Three strike, temporary ban.

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Simus Cnydaria
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Simus Cnydaria »

Heh, well put Amone! Touche. And I like the idea of a 12 hour temp ban. I was thinking 24 but 12 sound more reasonable. And Kih I support your command ideas. I think that's a good way to make the admining efficient and not leaving room for any "oopses." The admining is very intentional for its purposes.
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Kih Bu wrote:Just a thought, could we maybe have a /rppingkick or alternatively an /rptempkick? The temp kick being used 3 times consecutively resulting in the temporary ban, or implemting the temporary ban to the regular /rpkick and then creating /rppingkick to boot stuck players?
That would work too!

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Soh Raun »

Kih Bu wrote:Just a thought, could we maybe have a /rppingkick or alternatively an /rptempkick? The temp kick being used 3 times consecutively resulting in the temporary ban, or implemting the temporary ban to the regular /rpkick and then creating /rppingkick to boot stuck players?
Instead of multiplying commands for the single use case of players pinging out, kicks done while the player has a ping equal to 999 could simply not be counted as 'strikes'. The server does know the player's ping. :)
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Simus Cnydaria »

Soh Raun wrote:
Kih Bu wrote:Just a thought, could we maybe have a /rppingkick or alternatively an /rptempkick? The temp kick being used 3 times consecutively resulting in the temporary ban, or implemting the temporary ban to the regular /rpkick and then creating /rppingkick to boot stuck players?
Instead of multiplying commands for the single use case of players pinging out, kicks done while the player has a ping equal to 999 could simply not be counted as 'strikes'. The server does know the player's ping. :)
Now why didn't we think of that? Brilliant. Lol

The only problem I see is there have been a couple times where people were pinging out, and I kicked them accidentally just when they were stopping. So the intention was to ping kick them but I just had bad timing. But the odds that that would stack 3 times is a rare I think.

We should discuss when the stacks of kicks should reset.
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Oberon »

Simus Cnydaria wrote: We should discuss when the stacks of kicks should reset.
Well by design it looks like it'd be after the temporary ban expires.

If it's three strikes a cool thing to do would be, if they rejoin after the second kick, to have Console whisper their player when they reach spectator something to the effect of a final warning telling them the next kick will result in a temporary ban with a suggestion to check out the rules on the site. :)
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Amoné Fayden
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Oberon wrote: If it's three strikes a cool thing to do would be, if they rejoin after the second kick, to have Console whisper their player when they reach spectator something to the effect of a final warning telling them the next kick will result in a temporary ban with a suggestion to check out the rules on the site. :)
Could do.
Or have admins (namely the one that kicked him/her) PM them a warning upon return or before their next kick.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Oberon »

Amoné Fayden wrote: Could do.
Or have admins (namely the one that kicked him/her) PM them a warning upon return or before their next kick.
Naaah, too much effort. If we wanted to do that just give em the ability to temp ban. :P
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Kih Bu »

If no one minds me making this contribution, I do think that an easier solution to all of this would be to permit those with Watchman admin the use of the /rpban command. They would still be expected to adhere to the three strike rule, as well as be required to file one of the Temple Violation Logs stating precisely who, why and when the ban was initiated.

Saying that, if any of the above from the previous posts can be implemented, that would still serve as a convenience - particularly for keeping track of the number of kicks. Though, maybe there is a solution as well. Could we add a value for how many times a person has been kicked? /rpkick Oberon Because I felt like it perhaps reading:

Oberon was kicked (2). Reason: Because I felt like it.

(2) Indicating that he has been kicked twice today, a number produced automatically and reset everyday. Then, if anyone is banned unfairly (on their first or second strike), everyone present knows about it - as well as anyone checking the server logs against the reported Temple Violation Log post - which should be obligatory when initiating a ban against anyone.

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Oberon »

I like the idea. But not the example =(
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Amoné Fayden »

I already said that Kih!

Amoné Fayden wrote: As an extra thought, could there be a line that it displayed automatically as part of the kick message which would say what "strike" the player is on?

For example:
  • Delmi kicks player "idiot".
  • Server says: "Idiot was kicked: <reason> (First Kick)"
  • Azra'el connects (oblivious to the first kick)
  • "Idiot" connects.
  • Azra'el kicks "idiot"
  • Server says: "Idiot was kicked: <reason> (Second Kick)"
And so on...

Further to that! Perhaps a command could be implemented that would inform an admin on how many kicks have been logged against a player (perhaps using their IP in the algorithm) within that day?

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Kih Bu »

So it does, I must've missed that. Ah well, at least it shows that I'm in agreement with you if nothing else!

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Amoné Fayden »

High Five! :D

It does look like there are a few ways to approach this.

What are you thinking Soh?

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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Soh Raun »

I think that the original idea of a temporary ban after a number of "strikes" is valid, and would prefer it over giving /rpban to Watchmen. A permanent IP ban isn't something done lightly, and it should only be done by the highest ranking administrators (i.e. the Council) to avoid potential disputes with the banned player and - if the ban was abusive - to avoid contradicting our own Knights (which can damage their authority). We have had our problems with such contradiction in the past with regards to forum moderation (Axem, if you hear us..)

This being said, in practice I think displaying the current number of strikes is a good idea. Although instead of applying a simple "reset" every day (at which time anyway?), I would rather be for decrementing the "strikes" counter after a few hours with no kick (e.g. 3 hours). For example:
  • A player strongly misbehaves, is kicked twice in an hour, comes back less than 3 hours after his last kick and is again kicked by an admin => he would be temporarily banned (he's had enough chances that day).
  • A player is kicked twice in an hour, then behaves better... 3 hours after his last kick, his "strikes counter" is back to "1", and if he continues to behave well for 3 more hours it goes back to "0" => no auto ban in his case, since he improved.
The temporary ban could last 12 or 24 hours, but it would remain a good practice for the Knight doing the "final kick" to let others and the Council know about the incident in the Violation Logs.

What do you think?
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Simus Cnydaria
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Simus Cnydaria »

Sounds good. You are truly the rpmod guru, Soh
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Re: Three strike, temporary ban.

Post by Illrian Damaris »

I haven't posted here because I just didn't feel like it, I like the idea of this three strike system, and honestly I think what you posted Soh is the best idea for it. Because someone can get the hint after but a few hours and why should that last kick be on him for the entire day..

I say, we if go with the three strike system we go with what you posted, Soh, as that would be wonderful. :)
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