How to Pronounce Your Name

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Nastajja Arren
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How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Nastajja Arren »

There used to be a thread for this (seperate from the old Origins thread), but it seems to have been purged in a forum clean out. So I shall remake it!

There are a lot of people around now who have some oddly spelled names. This thread is a place to describe the way your name is supposed to sound were it said out loud. I will begin!

Nastajja (Nah-stah-jjuh, the jj's being soft rather than like a hard g) Arren (Are-ren)

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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Amoné Fayden »


  • Amoné (Ah-Moh-Nay) Fayden (Fay - Din)
Italics = Emphasis.

I get queried occasionally about the "é" in my name.
The acute is there to remind people that her name end's with "ey".
It is not "Ah-Mohn".

As far as in-game usage, you don't need to include the é when typing it and to PM me you can write /tell amon.

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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Tomoran »

Tomoran Serevarno

[Rahn Tohmoh, Varno Sera]

EDIT: *glances at the other posts in the thread and laughs* Okay! Sure. What was I thinking?
Last edited by Tomoran on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Nastajja Arren »

Let's try to keep it to just the basics on name pronunciation so the thread doesn't get too cluttered. That's why I didn't revive the Origins thread. Just makes it easier to scan through names that way.

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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Aurien Uriah »

Aurien Uriah

(Ah-Ree-En) (You-Rye-uh)

Inflection raises in the middle for each.
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Wynne Avurys »

Wynne Avurys

(Wine A-vur-ree-s)

Nickname: Winnie


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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Delmi N'jork

Del (as in the computer) me Na-j-or-k
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Sebastin Creed »

Sebastin (Seb-bas-tin) Creed (...Creed)

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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Oberon »

Oberon Pentari

O - oh - like in realization!

ber - Bear - like what kiwron wants to be when he grows up.

on - on - not off

Pen - pehn - a writing utensil

tar - tahr - a pasty, low viscosity fluid you really don't want on you. Usually comes with feathers.

i - e - like the fifth letter in the English alphabet.
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Johauna Darkrider »

Johauna (Jo-how-na) Darkrider is kind of obvious. :)
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Nira'kalen'nuruodo »

Akalenn: Ah-kah-len (with emphasis on the n).

Nira'kalen'nuruodo: the "proper" pronunciation is beyond the capabilities of most humanoids, but for your OOC amusement, I pronounce it Nih-ra-kah-len-noo-roo-oh-doh - try rolling the rs and say it as fast as you can.

And then there's the oh-so-common Nira (Nee-rah), which never seems to go away. It's a nickname, folks, not to be used in formal address. :wink:

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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Aria Sadru »

Aria (Ah-ree-ah) Sadru (Sah-Drew)
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Zelai Kol'iva
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Zelai Kol'iva »

Zelai (See-Lay)
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Sai Akiada »

Sai Akiada: Sigh a-key-Yada 8)

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Rian Vun
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Re: How to Pronounce Your Name

Post by Rian Vun »

Rian Vun: Ree-in Voon
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