316.18 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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316.18 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings Masters and Students,

We are pleased to announce that as of 316.18 ABY, Jedi Knight Syrena Exan will once again be rejoining the Council. With her wealth of experience teaching, training and in the field, not to mention her past experience working with the Council, we are certain that she will quickly settle into her new role, as Councillor of the Alzoc 3 Enclave.

Councilor Exan will make her first statement in her new position shortly.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

Syrena Exan
Lost One
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Re: 316.18 // New Councilor

Post by Syrena Exan »


I am honored to accept the opportunity to serve the Council, and by extension, the Enclave. I could write some long-winded things about upholding standards and that, but I would rather get to the point.

I have entered into the Council because I want to be in a better position to help our sect of the Order. So I welcome anyone to come to me with questions or concerns, be they personal, casual, or about myself and my appointment to the position of Councillor. I will do my best to help.

Thank You,

Councillor Syrena Exan

Species: Falleen | Age: 116 | Mentor: Jared Quell | Padawans: Kaelen Sekura, Kantha Maitri, Salvong, Var Dalledos, Claude Varron

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