Student Template

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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Student Template

Post by The Jedi Council »

Aspiring Jedi,

When placing a request for an open or private lesson, please use the following template.

Here are a list of subjects recommended by the praxeum's masters for students, many will find these subjects becoming more complex during their training as they progress, but most subjects listed are geared towards mostly Jedi initiates.

However, these subjects are not mandatory and are simply options to consider when placing a lesson request.

Recommended Subjects:
  • The Jedi Order
    • What is a Jedi? What does a Jedi do?
    • The Order's history and relationship with the Republic and other governments.
    • The current Order's foundings and history (the Sith-Imperial War, the Rishi conflict, the Commonwealth Wars, the Attrition Wars, the Imperium War).
    • What is a Jedi initiate? What does the initial training entail? What are the initiate trials?
    • What are the Jedi ranks?
    • What paths and careers can Jedi pursue within the Order? (healer, watchman, peacekeeper, etc)
    • The Jedi uniform (robes, noteworthy items on a utility belt)
    • What are the Jedi service corps?
    • Besides the Rannon praxeum, what other Jedi facilities and sites are/were there?
  • The Jedi Code and Philosophy
    • The precepts.
    • The tenets.
    • The crystal code.
    • The three pillars of the Jedi.
    • The first Jedi Code (emotion, yet peace), Odan Urr's rewrite of the Jedi Code (there is no emotion, there is peace), and Luke Skywalker's Jedi Code. Their history, similarities, and differences.
  • The Force
    • The light side of the Force.
    • The dark side of the Force.
    • The living Force.
    • The cosmic Force.
    • The unifying and potentium views.
    • The netherworld of the Force.
    • Other Force-sensitive organizations.
    • What is a Force nexus?
    • What are Force bonds?
    • What is a disturbance in the Force? What are echoes in the Force? What are wounds in the Force?
    • Force ghosts, spirits, and wisps.
    • What are Force forms?
    • Races and animals immune to mind control and/or the affects/influence of the Force.
  • Meditation
    • Empty meditation, and through doing so making your initial contact with the Force.
    • Moving meditation
    • Introspective meditation
    • What is a Force trance?
    • What are the other, more advanced forms of meditation and trances?
  • Lightsaber Arts and Combat
    • The history of the lightsaber. What does a lightsaber symbolize?
    • What is a lightsaber? What are its inner workings? What other variants of lightsabers are there?
    • The lightsaber crystal. What are their significance? What else can be used besides a crystal to focus a lightsaber? Where can Jedi find them?
    • Force-sensitive organizations that use lightsabers other than the Jedi.
    • Form Zero
    • Form One: Shii-Cho
    • Martial arts
    • How to counter the galaxy's most common blasters, grenades, and melee weapons.
    • How to fight with a vibroblade & other melee weapons.
    • How to fire a blaster pistol, rifle, etc; how to deploy a grenade.
    • Blaster deflection and reflection.
    • Materials resistant to lightsabers.
    • Force imbued weapons.
    • What are synthetic crystals?
    • What are the other lightsaber forms? How many are there? What are the sub-forms (trakata, etc)?
  • Abilities with the Force
    • Force Sense (prima vitae, life detection, etc).
    • Introduction to telekinesis (burst and sustained). What is telekinesis? What is the passive telekinetic barrier?
    • Force augmentation, specifically Force speed.
    • Force jump and other acrobatics with the Force.
    • Introduction to tutaminis (passive telekinetic barrier, absorbing extremely weak physical and Force energies).
    • Introduction to the healing arts (introspective meditation and curato salva).
    • What are control, sense, and alter abilities?
  • Historic and significant members of the Jedi Order
    (Disclaimer: This isn't a full list of important Jedi, but Jedi we believe initiates would be encouraged to read about in this era.)
    • Luke Skywalker and his first class of students (a few listed below)
    • Yoda
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi
    • Kyle Katarn
    • Cade Skywalker
    • Jaina Solo Fel
    • Mara Jade
    • Odan Urr
    • Nomi Sunrider
    • T'ra Saa
    • Meetra Surik
    • Rohlan (Hoth)
    • Tionne Solusar
    • Wolf Sazen
  • Notable points in Jedi history
    • The Order's founding (The Je'daii, rumored to have been founded on the planet Tython. Much of the information regarding the Je'daii has been lost to time or destroyed.)
    • The First Great Schism (the Force Wars)
    • The Second Great Schism (Hundred Year Darkness)
    • Pius Dea Era
    • The Great Hyperspace War
    • The Mandalorian Wars
    • Jedi Civil War
    • First Jedi Purge (due to the Jedi Civil War and being hunted by the Sith Triumvirate)
    • Third Great Schism
    • Fourth Great Schism
    • The New Sith Wars
    • The Great Jedi Purge (second purge (Order 66), formation of the Galactic Empire)
    • The New Jedi Order (reformation under Grand Master Luke Skywalker)
    • The Abeloth Incident
    • Third Jedi Purge (under Darth Krayt)
    • The modern Order's reformation (under Cade Skywalker, etc)
    • The separation of the Jedi Order from the Galactic Alliance (after Attrition Wars).
    • The Great Plague (The Imperium War)
  • Notable wars (in present day, common knowledge)
    • The Galactic Civil War
    • The Yuuzhan Vong War
    • The Sith-Imperial War
    • The Commonwealth Secession War
    • The Attrition Wars
    • The Imperium Wars
  • Governments
    • The New Galactic Republic
    • The Fel Empire
    • The Hutt Cartel
    • The Mandalorians
    • The Hapes Consortium
    • The Chiss Ascendancy
  • Notable planets (The New Galactic Republic)
    • Coruscant* and the Republic's core founders (a few listed below)
    • Corellia
    • Alsakan
    • Kuat
    • Anaxes
    • Duro
    • Eriadu
    • Fondor
    • Mon Calamari
    • Iridonia
    • Ithor
    • Dorin
    • Sullust
    • Arkania
  • Notable planets (The Fel Empire)
    • Bastion*
    • Mygeeto
    • Muunilinst
    • Prefsbelt IV (location is classified)
    • Nirauan
    • Orinda
    • Yaga Minor
  • Notable planets (The Hutt Cartel)
    • Nal Hutta*
    • Nar Shadaa
    • Gamor
    • Sleheyron
    • Toydaria
  • Notable planets (The Mandalorians)
    • Mandalore*
    • Shogun
    • Concord Dawn
    • Ordo
  • Notable planets (The Hapes Consortium)
    • Hapes*
  • Notable planets (The Chiss Ascendancy)
    • Csilla*
  • Notable planets (The Yuuzhan Vong)
    • Zonama Sekot* (is a moving planet, and therefore it's location is unknown)

Code: Select all

[list][*][b]Subject Requested:[/b][/list]

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The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Posts: 4648
Joined: Sun May 30, 2004 7:49 pm

Re: Student Template

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings students of the Rannon praxeum,

The Council has updated the recommended list of subjects. This list still leans towards initiates, but there are subjects that are meant for Padawans. If you are unsure what you have to learn from a Jedi Knight, what you can read in the archives, and what is "rank" appropriate, don't hesitate to approach a Jedi Knight, Master, or a member of the Council.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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