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''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:45 am
by Zelai Kol'iva
I am not certain if this suggestion has been made before, and it probably has with it being such a huge impact in the roleplay. But just on the off chance that it hasn't, I will go ahead.

Is anyone else put off by the huge ''Bang'' in the background of when a crate or certain spawned prop is suddenly removed. Now its not just the crates exploding that destroys the IC moment, its also the OOC side. For example, 50% of the majority roleplay the explosion, another 50% roleplay them vanishing. With this, your then caught in the middle of a 'Should I' or 'Should I not?' moment. Some Masters/Knights prefer you to roleplay the explosion, some then prefer you to do otherwise.

My suggestion is, could we remove the explosion and make it so the props can just disappear or if possible even vanish? In my opinion this should 'hopefully' solve the confusion that is caused.

I apologise if this suggestion has been made before.

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:36 am
by Kih Bu
That would be such a welcome change. I'm always reluctant to destroy certain things because of the noise and effect it makes. Unlike with npc holograms, you can't claim that their method of death/destruction is a programmed trait.

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:08 am
by Tergos Zemnos
I 100 % approve of this.

Besides constantly disrupting the RP. It doesn't even make sense ICly that a hologram would explode in such a fashion upon being sent back into the holo-grid. If anything it'd be cool to see it either have the disappearing effect like if you were to turn on the item 'cloak' or perhaps introduce a completely new effect to the equation. Make it like a holographic fizzle animation as it goes away. Which wouldn't just be good for disappearing crates, but also a effect for ending holo-transmissions.

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:26 am
by Sai Akiada
Tergos Zemnos wrote:If anything it'd be cool to see it either have the disappearing effect like if you were to turn on the item 'cloak' or perhaps introduce a completely new effect to the equation. Make it like a holographic fizzle animation as it goes away. Which wouldn't just be good for disappearing crates, but also a effect for ending holo-transmissions.
Best 'quick fix' for this is to name the crates when you spawn them and then simply teleport them to outside the map then destory. No explosion sound then and they look like they fade out.

That said, if it can be sorted in such a way that they simply don't explode, all the better :)

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:31 am
by Roahu
Sai Akiada wrote:Best 'quick fix' for this is to name the crates when you spawn them and then simply teleport them to outside the map then destory. No explosion sound then and they look like they fade out.
Critical thinking at its best.

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:38 am
by Illrian Damaris
I remember someone would do just what Sai suggested. Teleport the crates outside of the map and then explode them. However this arises an issue for people like me...I use crates a lot, but I'm unable to simply teleport them outside of the map.

So probably the best solution, one I haven't started doing yet, is to wait until everyone's out of the room the crates are spawned in and then explode them..

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:09 pm
by Kih Bu
If your use of crates is that common, you may as well bind the teleport and destruction command. That is, providing your naming of npcs is consistent.

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:54 pm
by Illrian Damaris
Kih Bu wrote:If your use of crates is that common, you may as well bind the teleport and destruction command. That is, providing your naming of npcs is consistent.
Heh, I would.. but the issue is I can't teleport them. :cry:

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:11 am
by Simus Cnydaria
Tergos Zemnos wrote:I 100 % approve of this.

Re: ''BOOM'' - Wait what? (Explosive Crates)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:37 pm
by Soh Raun
NPCs can have custom sounds in BaseJKA, by using the "snd" parameter in their .npc file and putting custom sounds in the "sound/chars" directory. For instance, I think the BaseJKA protocol droid has a custom death sound (among others).

For our crates NPCs, we could simply use a "null" sound (assets0.pk3/sound/null.wav) or any custom sound (like the teleportation one) as a replacement for the default explosion.

Anyone interested in doing this is free to experiment on his own computer, this not RPMod-specific.