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Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:57 am
by Joran Fordo

Since I'm here for two or three months now, I realised that I'm not ageing. No big deal, I saw it in the Rules and Tips section, but I just realised how irritating this thing could be.

My example (comparison)
My character was 10 years old when he arrived. Nothin specific happened, I used the youngling skin since I didn't have an RPMod account. I was like 'Hurray!' when I got it. BUT!

[Three months later (ICly it equals THREE YEARS)]

I'm still a 10, but I should be 13. Children grow fast in this age, I don't have to tell. I feel this is a bit harsh for newcomers. It is a form of preventation for Roleplay I think, because there is no way to develop our characters when they are growing up and stuff like this.

My suggestion is that ageing should be allowed for Hopefuls who are very diligent and were here more then... let's say a month or two.

What do you think about it?

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:11 pm
by Illrian Damaris
The reasoning for not allowing Hopeful's to age, to my understanding anyways, is because if you, let's say stay a Hopeful for 5 months...there's five years that's gone by that could have been spent being an actual student, age wise. Usually, when someone is thought of as Force Sensative, they almost immediately begin their training as Initiates.

However, because this is a clan, we still have to have some time to see if you're someone we feel should be in JEDI, which is why as a Hopeful you don't age. Because technically its meant to be similar to how it usually is. When someone is discovered, they are tested for maybe...a week? Then they begin their training if they pass the tests. But it takes a bit more than a week for us to see if you're someone we would truly want in JEDI.

That's why I believe we have it where a Hopeful doesn't change...and honestly, everyones had to do that. There's not been any issues so far, so I don't see the need in changing it now. Don't change what isn't broken.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:20 pm
by Joran Fordo
I see. :)

I thought my problem was a general one. I only asked about this, because I expected that some others would reply on it with other suggestions in this topic.

If it is not a problem for anyone else, then the problem is with me! :D
I'll get used to it AND of course I'll do my best to earn the right to be accepted! :)

Personal Insight on the Matter.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:30 pm
by Elu Dako
Considering how long I spent as a hopeful with 2 chars which was around 5-8 months as my first and 3-4 as my second I'm extremely glad about the aging guidelines for hopefuls, because my first hopeful was 12/13 so he'd be in his late teens otherwise by the time I moved onto somewhere else, and the four months as Elu would have been a bit pointless because of how limiting it was as a hopeful, but I make up for with a simple character story for Elu now I no longer play him, he still has a life outside the community but I can freely age him and develop him without needing to worry about the age stuff as a hopeful.

But when Initiated the development range widens so you can go in any reasonable direction.

See what I mean?

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:46 pm
by Olim Adasca
As said, there's always a way and will to roleplay around that aging difference, many were already students since you came here, they'll simply treat it as if you only were here a short while, I personally say months, to keep some continuity.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:55 pm
by Amoné Fayden
I agree with the way it is right now and my stance against JEDI's rapid "1 month = 1 IC year" policy is known by most in the community so I won't go into that.

However, as Illrian has already stated, JEDI's Immortal Hopeful policy works well. As new applicants to JEDI, you are expected to demonstrate your "stock Personality" and canvas for which future events and role play would be based on - with JEDI tags and membership.

I know for many people, playing a child character is difficult and more often than not they want to demonstrate what their "end character" will be by aging far too quickly and unrealistically. In full honesty, It's pretty tiring when we get 8 year old kids acting as if they were 30 year old adults with a million life experiences and ultimate knowledge of every planet, species and past event of the Galaxy.

Now if it were me and I found that my character has been a guest for say 8 IC years without Initiation, I would reconsider the character and definitely not rule out thinking up another. File it under "learned experience". There's plenty of people willing to give tips on what makes a better or worse applicant. For example, If you feel you've been a hopeful for too long and have stagnated, I'm sure the Council would be more than willing to discuss the why of it.

The very best advice I could possibly give anyone feeling the limbo of childhood would be Enjoy it while you can.

Once / If you are initiated into JEDI and you begin to realize just how quickly your character ages with little IC experiences to show for it, you'll be looking for ways to keep your character younger.

Kids want to grow up so fast, but once they're old they wish they were young again.
Sounds like real life doesn't it? :)

((Interesting Topic, perhaps move to OOC?))

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:26 pm
by Joran Fordo
Maybe it is just me who would like to dig too deep in roleplay.

You know I used to play in a forum-based roleplaying group. What we did was cooperative novel-writing, and we were focused both on writing and character-development. I myself represent an emotion-based and writer-like roleplaying style (by the way, I was promoted as the Best Roleplayer of 2009).

It turns out to be harder to convert my skills from novel writing into indirectly real time acting.
I'm still learning! :D

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:08 pm
by Kieran Orion
If you don't mind me putting in my two cents...

I also roleplay via forum and chatrooms. I've created several forums that extend passed the StarWars genre and having been Roleplaying for roughly twelve years now. I understand the differences between that kind of style and ::JEDI:: or rather JKA in general.

