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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:31 am
by Amoné Fayden
Fane Ornn'ila wrote:No, the effort it would take to create this system and implement it is far too much to be worthwhile, when it's so easily done with some common sense in your roleplay.
I'm with Fane.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:34 am
by Ormal Nehutyc
As am I she pretty much made my point for me.

Re: /rpcointoss or /rpdice

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:43 am
by Kiwron Tirladdik
What Baelin Raddyx wrote:

Go crazy.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:47 am
by Ormal Nehutyc
haha nice one Kiwron..

::Flips a coin::

Re: /rpcointoss or /rpdice

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:00 am
by Baelin Raddyx
Kiwron Tirladdik wrote:
What Baelin Raddyx wrote:

Go crazy.

With that logic why do we even use JKA as a medium to play? We could easily rp through forum.

No, the point of this is to make it accessible in rpmod, not /min and do the random crap.

Now as far as everyone being against it, most I can see is about two reasons:

1-we can all /me it

and 2-it would be too much work for the feature.

As far as /meing goes, yeah we can, but imagine yourself in a mission, and there are three ways to proceed. However, the lock on the door is extremely hard to slice, yet your destination is on the other side, whereas the other two paths are longer.

To begin with, I don't care who you are, there's no such thing as an "unhackable console", but rather a very *hard* console to hack. Which is where the /rpdice 10 to /rpdice 10000 would come in, because it could gauge possibility vs skill vs difficulty of the lock. This can also be applied in several other situations as well.

As far as difficulty of construction goes, I have no clue how long it would take to implement this, is it difficult Soh?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:04 am
by Zeak Dystiny
Just have a coin/dice beside you then if you don't want to minimize.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:45 am
by Fane Ornn'ila
Let's use your example then.

Your in a mission and come across something like that.
Depending on your location, you can guess the approximate difficulty. (Military base, hotel, office etc. etc.)

You first ask yourself if you would even have the skills to possibly succeed.

If yes, you proceed. You RP the attempt, and whoever is running the mission will let you know.

As you said, there's no impossible to hack console, but hard ones. In return, you might feel you're superduperepicawesome at it, but w/e your trying to hack still outdoes that. regardless of your 'lucky' rolls.

It will come down to pure luck rather than skill. Unless rpmod keeps track of some kind of tech, computer hack or w/e u wanna call it skill in your account (which would be even more effort) it will always be random. Another reason why both your own and mission director's common sense and roleplay are better.

Although your example is different from the slapping some / attempting to slap someone, the same still applies imo.

Re: /rpcointoss or /rpdice

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:04 am
by Amoné Fayden
Baelin Raddyx wrote:because it could gauge possibility vs skill vs difficulty of the lock.
And how would RPmod know how to asseses the "Skill" of a player and the "Difficulty" of a door to produce a realistic result?

If anything, Dice rolls open the doors to all sort of God-Emoting. Normally (again I say normally) people will not attempt something they cannot do. But if there was a magic roll command that had a CHANCE of success, everyone will be trying to push their luck with silly dice rolls.

Here's an example:

1) A rancor attacks a student.
2) Student thinks: "hmmm i'd normally run.. BUT! I have a magic dice now! So if I attack, I can roll the dice and maybe win!"
3) Student rolls dice
4) Student rolls "Attack"
5) Student Dies because he relied on a dice roll rather than realistic and creative thinking.

You don't need a dice to decide if something is a realistic action/result. You use your brain.

I believe at the core of this suggestion lies an underlaying issue that people don't trust others to RP failure, so this is a call for a game mechanic to force failure.

I'm not in disagreement that too many people are God-Emoting and are too proud to fail at something but I don't want to see some D&D / Bioware gimmick deciding it for me.

Sorry bud.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:06 am
by Elu Dako
I think the rancor would have killed him way before he even got a chance to see what the dice roll resulted it :o

Re: /rpcointoss or /rpdice

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:07 am
by Illrian Damaris
Amoné Fayden wrote:You don't need a dice to decide if something is a realistic action/result. You use your brain.

I believe at the core of this suggestion lies an underlaying issue that people don't trust others to RP failure, so this is a call for a game mechanic to force failure.
Can't really say much more...
I was originally in support of this idea because I didn't think it through enough before speaking. After seeing everyone's posts and reasons for not supporting it, it actually makes a lot of sense to deny such a request as this.

Illrian is a Saber Arts guy, he excels in Saber Arts over anything else.. where as for example.. Rash, he overpowers Illrian when it comes to Saber Arts probably 100 - 1 at the least. If I RP'ed trying to sweep kick Rash, and placed if it happened or not on a die, then the die could say I succeeded, but I know for a fact that there is no way I'd get Rash with that type of move at my current level of skill. It's just impossible, more or less.

I thought out my original opinion of this to fast, didn't think through all the things this would wrap around.. this isn't Dungeons and Dragons, we don't rely on dice to determine if we move or not, or if we succeed in a fight. We RP that out, and it should be good enough for anyone to simply RP it all out.

I like Delmi's opinion.. if he's going to do anything that could be classified as "God Modding" then he speaks about it with that person privately first. I think that would be a smart tactic for those that don't know how to word their RP actions in a manner of which we're attempting to do something over just doing it.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:00 pm
by Ruluk
I personally love the computed battle logics that bioware uses in its games. For an example, obviously, there comes KOTOR. There is a very, very high chance that TOR will work the same way. And, I personally like such system because I have very high logical intelligence, and thus, I can put my mind to work with the system to my favour. It is a nice exercise for me. :)

So, two things. First, despite of what you'd think, the system is not that random. There is a big list of things that boost/reduce your points at one stat, such as level, objects, attributes, and so on, which together make the difference. The famous d20 dice then becomes a simple factor to not make it an absolute "success" or "fail". "Please, let me hit him at least once..."

If, for some reason, we were going to apply a dice to our system, we would have to take all that into account to make it realist. And that means one of two options: either we make the calculations at home, or make Soh program a full numeric system for us to use. Both options are tiring and will probably not be used in the end.

Now, second, although I just said I love numeric systems, I would find it quite boring to bother about that in a place where what we do (or are supposed to do) is roleplay. Also, from the start I've noticed that one thing that makes this place so valuable is the combination of a game normally put into slow, thoughtful numeric systems with a game normally stuffed with fast, action-packed moments.

Why would I want to screw such an amazing combination?