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Screenshot Camera Config.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:55 pm
by Ruluk
Greetings, Jedi members,

In regards to a discussion opened some days ago, which can be found HERE, I have decided to create a utiliy that I personally found of much use. In the topic already named, you can find several tips for making the best screenshots ever. So check it out, if you haven't already.

Now, back to my utility. I made it specifically thinking in JEDI. It is rather simple and direct, not to mention of the smallest filesize possible, as it is simply a .cfg file.

What does it do?

It lets you control your camera while in-game, as simple as pressing some keys. You don't interrupt your RP, and you get good screenshots, fast. You don't need a single command line in console (except for the one for installing. See below). Control your camera completely with the numpad. And, I included some simple demostration screenshots below, with my character in them.

How to install?

First, download my cfg file, ready to use: CLICK HERE. Then, simply extract the screenie.cfg file into your rpmod folder. Then, in the game, you must type in console this information:

Code: Select all

/bind F12 exec screenie
That way, you'll be ready to go.

How to use?

This utility was designed to be used with the numpad, which I considered to be the most adequate arrange of keys without messing what you would normally use. Make sure BlockNum is activated, or it will not work. To start it, press F12 (which was bound already during installation process), and you will enter the Screenshot mode.
  • As if it were arrows, 2 and 8 control vertical angle (pitch)
  • 4 and 6 control horizontal angle (angle)
  • 1 and 3 control horizontal displacement (horz)
  • 7 and 9 control vertical displacement (vert)
  • + and - control depth displacement (range)
  • / and * control zoom (fov)
  • 0 toggles cameradamp.
  • 5 gets everything back to default.
  • INTRO gets the screenshot and returns you to normal mode.
  • F12 Cancels and returns you to normal mode.
Of course, those are the defaults. I have also included a line so that, once you exit screenshot mode, your binds are restablished. I entered defaults, but if you have changed them, go to the last section of the .cfg file, called "binds", and edit them to your tastes. Everything else should be kept untouched, however!!

Look at these pics I made, while I was in-game. (For the Tuskens, I was one of them, and forgive the lighting, since it was a dark map. Otherwise, I am myself).

Image(Yes, it is me being cut in half, but the screenshot was taken before deathcam activated)

Any comment, bug, complain, tell me. I'm always available. ;)

EDITED: (I never gave info on what did the utility do. Fixed above).

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:02 am
by Silas Ortisman
Or you can always bind <key> screenshot.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:03 am
by Ruluk
Silas Ortisman wrote:Or you can always bind <key> screenshot.

Maybe, I didn't make myself clear? rofl ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:11 am
by Silas Ortisman
Yeah I see the difference in features now. I apologise for that comment. :]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:13 am
by Ruluk
Silas Ortisman wrote:Yeah I see the difference in features now. I apologise for that comment. :]
My fault, for not clearing out what it was about. :oops: