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Games to Play!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:49 pm
by Emilia Carizk
Hello all,

Having just recieved a message asking for clarification on rules for a game I introduced to a small handful this afternoon, I felt it necessary to display them somewhere publically to you all so that you may all be able to reference them at one time or another, when I am not around.

Guess Who

This game is played by two players. Each player picks a Jedi who resides with us. This Jedi can be any rank. If you want to make the game harder, you could include Jedi from the archives who are no longer with us as well. The game begins with one player asking the other a yes or no question. For instance:
  • "Is your Jedi human?"
The second player answers yes or no to this question. It then becomes his or her turn to ask a question. You are not allowed to repeat the question you have just been asked until the following go. So for instance:
  • Player One: "Is your Jedi male?"
    Player Two: "No. Is your person male?"
This not allowed. However, you can do one of the following in this situation:

Option One:
  • Player One: "Is your person male?"
    Player Two: "No, is your person female?"
This is a different question, and thus is allowed.

Option Two:
  • Player One: "Is your person male?"
    Player Two: "No, is your person human?"
    Player One: "Yes, does your person have facial hair?"
    Player Two: "No, is your person male?"
This rule is in place because it stops the other player from simply copying the other, and also encourages you to choose your questions more carefully. Remember, you may only ask questions that can be answerd with "Yes" or "No". You may also only make three attempts to guess the other person's Jedi. After three failed guesses at who it is, you loose. So don't make a guess until you've got enough clues!

The game ends when one player successfully guesses the Jedi of the other player. Alternatively, it may be wise to place a limit on the number of questions that can be asked, resulting in the necessesity to make a guess at the end of the game based on all of the facts you uncovered.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:54 pm
by Phillip Braden
I like the game, having played it personally myself, it's a great way to test mental thinking and patience.