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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:40 pm
by Sared Kilvan
Affects: Commands

Summary: A compass to find your way through the woods!

Suggestion: There are two ways to do this, either via command-line, or via GUI. The first would be a simple /compass command that would tell the player which direction they are facing. The second would be a rotating graphical compass that could be turned on/off via cgdraw command.

Implementation: Command-line: /compass queries players yaw direction and, based on the angle, feeds back something along the lines of /rpnotify <player> You are facing ^2North by North-West.

GUI: Same calculation of yawangle as above that sends an update based on a configureable server-side cvar once every X server frames, ideally on the 20th for one refresh per second. Fastest refresh could be set at a higher framecount to reduce packet size (and potential crashes/boots).

Of course, if this is all doable client-side then such crashes could be easily avoidable, and end up being a very smooth compass.

Role-play wise, due to the client-only reporting of direction, it could be played out manually (/me looks down to check the compass on his datapad), or more subtly for characters with a good sense of direction and navigation.

References: RPMod documentation.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:07 pm
by Nicholae Carnassi
I like this, and I'd also support it having a GPS-like locator command. Querying origin coordinates in order to lead the player to a specific person or npc. Could be used for tracked objectives in missions.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:19 pm
by Sared Kilvan
GPS! Who needs GPS? I've got a cork and a needle, someone get me a glass of water!

/me remembers that we live on a ball of ice.


I like where you're going with that. Idea: rpspawnobjective at a location (there's got to be some way to use what is in base siegemode for that, though it might be map-specific). From there, /compass reports direction you are facing, as well as the direction of the nearest rpobjective.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:21 pm
by Ellana
I think it'd be too hard to implement, and not worth the effort put into it.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:45 pm
by Oberon
Considering JKA is not an open world game, and most of it's environments require at most a twice over before being committed to memory, I doubt this feature would be used much, I'm sorry to say :(.

Not to say you shouldn't bust out a compass ICly on unfamiliar terrain? Perhaps a land navigation course for students? :P

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:20 am
by Soh Raun
Nicholae Carnassi wrote:I like this, and I'd also support it having a GPS-like locator command. Querying origin coordinates in order to lead the player to a specific person or npc. Could be used for tracked objectives in missions.
The /where BaseJKA command? :)

As for the compass idea, it sort of already exists in BaseJKA team games, in the upper right corner of the screen (and this is done client-side). So it's possible, although it may be currently missing the direction markers (N/E/S/W) and a way to manually add objectives.