Three strike, temporary ban.

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Sai Akiada
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Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Sai Akiada »

Would it be possible to set up a system where after a client has been kicked three times from the server within a day, they have an automatic temporary ban placed on their name/I.P address followed by a message along the lines of:

"A temporary ban is in place, please contact an administrator at

There have been a number of occasions lately where persistent disruptor's/lamers/non-english speaking clients have connected and halted role-play. This would uphold the current system and keep the servers clean at the same time from persistent disruptions.


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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

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Amoné Fayden wrote:


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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Ellana »

I'm sure this is possible. And I'm sick of all these non-rpers trying to just be idiots.
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Kih Bu »

Such an implementation would be an absolute blessing.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

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Good idea!
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Nastajja Arren »

Amoné Fayden wrote:


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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Olim Adasca »

Approved in all aspects.
One thing: Sometimes, people with bad connection get kicked manually by admins because they went 999. If they automatically get kicked/dropped, what happens then?
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Kih Bu »

Olim Adasca wrote:Approved in all aspects.
One thing: Sometimes, people with bad connection get kicked manually by admins because they went 999. If they automatically get kicked/dropped, what happens then?
We'd just have to avoid kicking the client manually, I suppose. Failing that, I'm sure that we could probably force the player into spectator somehow, as an alternative.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Olim Adasca wrote:Approved in all aspects.
One thing: Sometimes, people with bad connection get kicked manually by admins because they went 999. If they automatically get kicked/dropped, what happens then?
Perhaps an auto-kick in these situations (for time-outs) will not contribute as a "Strike".
Maybe only manual kicks from Admins could count towards the temporary ban.

Admins would have to simply allow time for the "safe" Auto-kick to work rather than doing it manually.
Alternatively, if it's a trusted member who's simply just had an irregular crash, kicking the 999 client once will still be fine as a one-off.

It's the 3rd kick that would trigger to temp ban.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Olim Adasca »

A one-off perhaps, all I'm saying is that there's gotta be a few workarounds for this to work. Happily, with the new server, manual 999 kicks have been less common.
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Simus Cnydaria
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Simus Cnydaria »

Yes, I like this idea in theory but there's potential for it to go wrong too, for reasons we just mentioned as well as others.

Maybe have a command for a temporary ban, that can also easily be reversed by any admins? We don't want to accidentally lock someone out of the server because a mistake (3 ping kicks for example).

and how temporary are we talking? A day? A week? An hour? I think that's important to figure out as well.
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Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Simus Cnydaria wrote: and how temporary are we talking? A day? A week? An hour? I think that's important to figure out as well.
Not as long as you've been away Simus, that's for sure! :P

I'd say 12 hour ban. It's fair more than enough to make your average troller bored and allow RP to resume peacefully for the rest of the day.
Just consider that the player would need to be that badly behaved to merit 3 kicks in the first place. I'd say it's deserved.

As for the the ping issue:
Perhaps an auto-kick in these situations (for time-outs) will not contribute as a "Strike".
Admins would just need to stop themselves from trying to tidy up pingers and let the server handle those themselves.

As an extra thought, could there be a line that it displayed automatically as part of the kick message which would say what "strike" the player is on?

For example:
  • Delmi kicks player "idiot".
  • Server says: "Idiot was kicked: <reason> (First Kick)"
  • Azra'el connects (oblivious to the first kick)
  • "Idiot" connects.
  • Azra'el kicks "idiot"
  • Server says: "Idiot was kicked: <reason> (Second Kick)"
And so on...

Further to that! Perhaps a command could be implemented that would inform an admin on how many kicks have been logged against a player (perhaps using their IP in the algorithm) within that day?

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Kih Bu
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Kih Bu »

Just a thought, could we maybe have a /rppingkick or alternatively an /rptempkick? The temp kick being used 3 times consecutively resulting in the temporary ban, or implemting the temporary ban to the regular /rpkick and then creating /rppingkick to boot stuck players?

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