269.30 // New High Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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269.30 // New High Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings, JEDI and Community.

The Jedi High Council is pleased to welcome a new member to its body. Indeed, Master Corinth Alkorda was chosen by in-place High Councilors Soh Raun and Jared Quell to serve the Order at a higher level.

Master Corinth Alkorda has a long experience within the Order and on the field, and his wisdom and cool-headedness will be strong assets to conduct his new duties. Meanwhile, the addition of a new High Councilor will help share the workload as our Order expands throughout the years.

Below is Master Corinth Alkorda's first official statement in his new position.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Corinth Alkorda
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Post by Corinth Alkorda »

To my fellow students of the Force,

As my mentor and former High Councilor Axem Keigoku once said, "Let no man take upon his own will what the Force has not willed for him." As the Force has called me to a higher position within our Order, I will respond with reverent obedience. It will indeed be my greatest privledge and honor to serve amongst my bretheren on the High Council of our great Order. My experience, knowledge of our Order's practices and traditions, and intimate connection with the Force will be added to the collective mind of the High Council as we divine and purpose the will of the Force. We are entering a time of prosperity and growth, and I will do what I can to help guide the Jedi Order along the path that the Force has set beneath our feet.

High Councilor Corinth Alkorda.
race_human | mentor_axem.keigoku | padawans_cookanaka / kero.zen / bram.philipi / jude.alkorda / nivek.tholmai / aknaross.myotis / lena.aleksandrovna / sasha.raven|
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