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Terminal Guidelines/Restrictions

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:27 am
by Baelin Raddyx
((This is intended as an rp stimulant. This set of guidelines is meant to have been set forth when Alzoc 3's temple was built, not recently, but there was no actual posting of it. In other words, please take this as something that you've seen for a while, and please message me if you feel things should be added/subtracted.)):

((Stop! Alzoc III Technical Division))

Terminal Guidelines/Restrictions

  • Use your Temple login for all terminals. Attempting to use another's login is prohibited.
  • Downloading software onto a temple Terminal's hard drive is prohibited. Please use your datapad for anything extremely personal or for holding files to be run on a terminal, as an external hard drive.
  • These terminals are for research/classes, not for entertainment purposes.
  • Students with temporary or special access accounts must not abuse their privileges.
  • Abuse of computer privileges may result in disciplinary action.
  • Do not dismantle the terminals.