Of course, Rping on a game and Rping on a forum comes with many great differences. For example, the age process for ::JEDI:: I assume is this way because we rely on the players around us at every particular moment we arrive on the server where as on a forum, you post and someone else replies when their ready, much like I'm doing now. The timing of Roleplaying between each person is more relaxed on a forum than it is in game and because of the need for time-based responses IC and the period between being a Hopeful and becomming an Initiate, I really must agree with the age process as it currently stands.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:23 pm
by Vaka
Meh, I don't really have a personal problem with hopefuls not aging. The only thing that was a little weird, was coming back after while and seeing all those who were previously your age 3 years older magically.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:38 am
by Sebastin Creed
I think pretty much everyone has said what needs to be said on this subject for me, I too am against the rapid aging policy that others have adopted because for me I am one of those members trying to slow down my characters aging. I know he's getting on and I have aged him to suit his experiences, but I'm not quite ready to fall into the OAP stages just yet.

As for Hopefuls, it is designed for simply as was stated - you may be a hopeful for a while until we feel we know you enough to let you in. JEDI has survived for... 10+ years? on that policy. It's good for everyone involved but we do understand the certain issues that lie when playing a child forever, I was one of them. Fact of the matter is, aging doesn't help progress a Character into JEDI and the last thing you want is a 18+ Character starting at Initiate should the application be accepted by the Council.

I'd say for now, don't worry about age and focus on progressing your actual Role Playing skills in real time, as well as learning more about JEDI from an OOC perspective. Like Amoné said, you will find plenty people happy to give you scoops on how to make it but it's up to you to make your own.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:43 am
by Kieran Orion
Hey guys, I just had a thought in regards to my character as he is a youngling hopeful and as stated, I do agree that aging should be put on hold but I wondered what that means for learning progress and skills. An example would be that lately, I've had Kieran trying to learn more basic, to better his vocal communication skills, it's the only thing I've had improve somewhat over the last week because obviously, a Hopeful's not going to be meditating or I 'unno, doing things Initiates are going to do but in terms of the speech, I have upped it a little bit and wondered if that's okay. Obviously I'm not goin' round talkin' like a 30 year old but I'm getting fewer words mixed up and the spelling in his words has improved.

I just wondered if that's all good considering the no ageing thing. Is progress given within reason or do I need a Masters consent because I can imagine some new hopeful coming in and trying to learn everything before they're even initiated if they were that way inclined.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:51 am
by Sebastin Creed
I think that a *slow* progression is fine, unless there is serious questions raised over ones application 1-2 months is the norm. Within that time period, you can bring in the kind of learning you have but there should never been any rush to 'master' the learning too quick.

So, yes - learn and show steady progression as it's good RP and will be more acceptable as long as your consistent. By that I mean, don't do one day or RP for three weeks in that area then consider yourself well spoken. Build it up slowly, you will get more of a reaction that way.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:59 am
by Kieran Orion
Excellent, Thanks!

Obviously he's not gonna be talkin' like a scholar or nothin' rediculous, he's still just a kid and a young one at that so yeah, I just wanted some slight improvement which inspired thought over how that would work in cooperation with the ageing thing. But that's what I was hoping for so I'm pleasantly content in the way my character is progressing.

Thanks again.

- Kieran Orion.

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:25 am
by Amoné Fayden
The following TL;DNR is by no means an official stance, just my views on it :) :

No longer interesting

A hopeful that learns too much too quickly becomes uninteresting. When somebody new shows up with exceptional character or quirks, they quickly become hot topic. When that person instantly changes or overcomes their quips as a hopeful, they've essentially lost what makes them unique and they're not even in the clan yet!
Don't be too eager to progress. You'll be much, MUCH more likely to be accepted by showing realistic flaws and traits than becoming some perfect "win-the-game" character.

Patience during the waiting Time

Whether it's inactivity on the hopeful or inactivity on the Council. Or maybe your character or OOC conduct is a topic of debate. Maybe JEDI is too full with not enough active Masters to teach new students. Whatever the reason, sometimes the Initiation waiting time can be quite long. I know It's easy to stagnate during this period but ultimately, aging your character and essentially doing the Jedi training as a hopeful is not always the best idea.
You can learn and progress in certain ways of course! But take it slow and keep it realistic.

You don't want Masters having:

Nothing left to teach

What makes a Padawan attractive to most Masters is their "Blank Slate" character. If your character aged as a hopeful and learned everything that a Padawan would but as your hopeful character, then you have taken a huge chunk of the enjoyment out of your future Apprenticeship. Some of the strongest Master-Padawan bonds come from early mentoring from the very beginning. If your character is a fifteen year old know-it-all, you'll be missing out on some of the most endearing RP you can have in JEDI and you'll probably find your younger counter-parts are taken on first.

Phew! :P

Re: Ageing for very, VERY active Hopefuls

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:28 am
by Sebastin Creed
Said it all really, perhaps Fayden should write up a new Character Creation Guide. :wink: