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Animation suggestions...

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:04 am
by Bavack Jor'ull
Well, after about 2 hours of searching for any specific topic or thread that has stated what I'm about to suggest, I've failed. If it's already been asked, I apologize.

- The three suggestions are my personal opinion on some small animation and graphic modifications that may make the game more immersive and theatrical in ways. I am not aware of the possibilities in these changes because I don't mod, however I've always wanted someone to look into this. If there are things in here that are already in Rpmod, I again apologize. I've only ever seen one ignited saber and it was from a distance.

1. Movie Duels 2 jumping.

Whenever I play MD2, I seem to find jumping more fun for some reason. To me, it looks cooler, and more "StarWars-ish". Why do I say that? Mainly because whether you make a small jump forward or a giant leap of faith forward, the MD2 flip you make seems more realistic, more majestic. Now, I realize leaping 30ft up isn't going to look realistic, but doing an incredibly fast flip and then landing like you're stapled to a wall doesn't look to real either.

2. MB2 saber trails.

Is this possible to achieve? The trails in the Movie Battles conversion mod seems so much closer to the films than JKA's default trails. The base trails of JKA look like someone is just swinging around a glow stick in the middle of the night, especially when someone uses a kata. *shudders* It's so ugly! Can it be done?

3. Different chat icons.

Something that really spices it up, you know? Something clean, simple, and maybe even smaller. I don't really pay attention to chat icons, and I know many others don't either. But sometimes, they really don't mesh well with some environments. There are many mods that I've seen like this, but I personally believe rpmod could use this slight adjustment as well. What's the harm in looking into it?

Over all, that's all I can say left on it. These are just tweaks that I feel could make for a more theatrical and immersive experience. Except for the chat icons. That's uh... That's just for fun. ;)

Re: Animation suggestions...

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 3:05 am
by Oberon
Bavack Jor'ull wrote: 1. Movie Duels 2 jumping.

Whenever I play MD2, I seem to find jumping more fun for some reason. To me, it looks cooler, and more "StarWars-ish". Why do I say that? Mainly because whether you make a small jump forward or a giant leap of faith forward, the MD2 flip you make seems more realistic, more majestic. Now, I realize leaping 30ft up isn't going to look realistic, but doing an incredibly fast flip and then landing like you're stapled to a wall doesn't look to real either.
So far as I can see (from a few instances on youtube videos) Movie Duels 2 does not introduce any new or different animations to the Force Jump mechanic. Instead, it - like Moviebattles II - changes how the mechanic works. It adds upward distances and removes directional distance (which was likely a byproduct of them reducing air acceleration to disuade bunny hopping in the gunner classes.) So instead of being able to leap in directions (base) you can only jump upward faster and further. I don't like that very much.
Bavack Jor'ull wrote: 2. MB2 saber trails.

3. Different chat icons.
The above are both clientside effects you can change within your own game and really have little to do with RPmod.

And by the way, welcome to our website!

Re: Animation suggestions...

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:18 am
by Alehk Thol
Where Chat Icons are concerned:

There's a thought bubble one and further down, one incorperating the ::JEDI:: logo that some people like to use.

Page 2 of the OOC board has a few similar threads of cosmetic changes developed for ::JEDI::

Re: Animation suggestions...

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:47 am
by Bavack Jor'ull
See, I felt like these effects were already implementable and that I was just being silly, but I felt the need to post it anyway. Thank you man!
Glad to be here.