321.02 // Changes within the Jedi Council

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The Jedi Council
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321.02 // Changes within the Jedi Council

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings Masters and Students,

As of 321.02, the Jedi Council is announcing that four of its members will be stepping down from their positions within the Council itself.

High Councilors Soh Raun, Sai Akiada and Aayla Vigil, along with Councilor Syrena Exan will be stepping down, while Sebastin Creed will continue on as High Councilor of JEDI.

They will now post a personal message below.

Thank you.
- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

Sebastin Creed
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Re: 321.02 // Changes within the Jedi Council

Post by Sebastin Creed »

Greetings Masters and Students,

I make this post to affirm my continuation as High Councilor for JEDI and to reassure everyone that JEDI will continue into a new year with plans already being considered to better the community and role play in key areas.

If you have any doubts or concerns, these can still be expressed through the usual channel on The Jedi Council account and I will endeavour to answer them as quickly and as fully as I can.

Thank you for your continued membership and I look forward to an ambitious and exciting 2014.

Sebastin Creed, High Councilor

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Soh Raun
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Re: 321.02 // Changes within the Jedi Council

Post by Soh Raun »

100 years. One hundred years ago, young Soh Raun was first introduced to the JEDI Temple of Coruscant by Phoe Nhix. Under his mentor's tutelage, Soh became a Knight, who in turn trained Padawans Utho Astrocan, Ryrek Flavius and Vantus Fayden.

Aged 26, the Knight became a Jedi Master and joined the High Council two years later, to serve the Order to the best his abilities. Time has passed and Councilor Soh Raun saw many young faces grow into fine Knights and Masters, and some old figures leave.

Now 108 years old, it is time for him to retire from his official positions and leave the Alzoc III Temple into the hands of the next generation.


Greetings, JEDI Members and Community.

As life goes on, the time I have to take part in the leadership of this community has significantly reduced, to the point of being absent most of this year. This is probably long overdue, but after more than 6.5 years serving this community, I am now officially stepping down from the High Council.

As JEDI is getting close from its 10th anniversary, I fully trust Sebastin Creed and the next generation to lead this great community into - why not - another decade. A good part of the time I have invested in JEDI in the last few years was to give it the tools it needs to make everything happen: RPMod, web site, forums, JKA servers, etc. This will not change, as I will continue to take care of all the technical aspects, and will remain available as a consultant shall the Council and members seek advice.

I would also like to take this occasion to remind everyone here of what JEDI is.
  • JEDI is a place to have fun, a place to be a true Jedi, a place to call home in the immense and rich universe of Star Wars.
    JEDI is a place to become a story teller, a place to become an artist, a place to become a teacher.
    JEDI is a place to make friends, a place to learn from each other, a place to share moments together.
Throughout the years, I have seen many conflicts and tensions arise between members. This is not what JEDI is for. Whenever this happens, remember why you first joined us. Remember the mystique, remember the opportunities, remember the fun. JEDI will be what you make of it - so make it great as it can be!

May the Force be with you,
- Fabien.
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Sai Akiada
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Re: 321.02 // Changes within the Jedi Council

Post by Sai Akiada »


It is with a heavy heart that I announce my departure not just from the Enclave, but the Order as well. I am reluctant to share my reasoning, only know that I did not take this decision lightly. Difficult times lay ahead of you and I am sorry that we cannot face them together. I live in hope that you will come to understand why, in time.

Master Creed will know how to reach me, should a need arise. I wish you all safe travels, and may the Force be with you.

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Aayla Vigil
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Re: 321.02 // Changes within the Jedi Council

Post by Aayla Vigil »

Greetings members of the Order.

For 57 years I have constantly accompanied you in my service to the Jedi Council.
I’ll tell you that it has always been my great pleasure and deepest honor to be part of the Council and a guide for you all.
Through my career I’ve seen a lot of special and admirable people coming and leaving our Order, as well as experienced terrible moments that signed our life profoundly. However, through all difficulties, the Jedi Order has always stood firm, and got up whenever it was turned down by adversities. My role, as part of the Council, has been to constantly ensure that such safety was preserved, and that a better future for the Order would always follow each decision taken. Although I’m sure that there is always space for improvement, believe me when I say that I’ve always tried to serve you all at the best of my possibilities.

Alas, my strength is now fading… but not my indomitable conviction that the Order’s strength will stand firm and face all the adversities to come, guided by the newer generations that will be moved by the same convictions and the same desire to serve the Order.

I want you to know that the decision I have made to resign from the Jedi Council has been mine and mine alone. This was a thing I had to judge entirely for myself. I have taken this decision only upon the single thought of what would, in the end, be best for all.

But this is not a farewell. I will continue serving the Order, as my rank allows me to, at the best of my possibilities, until the Force’s Will allows me to.

May the Force be with you all,
Jedi Master Aayla Vigil.

You can't choose what is right

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