Hopeful Introductions

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Raylin Vor
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Raylin Vor »


My name is Raylin Vor and I'm 8 years old and from Tatooine! I'm excited to meet you all! I should be landing soon!
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Mortifer »

Hi all.

My name is Iname Mortifer. I've submitted my application and hope to hear back soon and be able to join you all.

[[Attempted to find a link to the discord to no avail, but my name is: Mortiphere#0956]]
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Ayyagella »


I am Ayyagella,

I am I little white twi'lek running around, the closest model I honestly could get was purple.She is 12 and recently arrived from Ryloth, I excited to meet and Rp with you all <3. First text rp in a while so sorry for any mistakes! See ya soon.
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Minoda Darkrider
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

Greetings all,

I am Minoda Darkrider, a 7 year old Kiffar male. I was a part of the community a long time ago around 2007, really looking forward to meeting you all and getting to RP again.
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
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Zyli Hiden
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Zyli Hiden »

Hello there!

I am Zyli Hiden. A 12-year-old female Omwat. who is just a huge heap of things. She loves droids, dance, and good old fashioned Rock N Roll. She may look like a Chiss (Restricted to the current model) but she is far from one and is an Omwati. See you around!
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Donan Healof
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Donan Healof »

I am Donan, a eight year old human male from Bacrana, my parents own a droid shop, I worked with them alot so I know more about droids than an avarage eight year old. Also I am about to be 9 !!! . I hate being treated like a child, growing up with my engineer parents, I used to only chat and speak with grown-ups. I never had friends my age, since I was home-schooled.
Last edited by Donan Healof on Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Torus Versea
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Torus Versea »

Hi! I'm Torus! I'm 10 years old, I'm really curious and I can't be still for a while, I just love exploring and filling my little head with knowledge as much as I can! Questioning things may be my favorite hobby, as an opening key to my quest for knowledge, and as a pathway to socialize and getting to know everyone just a little better! I love to watch the elders practice, as lightsaber combat is one of my best aspirations, I hope someday I'll get to practice alongside some of you! See you around, and try to catch me if you can! :lol:
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Ch'sei'Afan »

Hello! My name is Ch'sei'Afan [Che-Si 'Ah-Fhan] I am a 12 year old blue Twi'lek, I'm a bit shy but I'm looking forward to having some great RP with y'all. :)
Born: 394.21 ABY | Species: Twi'lek | Homeworld: Ryloth | Initiated: 406.06 ABY
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Neb Ka'zels
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Neb Ka'zels »

I just realized I still haven't wrote anything here - sorry for being late, but I guess it's better than never. :)
My character is Neb Ka'zels.
Also, this is my first time ever to try RP-ing.
See you around!
Last edited by Neb Ka'zels on Sun May 02, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Susan »

I decided today to try to get involved in the JA RP again.
Howdy everyone!
Love with your heart. Use your head for everything else.
-- Captain Disillusion
Shazorm Vlec
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Shazorm Vlec »


My name is Shazorm Vlec. I am 9 or 10 (I am not sure on my age, never really kept track of it) year old Weequay and I am from Sriluur. I was brought here by Master Rhuacca, who saved me from my previous home. I am excited to learn the ways of the Jedi and hone my abilities!
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Jolt Chass
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Jolt Chass »

Hi, my name is Jolt and I'm a short kel-dor from the planet Coruscant. I love animals and hope to meet you all in game.

((PS: don't ask him to take of his mask you may not like what you see lol)
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Nil Zendu
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Nil Zendu »

Wow I totally forgot to post here. My character's name is Nil and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for being so welcoming and helpful. Hope to do more with everyone.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
Rutrik Dagath
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Rutrik Dagath »

Uh, hello.

I'm Rutrik Dagath, a 10 year old half-Nagai, half-Arkanian.

I like taking things apart to see how they work, usually blasters that the people at the armory let me mess with. I got my hands on a vibroblade once! I've never actually gotten anything to work again, though...

I really like Teltier Noodles, and sometimes my dad was able to get synthsteak too! That was always good, but I've always wondered what a real steak tastes like.

Uhm... I usually try to hide my pointed ears under my white hair, and I don't like holding people's gazes, their stares make me uncomfortable. People always stare at my eyes, dad says I got my mom's eyes.
  • Rutrik Dagath, Half-Nagai / Half-Arkanian
  • Homeworld: Er'Kit
  • Date of Birth: 399.03 :: Age: 14
  • Date Initiated: 409.12
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Morok »

Hello everyone.

I am a new arrival named Morok. I am an Iktotchi boy who lived a humble life in one of the many outlying primitive villages surrounding the cities of my homeworld of Iktotch.

You may find a link to my model in my signature below.
Born: 400.12
Model: Morok
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