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Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:42 pm
by Gorrak
So as I wander about waiting for a return communication from the Council Secretary Droid on my character Gorrak's background, I took some time to further observe the role-playing that goes on and read the biographies available from the Residents section of the site--and, as an aside, those were some great stories to read; not only entertaining and engaging in many cases, but also further strengthening my attachment to the ::JEDI:: principles and community in general, very awesome stuff, thank you all--before realizing that I'm rather uncertain just what character I want to make for a few reasons.

For one, I lead a bit of a busy life (like so many, I know), and I've got other hobbies and distractions that will often engage me for weeks at a time, so I'm worried I may not be able to dedicate myself fully to ::JEDI:: in say, a month or so. As a result, I feel pressured to play a character a little older than is recommended, simply so that I can get the most of both worlds as an Initiate, studying and learning, and as an Apprentice able to take part in the more exciting moments. As it is, my Chistori character is only 11, and despite my experience as a roleplayer, that age is exceedingly difficult for me to even comprehend playing as (also because I was living in a cabin in the wilderness of Alaska when I was eleven, and viewed the world a bit differently than most other kids I'm sure). So, interrogative: What would be the recommendation on putting forward a character in their mid-to-late teens?

Speaking of Chistori specifically, the two that are already a part of ::JEDI:: seem pretty well established! Recognizing that diversity and variety lead to a more interesting and vibrant universe, I'm worried that I may not want to play a Chistori after all (despite making three skins already for the character, hurr). My next thought was Trandoshan, but again there's a Knight of that race already. Wookiees would be too challenging to play what with the communication barrier and the clothing issue as mentioned in L-143's topic, and though I'd also be satisfied with a Gamorrean, I have even less model choices available unless someone frankensteined' one for me out of the goodness of their soul. And got rid of that fur bubble they call pants. And reminded me that Gamorreans also have a language barrier issue. My main desire is a species that is represented by physical strength and willpower (not necessarily intelligence, but determination), with some bestial physical attribute.

To that end, I have decided that I have no other alternative than to put forward the newest and most unique character I could come up with:


Search your feelings. You know it be awesome.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:50 pm
by Azrael
Outdone by a Jawa Jedi. Sorry. 8)

Seriously though, people highly underestimate the potential in RPing a 'boring' Human. Humans are arguably the most genetically and most likely culturally diverse race in Star Wars and depending on what you want to do you could easily have any kind of character that's a Human. Street thug, samurai-esque, renaissance Italy nobleman, there's a near endless list of possibilities for what you can do with a 'boring' Human. It all depends on what you are prepared to put into it and read into in order to get that idea to work.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:58 pm
by Gorrak
First off, darn, haha.

Otherwise, cheers for sharing a very true and valid point! I wish I could say "I'm gonna make a human right now!" as well, but from a background multi-paragraph role-playing as a Minotaur in a fantasy setting, to role-playing mutants and monsters in superhero games, I've grown to be very much attuned to characters of bestial origins, or exhibiting bestial traits. So as much as I'd like to have a good strong human character as my avatar, I know already that I'd feel detached in some way while playing them.

But species is a problem that will settle itself alright in the end. My biggest question and concern is regarding the age issue. Just what would I have to do to provide a reasonable explanation for a maturing teenager being accepted as an initiate?

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:59 pm
by Tergos Zemnos

Code: Select all

The Basics:
What is your character's full name? 

List any and all aliases used. (How long in use? Why?)

How old is your character?

Where was your character born?

Describe your character's parents, including current status.

What was/is your character's family's social status (Poor? Well-to-do? Wealthy?)

Does your character have any relatives and how close are they?

Where are these relatives now?
What is your character's level of education?

Where did your character study?

Does your character hold any degrees?

What jobs, positions, or titles has your character held? (When? Where?)

Did your character ever serve in the military?

Does your character have a criminal record? (Why? Is your character still wanted?)

Where does your character live now?

