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Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:21 am
by Jenny Wrix
Much like Star Wars Galaxies and its tell system, /tell (player) (message) but what about including /reply (message). If its possible for the game to remember a message sent to you, all you would have to do is /reply or /r without having to type out /tell (player).


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:25 am
by Sared Kilvan
I *believe* messagemode4 sends a message back to the last person that PM'ed you, but /r would be nice as a console version as well.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:50 am
by Phillip Braden
Sared Kilvan wrote:I *believe* messagemode4 sends a message back to the last person that PM'ed you, but /r would be nice as a console version as well.
Yeah, but I think if you typed in /r you would get the list is /r_<cmd> as I believe theres a list of /r_<cmd>.

Either way I /support the idea.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:56 am
by Caleb Quintilian
MMORPG chat operates more like an Instant Messenger whereas Q3's is just you printing junk on the screen.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:26 pm
by Sasha Raven
Not a bad suggestion, but I think it's fine the way it is. I know some people strongly advise against the using say_team_mode but you can also set it to respond to a single person you wish to talk to in greater length.

IE say_team_mode tell Agitt

Then just type t and talk.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:42 pm
by Tyren Nayrus
Sasha Raven wrote:Not a bad suggestion, but I think it's fine the way it is. I know some people strongly advise against the using say_team_mode but you can also set it to respond to a single person you wish to talk to in greater length.

IE say_team_mode tell Agitt

Then just type t and talk.
Great way to have an ooc conversation with your master (if you're a padawan.) or with your padawan (if you're a master.)

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:11 pm
by Aayla Vigil
I seem to have to remind you that OOC must always be kept minimum in order to guarantee a decent RP immersion for each player, and the minimum RP quality that JEDI requires of us.

The suggestion may be valuable, but at the end of the day, the gain we would have would not outstand the work required to implent it, so my conclusion is the same of Sasha:
Sasha Raven wrote:Not a bad suggestion, but I think it's fine the way it is. I know some people strongly advise against the using say_team_mode but you can also set it to respond to a single person you wish to talk to in greater length.

IE say_team_mode tell Agitt

Then just type t and talk.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:28 pm
by Baelin Raddyx
Yeah, it's a good idea but it'd be too tempting for me to fuel my psychoocis.

Methods of PM'in.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:48 am
by Phillip Braden
Well i use both /tell and /bind <key> messagemode3, as messagemode3 is quick and simple so long as the person you wish to PM is in the room, all you do is aim at them and press the bound key, like i use T for normal chat, Y for team chat, and U for messagemode3, /bind u messagemode3.

I just prefer it that way, mainly as it saves bringing up the console just to PM someone so I can treat the PM like I was chatting normally, but there are two cons, The person HAS to be in the room to use this chat system, and two: You can accidently press Y/T and utterly fail if you use the same arrangement as me.

In the case of say_team_mod, and /clanpass <chatroom>, I strongly advise it be kept for private things like missions (Seeing as it is currently used for that purpose), and training sessions or lessons, or (as already used I believe) Council meetings when the council are talking privately and don't wish others to hear, but in the case of the Video link Rash posted of the Admin chat I would strongly disagree with it being abused for messing around, though I can't really say this due to the ammount of foolish posts I make.

But all these are valid and effective means of chatting, so long as they are used responsibly and in the correct manner and not for messing around.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:59 am
by Illrian Damaris
I don't really see the need for this, personally. Because the /tell command works just fine in my personal opinion. You automatically have the PM messagemode binded to U I believe it is, and that works wonders when you're able to aim at the person you wish to speak to.

I'd have to agree with Aayla when she says:
I seem to have to remind you that OOC must always be kept minimum in order to guarantee a decent RP immersion for each player
I would have to agree with this. The OOC/PM system should be kept to a low, to help keep it more like an RP feeling. I know I'm guilty of a bit more PM'ing then I probably should, but I still tend to (on most occasions) use it only when I need to ask something, or someone PM's me. That's why you could just use the /tell command.