Hopeful Introductions

Discussions which are Out of Character.
Brom Drakar
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Brom Drakar »

Hello everyone!

My characters name is Brom Drakar and he's a nine year old boy originally from Nar Shaddaa. I've been reading on the forums for a bit but finally was able to submit an application. Really looking forward to meeting you all and your characters!
Hal Devarin
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Hal Devarin »

Hello there JEDI!

I shall be posing as a male twi'lek named Hal Devarin from Tatooine. With a hunger to learn and improve, he should prove to be a wonderful student to some, and an absolute annoyance to others. Look forward to RPing with you all.

Here's the link to my pk3; let me know if you have trouble DLing it.

Hal Devarin.pk3

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Murin Al'ketch
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Murin Al'ketch »

Hello Again JEDI!

Hi Everyone I am very happy to be here again! If you don't remember me I was Nifeth Chutivir and Another Miralukan Chiyuf. However, I got very busy IRL with school and music that I couldn't play that much anymore. But now I am able to be back on and very happy to be here again!

I am going to be playing a 7-year-old Arkanian who is "Murin Al'ketch" who had a rather dark start into the Jedi Order but wants to have a Bright Future. She wants to honor her family and try and be like a Previous Arkanian Council Member!

PS: Daegon made a very nice Model and I thank him so much and it is here.

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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Anya »

This is the skin I'll be using if anyone wants to grab it!

Anya's skin
NAME: Anya
HOMEWORLD: Coruscant
MENTOR: Caerith Lhot
PADAWAN: Vuren Nilim
Jarek Topel
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Jarek Topel »

So uh... I'm looking at my username now and realizing I kinda goofed. If any admin can do his magic stuff and switch it, that'd be awesome.

Anyway, I'll be RPing Jarek Topel, a human from Tatooine. He's easy to get along with and is respectful. I've done my fair share of RP through DND and other games, and I saw this place as a big time RP clan, and I thought, heck yeah. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you all on the server... If I can get the danged thing working that is XD
Last edited by Jarek Topel on Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Aqua Sol
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Aqua Sol »

So uh first, let's show off how smart I am! Funny story, I registered my account before realizing they were all suppose to be named after your characters. Could I get that fixed and changed to Aqua Sol?

So I'm a nerd from Texas who's obsessed with dogs and comic books.

Uh, my character is a lil street rat from Nar Shaddaa who got picked up and brought in by a Jedi after realizing she was force sensitive when she tried to pick his pocket. Fun. Anyway, she's here now.

Oh, are we suppose to give our discords? Neat. I know there's a discord server, so that'd be swell to be invited to. So, here it is: ♥Loe♥#0001

Uh, I'll be changing my icon soon once I get a good image for my char.


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Zaesh Kyarr
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Zaesh Kyarr »

Hello everyone!

I hope y'all doing great in these difficult times! I am happy that the ::JEDI:: community is still flourishing. I am an old player, happily returning to this great community.

My character is an Echani from Dantooine, a seven year old Zaesh Kyarr! Can not wait to rp once again with all of you (old players and new).

Let's get back to this "galaxy far, far away".

Discord: Zyke#2687

And 'ere is my skin: https://gofile.io/?c=Yc6zKU (Thanks to Sirius)
Last edited by Zaesh Kyarr on Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

~ NAME: Zaesh Kyarr | AGE: 22 | SPECIES: Echani | HOMEWORLD: Dantooine | MENTOR: Narael Undine ~
~ BIRTH: 389.25 ABY | INITIATED: 397.09 ABY | APPRENTICED: 398.01 ABY ~

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Tara Mindar
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Tara Mindar »

Hi everyone.

I'll be playing a young girl from Corellia. Looking forward to RPing with ya'll!

Discord username: Cookiecrumbs92#7555
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by evenitout »

Hi everyone!

I'm a new roleplayer and hope everyone gets to meet my new character! he is a small Togruta boy from Nar Shaddaa.

My Discord is austindude (Sin Collector)#4945.
Have an awesome day!
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Tuum Faer
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Tuum Faer »

I'll be playing Bosh Verdei. A Kyuzo male. Basic is limited and larger words and sentences may be incoherent.
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Eden Zuriel
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Eden Zuriel »

Hello everyone! I'll be playing Eden Zuriel, he's originally from Dantooine, raised by farmers. He can be playful, loud at times and even a little bit shy...
Species: Human
Homeworld: Dantooine
Age: Unknown
Born: 386.01 ABY
Initiated: 397.09 ABY
Apprenticed: 398.02 ABY
Mentor: Ber-til Keztor
Status: MIA
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Chisana »


Hey everyone, I am Akari mostly known as Chisana or Chi online. I don't mind what ever you call me really. I am glad to have found this community especially during this incredibly difficult time for everyone across the globe. I am currently playing a female human born on Tatooine named Sadla as some of you saw today. She is very energetic and quick to action. She can get a little too excited though with the introduction of candy! Hope she doesn't get into to much trouble!

A brief introduction of myself: I am just really your average Japanese girl who loves to sing,write, and read. I read a a lot of manga and will never miss a Demon Slayer volume! I also read a lot of star wars legend novels that I have to have imported which takes a while but its always worth it! Also, some might wonder why I currently have a Shiba Inu as my avatar. Well, I also own a Shiba Inu named Haruto and he is the best little thing! Hope this was all short and sweet and lets to get you know a bit of me and Sadla. Since a lot of people are doing this here my discord is Chisana#0227. I can't wait to rp with more of you!
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Wip Almb
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Wip Almb »

Wip Almb.
Green colored Mon Calimar boy.
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Aren Kelpor
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Aren Kelpor »

Hello all!
I am playing a young boy from Corellia, Aren Kelpor.

Looking forward to RPing with you all! If Aren gets accepted I have image that I will use. Oh and my Discord is: Tinytwo#2909 !
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Birthday: 388.09
Initiated: 399.04
Apprenticed: 400.20
Mentor: Wen-Ordo
Knighted: 428.26
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Vale Sutherblaze
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Vale Sutherblaze »

Hellooo (read in Vale's voice :D )

Vale Sutherblaze is a healthy half-human and half-theelin hybrid child from Taanab eager to make everyone her friend!

I'll follow Aren's lead and give you my discord too: gabuthecat#3279

I'm not as active as I'd like to be right now because of my mental health but I swear I'm here to last!
"Jedi stuff."
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