Hopeful Introductions

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Hopeful Introductions

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings, Hopefuls, and welcome to JEDI.

This thread is being refreshed in order to keep up to date and relevant. So, please utilise this space to introduce yourself and your character, and to show your active interest in joining the JEDI community.

There is no need to reveal too much, though! Doing so could ruin part of the fun of getting to know you in character, both for you and for people interacting with you. This is by no means an obligation, but this thread is the only place on the Comport where you may introduce yourself. Any separate thread you may create for this purpose will be deleted. Discussion must also stay on topic (introductions) - irrelevant posts will be deleted to keep the thread clean.

If you are interested in joining JEDI and haven't already applied, instructions are available here.

Lastly, and most importantly, remember that the best way to present yourself is at the JEDI Temple, simply by playing your character. :)

- The Jedi Council.

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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Aiden »

Hello I'm Aiden Santill, I'm a nine year old human male and I look forward to meeting and RPing with all of you.
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Thame Byakurai »

Hello, my name is Thame Arkana and I am a ten year old Echani male. Your going to have to meet me in game if you want to find out more.

((I'm formally Rulan Var. Some of you might remember me. I played for seven months as him :P))
Name: Thame Byakurai
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Jen Rached
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Jen Rached »


My name is Jen Rached, but you can call me Ren. I am a Ten year old Human Male. I am really looking forward to playing with you guys, and also train to become a Jedi. This is my first time doing roleplaying, so I apologize for anything I do wrong.
Last edited by Jen Rached on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Vaka »

Hello everyone,

I'm Vaka Kahjik, an 8 year old rodian male from Rodia, and I'm excited to get to RPing with you guys!
Last edited by Vaka on Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Name: Vaka Kahjin
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Might »


My character is a 10 years old Human male. Name's Ralcos Zednan.

Hopefully we'll all meet in the server anytime soon :D
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Jade Deferri
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Jade Deferri »

:: Translated Firrerrie::<<Hey there... you can call me miss or little miss. I'm an 8 year old Firrerreo from Kinooine. I'm really excited! I have a thirst for knowledge! I love to learn things!>>

((I'm really a 19 year old female named Ashley new to JEDI and I hope I can give RPing a 3rd try here.))


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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Xander »

Hello, Xander Emtra, a 10 year old Hapan.
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by abahnur »

*Enaie walks by swinging his head left to right*

Oh hy again, I'ts Enaie from shili I guess some of you still remember me even if I'm just a hopeful but I hope we will know each other better as time pasts.
Gaven K'Vosh
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Gaven K'Vosh »

Hey guys, this server has always fascinated me..virtually the only server that is controlled to the letter of the rule, zero corruption, and..no trolls? Playing on ::JEDI:: is a completely different experience from the other mods, as the players, and the setting, provide an atmosphere that is so unique it just makes you want to return. I value what every member of this community has created.

My roleplay character's name is Gaven K'Vosh. His current age is ~14. Born on Anobis, he escapes a world of hiding from the imperials by his father. Upon arrival of Alcoz III, he has no idea what the jedi there will expect of him.

I'll be seeing you!
Last edited by Gaven K'Vosh on Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Jett Corro
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Jett Corro »

My character's name is Jett. He's five and a nautolan. I've met a few of you in game already but I thought I'd officially greet everyone.

P.S. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF9Qk6m_b74
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Sai Akiada »

Greetings and welcome to all of you.

I would just like to add in a little reminder for the benefit of all, that JEDI at all times, takes its roleplay seriously and we try our best to maintain the quality and continuity no matter the setting. This extends also to events happening on the Galaxy server. Though things are generally more relaxed during the winter holiday period, we still expect to see the same commitment to character development and respect for the rules that we would at any other time of the year. So any abuse of the rules or loss of mutual respect, will be met with a swift response from the Council.

With that said and done, a happy winter holiday to you all and have a pleasant, safe end of year.

Enjoy the roleplay


| Age_50's | Race_Human | Padawan_Zeak Dystiny, Des Anaro, Zuri Lyn |

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Saos Nartu
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Saos Nartu »

Hello everyone,

My character is Saos Nartu, a ten year old Kiffar who arrived at Alzoc via a Jedi Master. Hope to roleplay with you all in the future. My skin is available to download by a simple click of my signature.


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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Vaka »

I'm going to go ahead and cancel my application. Sorry but there's been some problems at my previous clan, and frankly, I feel I belong there more than I do here. At least for now.

Thanks for the Role-play,
Name: Vaka Kahjin
Species: Rodian
Age: 8
Homeworld: Rodia
Rank: Hopeful
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Sai Akiada
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Sai Akiada »

Vaka wrote:I'm going to go ahead and cancel my application. Sorry but there's been some problems at my previous clan, and frankly, I feel I belong there more than I do here. At least for now.

Thanks for the Role-play,
Sorry to hear this. Appreciate you taking the time to inform us however. Take care for now Vaka.

| Age_50's | Race_Human | Padawan_Zeak Dystiny, Des Anaro, Zuri Lyn |

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