Hopeful Introductions

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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Guillo »

Hi!! I'm very interested in joining this community. I'll be roleplaying as a Kalzerian hopeful who's really energetic, and outgoing!

Hopefully I'll see you on the server soon!
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Marek Izu
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Marek Izu »


I've known about this community for a very long time and I'm looking to join soon. My application has been sent to a High Councilor and a Master for consultation. I'm very excited to join and will hopefully see you all on the server soon!
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Emma Vilume
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Emma Vilume »

Hi people!

I'm role-playing as Emma Arianne Inara Vilume, the five year old human from Naboo. I haven't been RP'ing for almost ten years, but I was super impressed by the friendliness and activity on the servers today! So if luck has it, I plan on submitting an application and returning at least a few times a week.

Best, Em
Name: Emma Arianne Inara Vilume ⚘ Birth date: 378.07 ABY ⚘ Initiated: 384.01 ABY ⚘ Apprenticed to Xayr'ka Atreus: 387.09 ⚘ Apprenticed to Caerith Lhot: 408.05 ⚘ Knighted: 416.19
Ben Nordak
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Ben Nordak »

Hello this is Ben Nordak, I had forgot to post an introduction here. But a lot of people know me as Nakra. Least some people do I haven't been around on her for some time nor have I figured out how to change my name to Ben Nordak. But yes I've returned to activity with Ben here. Coming back to Enjoy JEDI and RP with everyone.
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Joar Hasmal
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Joar Hasmal »

I play Joar Hasmal. I've been around for a week or so, so most of you probably know me already. I prefer to keep info IC, so if there's any questions you have, don't hesitate to approach my character and converse.
| Born: 379.?? | Initiated: 385.25 | Apprenticed to Master Fenn Rahm: 388.22 |
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by AVEX »

Greetings! I've been an avid roleplayer for the vast majority of my life, and recall the founding of JEDI amongst many other RP communities from the 2003-2005 era. After a very long hiatus from JK3:JA, I've returned to scratch the itch - professional literate roleplay in a great universe.

My character will be Rena Swi'tiere, a 11 year old Twi'lek slave girl ridden to horrible mining conditions and a bright spirit. You'll find here on Ryloth, Tattooine or Rodia. Hope to hear from you all soon.

{ Rena Swi'tiere }
11 Year Old Hopeful / Twi'Lek Slave (Undiscovered)

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Serir Vun
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Serir Vun »

Greetings be to you! Serir Vun is a very adorable Duros boy who is a kind and sweet soul, very polite and eager to learn. I have RPd in JEDI in the past with various characters and some of my most formative years have been as a result of experiences I've had here. I hope to make more memories with this character.
⌠ Name: Serir Vun • Species: Duros • Master: Joran Fayara | Iffo Rav'i • Knighted: 410.26 • Birth: 374.14 ABY ⌡
Obashtok Zakryk
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Obashtok Zakryk »

Obashtok, otherwise known as "Bash", is a five year old male Togruta. I have been looking for a creative outlet beyond mere single player RPGs and outside of mind numbing shooters, and I feel as though this community may provide that. I am looking forward to experiencing the stories I'll tell as Bash, and the ones I'll learn from all of you. See you on the server!
Raylin Vor
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Raylin Vor »

Hi. I'm Raylin. I'm new here and ready to meet everyone. I'm from a sandy planet and mom told me I'd have a better life with the Jedi than she could give me in our little makeshift hut so here I am! I'm excited to begin my life as Jedi and start my training soon! I'm 8 years old and I think the temple is really big and cool so far but I haven't meet many people! Sometimes I think to myself, "Where is everybody?!" and run around like crazy. If you see me, please say Hi! I'll be nice!
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Silene »

Please welcome the new Morgania representative : Silene, I'm sure you'll love her :D

Skin available over here.

See you in the temple.

◄▌Name : Silene Astra-OnironBirthdate : 382.28▐►
◄▌Homeplanet : MorganiaInitiated : 390.01Mentor : Shu Ra, Tharon Jivler▐►

Raylin Vor
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Raylin Vor »

I am still around. Please don't forget about me. I'm currently working on my MBA capstone project and it's taking all of my time outside of work.
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Xintr Wolfe
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

Hello All, long time RP'er here, first time JEDI applicant. I've really enjoyed my interactions on the server and surrounding community so far. I'm quite looking forward to sharing your stories and weaving mine in among them.

Many thanks to Teynara Jeralyr for the great work making a slick skin out of the youngling pack for me, available here and on the discord server.

See you all in or around the game!
\\ Name: Xintr Wolfe || Born: 383 || Arrived: 389.30 || Initiated: 390.10 //
..\\ Apprenticed: 391.25 || Mentor: Narael Undine || Knighted: 406.27 //
....\\ Padawan: Zyli Hiden //
......\\ Artisan: Master Artisan || Aces: Flight Leader || Diplomacy: Envoy //
........\\ Skin: Skin //
Morgan Voss
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Morgan Voss »

Hi everyone,

I'm relatively new here, just started playing on your server a month or so ago, and have really been enjoying my time so far. I've met some of you on the server, and others on discord; I'm really looking forward to more of the excellent roleplaying with all of you.

Originally an old man who thought his name was Morgan, now that man's grandson whose actual name is Morgan, I'm playing an eight year old kid from the fresh new planet of Savareen. I'm just rolling with a youngling skin from the pack hosted here for now, but hope to find something cool to use soon.

I've done a bit of dnd type stuff in the past (I enjoy the star wars games by fantasy flight), and played df2+jk2/3 back when they came out. I also played swtor a decent amount until a few years ago. Just a star wars fan in general :)

See you on the server!
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Tasnik »

Hey, Ctac here, I already had a lot of fun RPing with every member of the order so far and I am looking forward to do do a lot more!

Cheers Ctac
Raylin Vor
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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Post by Raylin Vor »

(( I'm happy to report that I have finished my MBA program now and am ready to return to active duty. Thanks for your patience and hopefully I get in! ))

Hey guys, I've been released from the infirmary and am all better now! I can't wait to play with you all again and get back to training!

I guess my body wasn't used to this weather after living on Tattooine my whole life!
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