Where did your character spend most of her/his life?

Name two notable places your character has visited.

Describe a significant event from your character's childhood and/or adolescence.

Describe a significant event from your character's adulthood.

Does your character know or know of other characters?

How does your character describe her/his lifestyle?

Does your character have any enemies (who?/why?)

What conflicts might arise due to your character's past?

Does your character have any friends or contacts? (Where are they now?)

Does your character have any dependents?

Does your character have any pets?

What are your character's hobbies?

What awards and honors has your character received?

List a couple of your character's favorite music genres/bands.

List a couple of your character's favorite foods/drink.

List a couple of your character's favorite equipment/vehicles/toys.
List three of your character's physical traits.

List three of your character's positive mental traits.

List three of your character's negative mental traits.

List three of your character's social traits.

Does your character have any quirks and habits, both good and bad?
Outlook on life:
What are your character's short term goals?

What are your character's long term goals?

What are your character's companion's goals (both long and short term)?

What are your character's hopes and fears?

What is it that drives your character?

What would your character like to be doing in 5 years?

Were does your character see her/himself in 10 years?

How does your character see her/himself?

How do others see your character?

In a short paragraph tell of your character's most vivid memory.

Nothing better than this question list to help you sort out a character. Humans 'can be all' if you know how to work it. I dare say, the personalities of all races could be achieved through a Human. However, if you want to play an alien race-... Take into consideration the species personalities, cultures, and traits. Let that influence your RP greatly and you will be accepted positively.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:06 pm
by Tergos Zemnos
To answer your question...

The Jedi Order has accepted teenagers/adults into the Jedi Order in our canon since the establishment of Luke's New Jedi Order. It isn't that uncommon; however, recognize the circumstances that you must consider...

Why was the person not accepted as an infant? Was he or she born in some back-water planet in the Outer Rim, where technology and Jedi are difficult to come by to test for force-sensitivity?

Did he or she join the Order willingly to serve the Galaxy? Perhaps searching for a relative that may be among the Order's ranks? Found by a Jedi Watchman/Scout?

Recognize the struggles that may come with RP'ing a teenager. If he or she has already experienced much, then it may be difficult for him to come to terms with Jedi's ideology/methods. Not to mention training alongside younglings (children) may be difficult as well. The age and maturity barrier.

What was she or he skilled in prior? Technology, star-piloting, baking, cooking, dancing, singing, instrument playing, blaster-wielding, science, math, literature, poetry, hand to hand combat?... It can be anything. Just don't make the character a jack-of-all trades. Leave some room for improvement, and there should be much your character shouldn't know.

I suggest a character having flaws, but not to the point where you're disrespectful and somewhat unyielding to the idea of accepting Jedi ideology. We are searching for people who wish to learn.

If the species you choose is rare to be force-sensitive, then the circumstances of your arrival must be as equally rare and complex. Be prepared to explain everything.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:09 pm
by Sebastin Creed
Can't fault what Tergos has pretty much said.

If you are drawn to the alien races, as long as you observe and stay true to their widely accepted traits and cultures (then again, we have seen members play with that to a degree as well, so feel free to get creative), there is a huge list to choose from.

As for your biography, it's in the process of being reviewed, I wouldn't expect an answer right away and from first glance, it's extensive (which isn't a bad thing) but I don't think it's in the traditional third person narrative, so we will have to get back to you on what you have included thus far.

Glad to hear you are researching your Character though, good luck to you and feel free to still interact on server until we respond. Normally we request Characters to come in at a young age and proceed to 'grow' and progress with time spent in JEDI. Characters do not age during the Hopeful stages, but essentially from Initiate going forward.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:24 pm
by Gorrak
I very much appreciate that response, Tergos, it definitely gives me confidence in being able to explain the character better, as well as confidence in creating a character that is unique, playable based on my personality and play-style, and acceptable by ::JEDI:: standards.

