of the mod. Not that adding power is not doable, it would remove the BaseJKA compatibility and that is something RPMod is aiming to keep.

In the original concept, there was to have some modification to the powers to make the Dark Side powers more 'Lightside', and later on, add an array of Light-side-turn-dark-side powers to accommodate the Sith and evils of this galaxy (also for other Sith-like clans).

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:35 am
by Jared
RPmod currently supports 5 levels of push, 5 levels of pull, 3 levels of hold/traditional tk and 2 levels of choke.

More telekinesis than you can shake a stick at.

Whether you have access to all those is another story entirely. Something to look forward to though eh?
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Indeed - but the combat system in KOTOR is almost turn based and catered for single player with multiple characters. I think we've taken what we needed from KOTOR already and in my opinion, the current telekinesis system is as good as it's likely to get with the JA/quake3 engine.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:03 pm
by Sahio Xekma
There I agree with you Jared,

With the 360° Push there is already, I don't think there is need to expand on this line of powers.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:09 pm
by Yon Vash