No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

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Arukh Bakh'tor
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No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Arukh Bakh'tor »

Okay so, my main suggestion here is that sounds are removed from both Force Jump and Force Speed. They are unrealistic and a major stealth killer due to metagaming. It doesn't matter who the person is, they'll hear it and naturally want to look in that direction. It's a sound that shouldn't be heard, so it shouldn't exist. Just a few minutes ago my character was sneaking up on someone, only to be given away by the sound of the strange space-ship wooshing sound of Jump. It's ridiculous.

I suggest that the sounds are removed, so that the only sounds remaining are the sound of the feet dropping (for the Force Jump), and the sound of the feet clanging against the floor surface (Force Speed). I've heard arguments that the sounds are there to serve as a notice for all Force Sensitive people that somebody has used a power, or is using the Force. If a person was sensing for that, they can use Force Sense. With a Level 2+ Force Sense level you can see the person through walls, or in the same room, moving at speed. Therefore, you sense it. That whole argument about the sounds making you aware isn't as fun as you manually sensing for it, because that just gives you an incentive to roleplay your sensing abilities more. In extension, maybe, when a person casts a power their aura colour will change to something different to signify Force Usage. That's not something I'm particularly excited to have, but it could be a cool addition for those who want to use the Force Sense power more proficiently in the field.

Anyway, that's my addition. No sound casting for Jump or Speed! (Or more powers that people can think of!)


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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Arukh Bakh'tor »

I already believe the sounds for Force Sense have been removed from others.


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Khátla Merie
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Khátla Merie »

I kind of agree it would be nice to have certain sounds or effects removed, simply because they are kind of ridiculous some of them. I'm not much of a stealthy sort.
I'd volunteer to make some more subtle sound effects for jumping and what not if others feel like having them replaced. Because let's face it, a lot of the effects are simply for game feel.
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Amoné Fayden
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Post by Amoné Fayden »

Khátla Merie wrote:Because let's face it, a lot of the effects are simply for game feel.
It's true.

I agree that it can be annoying when people react to things they shouldn't but the game would feel very lifeless without these little sounds I think. They're as much an indication to yourself that you've pressed the key correctly as it is for other people.

When it comes to speed, it'd be likely that somebody would hear you charging towards them at top speed.

But yes. This is a toughie.

One alternative would be to make certain powers like speed and Jump behave in the same way as Sense.
The user can hear themselves "casting" it, but others won't.

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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Oberon »

Also remember that all sounds are drawn from assets on your computer (client side) If you prefer to play without Force sounds you can simply replace all those sounds with a silent .mp3 or .wav

As such this isn't really an RPmod (server side) suggestion. :(

If you'd like, I could probably create a silenced Force .pk3 for you. PM me if interested.
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Arukh Bakh'tor
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Arukh Bakh'tor »

Doesn't solve the issue of metagaming for others.


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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Kieran Orion »

Unfortunately that comes down to player preference...Depending on who you Role play with will affect how they react, naturally...Not much can be done about that other than encourage positive and realistic Role playing, that I'm aware of anyway. To be honest, without the sounds, the abilities wouldn't have as much of an appeal. Jumping being silent would just sound or seem effortless in my opinion.

Each to their own, though.

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Khátla Merie
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Khátla Merie »

*Waves hands around in the air* Always willing to make some new sound effects if it does come to that.
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Alehk Thol
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Alehk Thol »

If both Force Jump and Force Speed's sounds could be tweaked so that they were only heard by the person casting them, that would be supremely awesome. I would much rather have that than no sound whatsoever.
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Rita Sandria
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Rita Sandria »

Alehk Thol wrote:If both Force Jump and Force Speed's sounds could be tweaked so that they were only heard by the person casting them, that would be supremely awesome. I would much rather have that than no sound whatsoever.
That is a very good option. Or what would be even better, in my opinion, is to reduce the distance in which it can be heard. So someone can't hear Force speed and Force jumps from across the arena or dojo.

If the sounds can only be heard when in a certain, closer proximity, compared to what it is currently, it would make stealth a lot easier without making powers seem unnatural/lifeless with their lack of sound and would do little to diminish the experience of the caster and whoever else is close by.

Can it be done, though? I have no idea.

I would also be good to see this applied to the rolling noise of players, both the voice and rolling sound effect.
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Khátla Merie »

Well there's the proximity effect that controls the opacity of text, I don't see why the same shouldn't be possible with toggling and disabling certain soundsets.
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Post by Simus Cnydaria »

Amoné Fayden wrote:
Khátla Merie wrote:Because let's face it, a lot of the effects are simply for game feel.
It's true.

I agree that it can be annoying when people react to things they shouldn't but the game would feel very lifeless without these little sounds I think. They're as much an indication to yourself that you've pressed the key correctly as it is for other people.

When it comes to speed, it'd be likely that somebody would hear you charging towards them at top speed.

But yes. This is a toughie.

One alternative would be to make certain powers like speed and Jump behave in the same way as Sense.
The user can hear themselves "casting" it, but others won't.
I was going to suggest the same thing. I do enjoy having the sound effects for the game feel but as a stealther it is rather annoying when people metagame.
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Re: No Sound Cast on Certain Powers

Post by Ametha Tasia »

Not sure, honestly. I get where this suggestion is coming from, but I believe part of being stealthy is not jumping and charging around, Lol.
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Re: Re:

Post by Sai Akiada »

Simus Cnydaria wrote:I was going to suggest the same thing. I do enjoy having the sound effects for the game feel but as a stealther it is rather annoying when people metagame.
I've not seen to many instances of this in recent years but I'd rather counter the meta gaming, if it happens, over removing sounds heh.
Ametha Tasia wrote:Not sure, honestly. I get where this suggestion is coming from, but I believe part of being stealthy is not jumping and charging around, Lol.
Was going to say as much ^ :)

But I'm not against looking at some sounds but, it makes sense that there would be sounds for push and pull if you're exerting a physical force through air. The same could be said for speed and jump.

Perhaps a compromise would be to consider new sounds than what we currently use?

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Re: Re:

Post by Kieran Orion »

Sai wrote:I've not seen to many instances of this in recent years but I'd rather counter the meta gaming, if it happens, over removing sounds heh.
My thoughts. I'm not counting anything out *Buuut* I'd like to think our members are above metagaming.

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