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Message bank

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:20 pm
by Nicholae Carnassi
It'd be nice to be able to leave IC messages for another player in the server. Something along the lines of:

Code: Select all

/rpmessage [JEDI ID] [Subject] [Message]
After logging into your account in the server, the player would be notified that they have [#] Message(s) waiting to be retrieved.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:41 pm
by Aslyn Denethorn
That would be a very, very awesome way to create some IC interaction.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:44 pm
by Sai Akiada
Hmm I think this idea has the potential to be a lot of fun and aid immersion, so for that reason I would approve.

I wont be sad if it is turned down through lack of interest or ease to create but yeh, if possible and as always, if Soh can do it - sounds fun. I would place it as low priority however.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:59 pm
by Nira'kalen'nuruodo
I can definitely see this being a potentially useful and interesting feature. However, I can also see the potential for abuse.

Code: Select all

/rplogin <username> <password>
Welcome back, <name>.  You have 400 new messages.
/me Weeps openly
I exaggerate, as I doubt we'd login to find 400 messages offering us methods of enhancing parts of our anatomy that we may or may not have, but I think it's worthwhile considering how we'd prevent unwanted messages. Restrictions on who can use the command or simply deal with any abuse as and when it crops up?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:04 pm
by Oberon
You could make a buffer that you're only allowed to leave 2 messages per 24 hour period per person.

I just wouldn't like to see like... OOC messages in the IC message system to me lol. or I'd have to do like /rpblockmessage JohnDoe

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:05 pm
by Amoné Fayden
A neat suggestion but isn't that what forum PM's are for?

Sorry to be party-pooping naysayer!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:09 pm
by Oberon
Right... because we want to shove people off being active in the game to go look at a website.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:16 pm
by Nastajja Arren
I'm going to have to agree with Amoné here. If you have a message to be left, the PM's on the forum should suffice. We use the forums anyway, so it's not keeping us off the server anymore than it was before. And if you're already on the server, what's wrong with using a commlink or actively rping instead of messages?

I can see this being very distracting in game, with people playing around in their console, standing still with their chat bubble up instead of interacting with eachother, essentially creating as much distraction as getting ooc pm's while playing.

I'm gonna have to go with a no on this one.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:20 pm
by Amoné Fayden
Oberon wrote:Right... because we want to shove people off being active in the game to go look at a website.
Not RPing to read PMs on the Forums.
Not RPing to read PMs on the Server.

It's not really better one way or another as both versions are private and not public knowledge unless the player wants to make it that way.

It would just save Soh the bother and allow him to work on other aspects of RPmod instead, seeing as we have a method in place already for these sorts of things.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:23 pm
by Tomoran
I, uh

I already use forum PMs for this purpose.

Was I doing it wrong? I wouldn't mind this feature but I probably wouldn't use it.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:13 pm
by Oberon
Unless of course, the features would generate an rphologram'd npc of whoever sent you the message and would trigger a conversation with you to relay the message.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:18 pm
by Sared Kilvan
Amoné Fayden wrote:A neat suggestion but isn't that what forum PM's are for?

Sorry to be party-pooping naysayer!
Like Tomoran said, I also use this feature of the forums for that purpose, and it would be hard if not impossible to attach picture, links, and other such materials to an in-game message.

I do like Oberon's idea of using interactive rphologram'd NPCs for messages, but I think that would be event-specific materials, unrelated to the mod.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:48 pm
by Simus Cnydaria

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:40 pm
by Illrian Damaris
To be quite honest, I agree fully with Amoné on this one. I'm like both Tomoran and Sared. I use the Forum's PM system already for this exact thing, and personally I find it a lot easier. I'll display a perfect example for Forum PM'ing over Server PM'ing.

Back when the Flight class was started, the students needed permission from their Mentor's in order to participate. I hadn't seen Aayla on MSN since I noticed the post, and I needed to get her permission before joining.. if I had sent her the IC Server PM as you suggest, she may not have gotten it until a couple days after the first class already started. Instead, I sent her an IC Forum PM, asking for her permission...and I got an answer that very same day.

Point is: If you have an IC question for someone, but they aren't on the server...why leave a PM for them on there? It may take days before they get it, and it could very well be something that you need an answer to quickly. Sending them a PM over the Forums and making it IC is much more productive, easy, and you've got a far better chance of getting your answer a lot quicker then waiting for them to get on the server.

So, I have to say I do not support this idea it simply makes something that's already easy that much harder. Forum PM'ing is just fine, and can often times be far quicker...Server PM'ing can eventually become extremely complicated.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:45 pm
by Baelin Raddyx
What would be neat is if you could do this, and had it synced up with the upgraded phpbb v3 forums. There's already talk of syncing rpmod passwords, Perhaps messages sent to inboxes can be labeled (IC) and they will show up in server as well, without attachments.

If there is a picture or something, it can say :;see attachment::