Outting, 309.16

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Delmi N'jork
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Outting, 309.16

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Greetings Temple,

Upon the suggestion of Padawan Orion, there will be a trip off world available to the inhabitants of our Temple. While the planet has yet to be decided, I'll be sure to update everyone here when it is. What I do know is that the trip will be held on 309.16 at 1430.

During this trip I will be giving a session in the basics of Wilderness Survival for those who are interested. Likewise, if any other Knights (or students) which to give a lesson or discussion of any type, please contact me soon as possible.

Please remember if you are a Initiate or Hopeful, you will need to permission of a Council Member to attend. Likewise, for Padawans please clear going off world with your Masters first.

Please keep your attention here for any future updates in regards to this trip. I hope to see many of you there.
|Age_187|Height_7'3|Weight_427lb|Race_Nelvaan|Mentor_Maloush Paroveid|Padawans_Aurien Uriah_Amoné Fayden_Tergos Zemnos_Esth Me'sku_Virtuo Alegan_Tweek Etimau_Dithaal_Sirius Invictus_Aqua Sol_Ina'eo'nekri
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Sibi Volunt
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Sibi Volunt »

Master Delmi, how do I talk to a Council member? I really wanna go, but I don't know who they are...
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Delmi N'jork
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Delmi N'jork »


Our Council roster should be available to you. You can send them a message with one of the console's in the archives or try to catching one of them in person.
|Age_187|Height_7'3|Weight_427lb|Race_Nelvaan|Mentor_Maloush Paroveid|Padawans_Aurien Uriah_Amoné Fayden_Tergos Zemnos_Esth Me'sku_Virtuo Alegan_Tweek Etimau_Dithaal_Sirius Invictus_Aqua Sol_Ina'eo'nekri
Sebastin Creed
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Sebastin Creed »

The youngling has my approval to go, Master N'jork.

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Kieran Orion
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Kieran Orion »

Getting some air would do me some good, you know I'm in...With my Masters Consent, of course. Maybe Master Fayden and Master Arren could come too...

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Kantha Maitri
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Kantha Maitri »

I would love to come along too Master, so long as I'm permitted you can consider me as going.

Kantha Maitri |Home:Alpheridies|Species:Miraluka|Age:22
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Motoko »

I would also like to attend, Master N'jork.
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Illrian Damaris
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Illrian Damaris »

Master N'jork,

Should Padawan Vuusen wish to take advantage of this opportunity both for an outing and as a means of a learning experience he has my permission to attend. Likewise, should I find myself free and available, I would also like to accompany you.

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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Marl »

If the Masters don't mind , I would also like to join the trip.
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Delmi N'jork
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Hello students,

Firstly thank you for all the interest. I certainly hope that all of you that say you are coming do so. A planet has been chosen for a trip. We will be traveling to Arbra, which is a relatively untouched forest planet.
|Age_187|Height_7'3|Weight_427lb|Race_Nelvaan|Mentor_Maloush Paroveid|Padawans_Aurien Uriah_Amoné Fayden_Tergos Zemnos_Esth Me'sku_Virtuo Alegan_Tweek Etimau_Dithaal_Sirius Invictus_Aqua Sol_Ina'eo'nekri
Sebastin Creed
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Sebastin Creed »


Just keeping on top of the requests, the hopefuls and initiates looking to go have my permission to do so.

Enjoy the trip and remember to listen to the Masters at all times.

Sebastin Creed, Councilor.

Former Padawan Learners:
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Skrassk »

Thank you, Master Creed for your permission, I can't wait to see a new place.

Count me in, Master N'jork.
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Amoné Fayden
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Permission Granted

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Master N'jork,

Kieran has my approval to attend this trip. As I'd like for him to see more of the Galaxy, he also has my permission to attend any future trips.

Interesting choice of planet as I'm sure the other Dactillions will agree.

I may come with you but forgive me if I head off on my own for a time once I'm there. There are unfinished matters there I'd like to attend to since we'd be a stone's-throw away.

- A. Fayden

Human/Zabrak | Jedi Knight | Padawan: Kieran Orion

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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Dewanta »

Really I can barely wait for this outing, Master.

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Zuri Lyn
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Re: Outting, 309.16

Post by Zuri Lyn »

Master N'jork,
Do count me in.
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