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Pull weapon restriction

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:38 am
by Aayla Vigil
At the present time pull1 already allows you to pull a gunner's weapon quite easily.

I believe it would make more sense to have this effect restricted for Pull level 3 and above.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:44 am
by Aslyn Denethorn
Or perhaps add a resist chance based on...something. Not sure what criteria we could use. But yeah, it'd be definitely nice if the students had to resort to some other method of dealing with a gunman :P

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:47 am
by Olim Adasca
Well, truth is, at pull 1, I always found I had to really aim for the gun, which takes its fair share of effort, which in turn is a nice training in combination with rocket pushing at push 1. Accuracy :)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:47 am
by Tomoran
In Single Player, Pull/Push 1 can actually put a gunman on their back/stomach if they're used from small enough range. I don't think that Push/Pull 1 need to remove a gun but I do think that Telekinesis should be able to take people off their feet from level 1 provided the target does not have higher level telekinesis.

In the case of equal levels, it would just block. Unless the person is in the middle of an offensive action (aka a swing or something and has their guard down)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:30 am
by Amoné Fayden
Olim Adasca wrote:Well, truth is, at pull 1, I always found I had to really aim for the gun, which takes its fair share of effort, which in turn is a nice training in combination with rocket pushing at push 1. Accuracy :)
I agree with Olim.

On one side I understand that it's too easy from a game perspective and that It's usually people's first course of action - to pull the weapon.

But on the other hand, isn't that what Jedi are trained to do? Disarm rather than hack and slash?
On top of that, yoinking a 1-5kg pistol/rifle out of somebody's hand using the Force when they are not expecting it should be fairly simple for even a starter in Telekinesis!

So I guess in the end, if it cheapens the experience and you'd rather an NPC/Player have more of a fighting chance before losing their gun then I'm fine with the change suggestion.
Just be prepared for people throwing less-than-lethal tactics out the window. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:33 am
by Aslyn Denethorn
But on the other hand, isn't that what Jedi are trained to do? Disarm rather than hack and slash?
Problem is it doesn't end with a disarm, but is instead followed by hack and slash - you're disarmed, and no threat, so I'm gonna kill you, in case you return to being one. Olim's actually fairly practised at that one, and I see it a lot, especially among the students. If you can't hit with your lightsaber without taking a blaster bolt to the face, remove the blaster and then swing away...

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:36 am
by Olim Adasca
*Eeh* I'm usually the one trying to prevent others from killing programs if they're unarmed, and leave them unattended for the rest. If it's players and they try to attack me, sure, I'll slash.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:39 am
by Amoné Fayden
Aslyn wrote: Problem is it doesn't end with a disarm, but is instead followed by hack and slash
I have done that a couple of times in error because NPC's continue to run around with the weapon in their hand.

In the heat of a firefight, you see somebody with a gun looking at you, you go for them. (If pulling the weapon is out of the picture)

So I guess that's a separate issue - NPC's retaining the model in their hand even after you've pulled it.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:51 am
by Herenai
Olim Adasca wrote:*Eeh* I'm usually the one trying to prevent others from killing programs if they're unarmed, and leave them unattended for the rest. If it's players and they try to attack me, sure, I'll slash.
Every students/Jedi should leave someone disarmed, this is what we're taught to do since we're initiated/hopefull.

And about the weapons pulling, I think 1+ can work against civilians, but not against Jedi/Sith (as they are trained to stop/predict such things). Well, that's my point of view anyway.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:53 am
by Tomoran
I'm fine with the attitude that we should be removing weapons from people and them surrendering, but being able to pull 80 rifles out of the hands of 80 guards in one motion is rather silly. The mechanics surrounding telekinesis in general need to be changed (read: nerfbat) so that gunners don't feel like just waiting to die against Jedi with how ridiculous saber defense is in JKA.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:13 am
by Sared Kilvan
I can get behind this being restricted to pull3.


What about a disarm based on range? This would make it viable for all levels of pull, dependent on how close the player is. So...

Disarm w/ Pull1 @ 1m
Disarm w/ Pull2 @ 3m
Disarm w/ Pull3 @ 5m
Disarm w/ Pull4 @ 10m
Disarm w/ Pull5 @ 20m

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:21 am
by Aslyn Denethorn
That works, for sure, Sared. Making it work the same way Push does: based on proximity to the user.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:46 am
by Zeak Dystiny
Aslyn wrote:
But on the other hand, isn't that what Jedi are trained to do? Disarm rather than hack and slash?
Problem is it doesn't end with a disarm, but is instead followed by hack and slash - you're disarmed, and no threat, so I'm gonna kill you, in case you return to being one. Olim's actually fairly practised at that one, and I see it a lot, especially among the students. If you can't hit with your lightsaber without taking a blaster bolt to the face, remove the blaster and then swing away...
To be honest, whenever I actually hack and slash someone, whether they've got a weapon in their hand, I imagine Zeak removing a limb or just knocking them out. People never ever run away and stay out of combat when they've been unarmed, if they do it's very rare. I've tried running away sometimes, but people still chase me down even though I plan to /kill to become another disposable NPC. However, as a Jedi sometimes you don't have to time to keep ::'ing it, or spamming chat with the same action either, if you're removing a limb or KOing.

What I think we also need is the ability to somehow reduce the width of the higher levels of Pull/Push. A customizable option.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:59 am
by Aayla Vigil
I don't personally care on how you approach the battle, you can defend or charge the opponents, for the good or the bad, it's not like there's a Jedi and suddenly a battle ends with no injuries and no victims.

The problem is that when we get a good battle on the servers, gunners feel abused by the excessive pull-weapon spam (that forces them to leave and respawn, and get pulled again! and again, and again?) but also the feeling for the Jedi to be abused by the gunners, by not being able to reach them within a reasonable time, even if they have light clothes while soldiers have armors (for which I created another suggestion, regarding the back-running speed).

So what we get is:

Jedi spam Pull + Gunners run in madness = FFA.
(Changing the order of the addends the result remain the same)

So far we countered this by preaching everyone to 'avoid running backward, avoid spamming force powers, etc, etc'

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:34 pm
by Tomoran
Food for thought:

After the class system is implemented, force energy will be very finite and spamming any force powers will quickly leave you out of force energy for upwards to 30 seconds to 2 minutes.