Ranged rpsound

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Nastajja Arren
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Ranged rpsound

Post by Nastajja Arren »

I know that you can do /rpsound in game, but at the moment it only produces global sounds. I know that when mapping, sound effects can be programed to have a certain range. Could this somehow be implimented into the /rpsound command? Like:

/rpsound add|once <sound file> <range>

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Amoné Fayden
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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Nastajja Arren wrote: /rpsound add|once <sound file> <range>

Code: Select all

/rpsound add|once <sound file> all
would play SFX globally as they currently would.

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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Azrael »

Please yes. Doo eet!
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Ahkro Cerinla
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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Ahkro Cerinla »

I know I won't be using it for a while, but also create a graph with estimate ranges. Perhaps using the arena as a reference.
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Delmi N'jork
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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Delmi N'jork »

The idea of a range sound and sounds that play only to person/selected people is a good one!
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Illrian Damaris
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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Illrian Damaris »

Delmi wrote:The idea of a range sound and sounds that play only to person/selected people is a good one!
| species_zabrak | age_55 | defender |
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aayla vigil |
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sawyer snow.rui vuusen |
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Kih Bu
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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Kih Bu »

This would be so incredibly useful, do want!

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Soh Raun
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Re: Ranged rpsound

Post by Soh Raun »

This makes sense, so I added it to the todo list. :)
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