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How to get decent screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:19 pm
by Alkur Tekeil
Firstly, the SystemA mod is a wonderful piece of 1's and 0's. It allows you to turn off the HUD (including the crosshair, and your stats in the leader section, and all chat messages on your screen).

Next, a few commands are helpful.
"cg_drawfriend 0" removes the icons overhead in TFFA mode.
"rpc_disablechatbubble 1" removes chat bubbles which tends to be the one "atmosphere breaking" game mechanic in screenshots.

Spectating is usually the most promising for impromptu screenshots, as you have the freedom to roam and get different angles.

Also, keep in mind lighting on the map. Often time there will be flat lighting, or very dark corners of a map, be patient and try to snap shots in good lighting.

In playing, we get used to seeing others as only a small couple hundred pixels on our screens. In pictures, that really doesn't do, get in close when you're focusing on a select individual or a small group.
Also, if you're snapping shots from a combat situation, try to snap multiple shots on explosions and blaster fire, it gives you the option of multiple shots.
But be careful when rapidly taking screenshots, as the console command still shows up, and that little "screenshotXX" can ruin a shot.

Also, bind the screenshot command to a key, dummy!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:45 pm
by Soh Raun
More useful tips:
  • set con_notifyTime -1 to avoid console messages showing up in the top-left hand corner (player connected, etc.)
  • Bind /screenshot silent instead of /screenshot, to avoid the message (in case you forgot con_notifyTime above)
  • Play with your native screen resolution; for example, for 1280x800:

    Code: Select all

    set r_customWidth 1280
    set r_customHeight 800
    set r_mode -1
  • Play with cg_fov to have a "zoom" effect (values between 10 and 100, default is 80). You could use the following script to change easily with the up/down arrow keys:

    Code: Select all

    // FOV script by Soh Raun
    bind UPARROW "vstr FOV_DEC"
    bind DOWNARROW "vstr FOV_INC"
    set FOV_30 "set cg_fov 30;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_40;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_30"
    set FOV_40 "set cg_fov 40;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_50;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_30"
    set FOV_50 "set cg_fov 50;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_60;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_40"
    set FOV_60 "set cg_fov 60;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_70;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_50"
    set FOV_70 "set cg_fov 70;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_80;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_60"
    set FOV_80 "set cg_fov 80;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_90;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_70"
    set FOV_90 "set cg_fov 90;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_100;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_80"
    set FOV_100 "set cg_fov 100;set FOV_INC vstr FOV_100;set FOV_DEC vstr FOV_90"
    vstr FOV_80

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:49 pm
by Zeak Dystiny
/cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 0 comes in handy if you aren't able to get in spec to take a screenshot. There was this other command as well, Agitt mentioned to me.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:24 pm
by Atrux Nuro
  • /cg_thirdpersonangle #
    o This command sets the angle you view your character at. 0 (zero) is the default, where you view your camera from behind. 180 will show your character from the front.
  • /cg_thirdpersonvertoffest #
    o This command changes the height of the camera. For screenshots, we recommend using -24. The default is 16.
  • /cg_thirdpersonrange #
    o This command changes the distance of the camera to the character. Increasing or decreasing the range can be helpful if you need to zoom in on something specific, such as a hilt, or if you want to capture something at a distance. The default is 80 -- numbers less than 80 will move the camera closer to your character while numbers larger than 80 will move it away.
  • /cg_gamma #
    o Lighting

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:34 pm
by Alkur Tekeil
Atrux Nuro wrote:
  • /cg_thirdpersonangle #
    o This command sets the angle you view your character at. 0 (zero) is the default, where you view your camera from behind. 180 will show your character from the front.
  • /cg_thirdpersonvertoffest #
    o This command changes the height of the camera. For screenshots, we recommend using -24. The default is 16.
  • /cg_thirdpersonrange #
    o This command changes the distance of the camera to the character. Increasing or decreasing the range can be helpful if you need to zoom in on something specific, such as a hilt, or if you want to capture something at a distance. The default is 80 -- numbers less than 80 will move the camera closer to your character while numbers larger than 80 will move it away.
  • /cg_gamma #
    o Lighting
The SystemA mod enables a set of sliders for all of these and more.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:07 pm
by Ruluk
Another one.

For this one, you could either use the SystemA mod, or type in console:

Code: Select all

cg_draw2d 0
This will remove your UI (i.e. your crosshair, hp/force/ammo/etc, console messages and chat messages).

To bring it back, go back to console and type:

Code: Select all

cg_draw2d 1

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:16 am
by Avaeth

Code: Select all

/cl_noprint 1
/cl_noprint 0

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:50 pm
by Sared Kilvan

^This^ was up on JKfiles the other day, thought it could be helpful.

For ATI users:

Open Catalyst Control Center, switch from 'Basic' to 'Advanced' view. On the left-hand menu select '3D'. From there you can select and adjust your AA/AF levels.

For nVidia users:

Right click on your desktop and select properties. Select the tab with the nVidia logo. There you can select and adjust your AA/AF levels.

Important note:
Both of these assume that you have the latest drivers installed for your video card.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:06 pm
by Zeak Dystiny
Might add that with nVidia, when upping your AA, sometimes with certain drivers, when you have dynamic glow on, the AA goes completely, but with the glow off, it comes into effect. It varies from time to time, I've found.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:16 pm
by Agitt Tanwa
Atrux Nuro wrote:
  • /cg_thirdpersonrange #
    o This command changes the distance of the camera to the character. Increasing or decreasing the range can be helpful if you need to zoom in on something specific, such as a hilt, or if you want to capture something at a distance. The default is 80 -- numbers less than 80 will move the camera closer to your character while numbers larger than 80 will move it away.
Also numbers below zero will view your character from the front :)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:34 pm
by Maloush;86655

This is what I use. Let me tell ya, it's VERY useful in many regards. Sensing people, binoculars, looking behind you, turning the HUD off for screenies, etc. Have fun with it!

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:19 pm
by Ruluk
I still like my config, but whatever.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:28 am
by Atrux Nuro
Maloush wrote:;86655

This is what I use. Let me tell ya, it's VERY useful in many regards. Sensing people, binoculars, looking behind you, turning the HUD off for screenies, etc. Have fun with it!
That's what the original post was about...

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:42 am
by Maloush
Suppose I should have read it then...

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:22 pm
by Arendur
I just found cg_drawStatus can disable the HUD while retaining chat (for general play) and cg_drawEnemyInfo can disable the player information in the top right corner.