My messages to the Council Secretary Droid have gone from my Outbox to my Sent Messages box now, so I'm assuming they've been delivered and it's too late for me to edit them--that's mostly my fault though. See, about five years ago I joined the ::JEDI:: server and found it exceptionally restrictive, only because it is so bound to the Star Wars lore. As I've evolved as a role-player though, I recognize the organization that comes from that, and suddenly I want it! Role-playing in groups who all believe ten different things about a given subject is too cluttered and random to deal with, where as here it is all nicely laid out. To end the story I began though, I decided not to RP on the ::JEDI:: server just because I was so inexperienced a role-player, and knew I wouldn't fit in.

As I'm on an aging laptop now and restricted to games older than seven years, I reinstalled Jedi Academy and rediscovered ::JEDI::, and now have the experience and skill to really dive into this role-playing universe. If I'd been smart, I'd have made this topic before sending off my character biography, but my timidness seems to have done me in. Sorry about that, Council Secretary Droid, hope if I have to up-date it, you won't be too angry--nor zap me with your little shock-prong device thing. In the meanwhile, I'm going to review the backstory, answer the questions you put forward, Tergos, and hopefully join the servers in-character soon!

*Thanks for the update, Sebastin. Third-person narrative, I'll verify/correct that too then. I'm so accustomed to writing biographies and character descriptions from a timeline sort of view without going into 'story detail', as it were, but more as an outside observer. Hope it's not too much trouble if I give it an update more fitting to ::JEDI::'s standards.

And again, seeing that age issue--I understand one year passes every month of real time, but considering JKA's overall age, I can't help but feel like somehow I'm in a hurry to establish my character and get involved in a more interpersonal role-play with folks, rather than waiting for half a year for my character to grow enough to start doing the cool stuff. I'll try to get myself organized, and adapt to whatever comes my way for now, I understand this is how ::JEDI:: works.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:34 pm
by Sebastin Creed
The Councilors (myself and Alehk Thol) pick up the Council Secretary Droid stuff, it's fine, we have clicked on your application, hence my feed back.

Thank you for looking into putting in an application closer to the desired third person narrative, I look forward to reading that and responding with our review.

I wouldn't worry about 'counting down' the weeks and months to age the Character, most people tend to update and age with their experiences and progression in training rather than clock watching. We expect that hopefuls will come in at a younger age (feel free to attach an age to your application and we will give you our thoughts on your selection) and should they be successful in joining us here at JEDI after their hopeful period, in which they are reviewed by our Knights+ during their in server experiences, once Initiated the natural progression of age will take effect and you will get to the good stuff.

I'd advise against try to rush towards it though, one way or another, we all get to experience the good stuff eventually. :lol:

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:43 pm
by Tergos Zemnos
No problem, man. Welcome to JEDI! Most importantly, have fun with your character. You're going to be role-playing as him or her for a while... might as well have fun, no? Remember: Personality first, force-sensitivity last.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:50 pm
by Esth Me'sku
The funnest part of JEDI is building your character. :) That's my advice.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:26 pm
by Gorrak
Hey, thank all of you for the replies. I'm very much beginning to feel a part of the community already! I think I've decided to settle on playing a Chistori after all--I've already put the basic work in, and even though there are two already, personality differences will hopefully separate the otherwise similar visage! Will still want to get an opinion on that from the two other Chistori Jedi here though, just to make sure it's cool.

So thanks again, all of you!! I appreciate it so much.

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:09 pm
by Johauna Darkrider
Back when I applied to JEDI, I made sure the character was well developped, since she started out at her mid-twenties. This RP character development sheet is actually a good way to sort out your character if you intend to start an older one, and to make some order, and help you develop your character... In fact, my application had about... what... 13 pages? :D

Just make sure that you have fun with the character though... without it, it won't feel right at all, to get into character.

Good luck.. and mainly, have fun! :)

Re: Character Creation Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:12 pm
by Oberon