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Skin sounds

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:13 pm
by Blake Lawson
I was wondering on how I switch sounds on Skins

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:39 am
by Aslyn Denethorn
It's pretty easy to do, actually. All skins have a file called 'Sounds.cfg' in them - when you open it up, you'll see the following (as an example):
Now, the first names the folder the game will look at for sounds: the one I use thus corresponds to sound > chars > aslyn > misc. So for you, just create a set of folders (one inside the other) that goes sound > chars > blake > misc, and create a sound.cfg file that says:
The 'm' bit, by the way, is how the server determines if you're male or female. So changing that to 'm' or 'f' will determine what the server recognises your model as being.

Now, if you open up a Base model's sound folder, you'll see a lot of different files. All in-game ones that have voice acting will have a bunch of files in sound > chars > name, but these are referenced by single player, not MP. The ones MP works with are found in sound > chars > name > misc, so that's where you need to look. You'll find a bunch of files that look like this, for example:
And so on. These are files that play at specific times: when you die, when you use a 'taunt', when you're hurt in combat or from fall damage, what you use as your 'victory' expression etc. So changing those will alter what they do in-game. Not all of them work in MP, it should be noted, since some of the conditions don't apply.

So find the sound files you want, make sure they're short, in MP3 encoding/format, and make SURE the names match the ones in the Base folders (hence, anger1, death1 etc), otherwise the game won't read them as valid sounds and won't know when to play them. That done, stick them in sound > chars > blake > misc and upload them with your model (so if you open up your .pk3 as a zip file, you should see 2-3 folders from the outset: one being models/players/blake, which has your model and skin files, and then sounds/chars/blake/misc which has all your sounds in.

sounds.cfg goes in the MODELS folder, so models/players/blake/sounds.cfg would be yours. If it's not there, doesn't matter how awesome your sounds are, because the game won't read them.

If you need any further help, just holler. And apologies for it being a tad abstract - not the easiest thing in the world to explain, particularly if you're unfamiliar with how the game packages information!

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:16 pm
by Blake Lawson
Thank you! that was a big help!